I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1709 - 1778

Chapter 1709 - 1778: Wang Goudan VS Li Goudan

Chapter 1709: Chapter 1778: Wang Goudan VS Li Goudan

Translator: 549690339

Damn it… how did this happen?

Gauss stood stiffly on the spot, not daring to move at all. He could only rely on his relatively wide field of vision to look at the situation around him… .

Actually, it didn’t make any difference whether he looked or not, because he couldn’t see clearly at all! !

He could only see the flickering light and the collision of the two energies, like two huge storms colliding, and he was in the eye of the storm!

As an assassin, he had trained his eyesight since he was young. After all, his eyesight was not good, so he was unable to predict the dangers of high-speed movements.

And his many years of judgment had let him know that the two fellows he was fighting were not from the same dimension as him. At this level of speed, if he were to randomly move and get hit by them, he would probably turn into a pile of mud in an instant!

However, standing still did not mean that he was safe. It was as if whether he would be crushed like a doll was entirely dependent on the thoughts of the two fellows who were fighting!

What the… ? … how did this happen to you? Who are these two?

Gauss numbly standing in place, in the distance, has deliberately opened the distance of the Tiree Fasson people is to rely on the open field of vision to see the full picture of the two people fighting.

Although expected this is a monster duel, can really see when or can not help

but suck in a breath of cold air!

Just like Gauss, almost everyone here couldn’t see the trajectory of the two’s fight. They could only see a red and a basket of lights crisscrossing in the air, so dazzling that their eyes were exploding, but they still couldn’t see the details clearly… …

They were completely on a different level…

“Captain… Do You Want to help?”

In the team, the two rookies swallowed their saliva and asked carefully.

The old man in the team rolled his eyes and couldn’t be bothered to answer.

How could they help? With what help?

In this situation, even long-range firepower didn’t dare to provide random support. Their eyes couldn’t catch up at all, let alone predict what would happen. If they pulled the trigger, who knew if they would help their side or the other side… …

“Then… we… What should we do?” The rookie asked carefully again.

What an untactful newcomer…

Lu Luo and the others couldn’t help but sigh…

What else could they do?

In this situation…

They looked at the sky, including Yao Feng, who also fell into silence…

Of course, they could only wait…

Secret Skill… shadow steps! !

At this moment, light and shadow intersected, and only the two people who were fighting could see each other’s figures clearly. Their eyes were full of excitement, and the cells in their bodies became more and more excited as they warmed up, and their speed became faster and faster, their movements were getting smoother and smoother!

In a year of high school life, neither Wang Goudan nor Li Goudan had ever moved so freely. There was no suspense when they sparred with their mentors, and there was no suspense when they sparred with their peers.

Mentors were mentors. Although they could make you use your full strength, the feeling was still different. Because you knew that you couldn’t win, you didn’t have the excitement in your heart.

It’s boring to be in the same generation as them. A year has already made them realize that their peers around them… Are too weak… …

So weak that they can’t muster the slightest bit of enthusiasm…

Especially Li Goudan. During the final training period, in order to maintain cooperation, she had to suppress her nature. Under the arrangements of her mentor, she had to coordinate with the speed of her teammates, their mobility, and the strength that her teammates needed… …

It was like running with a load on her shoulders. Her body was covered in layers of shackles, and it was so stifling that she could not breathe… .

It had been a year… … At this moment, she could finally completely release the shackles on her body! josei

Li Goudan no longer suppressed her boiling blood. She allowed the electric-like excitement to spread throughout her entire body. She allowed her body to display its full potential. This feeling of releasing everything made her feel at ease!

Boom! !

With another loud bang, Goudan’s lithe figure retreated. Her sharp claws, which were almost millimeters long, tore through the air in front of her and completely melted the metal tree beside her!

No one could understand how such a high-density material from a plane could be destroyed by a level 10 creature. However, both of them could feel that their natural instincts had been unleashed to the limit in this space!

Li Goudan’s heart skipped a beat when he narrowly avoided the grab. However, he did not feel the slightest bit of fear. Instead, he only felt his blood boiling!

In his mind, the various wrong steps that his master had taught him surged into his mind. Many of the techniques that he had practiced a month ago were still unfamiliar to him. However, for some unknown reason, he was extremely familiar with them every single time he exchanged blows at the limit, it was as if he had used it ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times, a hundred thousand times, and it was so easy to use!

But even so, he still could not shake off Wang Goudan!

That fellow was like a magnet. No matter how brilliant his stagger techniques were, it would always be able to keep up with him. Its movements were clearly so barbaric, and it was clear that this speed could not be changed without using techniques, but the other party had done it.

Its incomparably barbaric movements, however, relied on the terrifying control of its body. It forcibly stopped every time it turned a corner to change directions, and once again caught up with it. It was like a racing car that could brake to zero speed at any time, it was simply a BUG-Iike existence!

And it was still so powerful…

A green light flashed in Li Goudan’s eyes. He knew that he could not continue to get close like this. He was still a ranger, and a wind demon ranger at that. Only by pulling apart the distance could he take advantage of the Ranger’s equipment advantage!

Secret Skill: Shadow Steps!

After pulling out of the area that had been sealed off by the demon blade, Li Goudan didn’t hesitate to use the secret skill that his master Wayne had taught him. His entire body instantly turned into an elemental state and disappeared into the elemental plane!

The instant Li Goudan disappeared, Wang Xiaojia’s body suddenly froze on the spot. Once again, she came to an unbelievable stop at high speed. It was as if she didn’t need to skate at all, the terrifying agility made the members of the Tirefarson team in the distance gulp again.

They suddenly felt extremely fortunate that this kind of monster… … Was on their side… …


Wang Goudan was not in the mood to care about the others’surprise. She narrowed her burning black eyes and kept looking around, trying to catch Li Goudan’s position. In the next second, several green lights shot out from a direction with the power of a spiral!

Goudan’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly turned around to dodge. The green spiral almost brushed past the dragon scales on his body, and intense sparks lit up. It was as if two chainsaws had turned on their maximum horsepower and collided with each other, the sharp sound of friction made people’s Goosebumps stand on end, and the spectators could not help but cover their ears!

Bang Bang! !

In the next second, two green lights brushed past Wang Goudan’s body, bringing with them a terrifying spiral power. They nailed onto the huge iron tree around them. The iron tree, which was obviously made of high alloy, was penetrated by the two green lights, spider-web-like cracks appeared on it!

This scene caused the eyes of the people from Tiriverson, who were already numb to the shock, to almost pop out of their sockets!

What…. was that?

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