I have a bunch of players on Earth

Chapter 1759 - 1759

Chapter 1759 - 1759: 1,827: the second person…

Chapter 1759: Chapter 1,827: the second person…

Translator: 549690339

Little cabbage had always been a heartless person. Many things were difficult to attract her attention. For example, when she was faced with Helana’s story, she wasn’t interested at all… …

Who in this world didn’t have a story? Could it be that what you had was a story, and what I had was a joke?

In her opinion, eating well, sleeping well, the world was vast!

But even though she was heartless, there were still some things that needed to be taken seriously, such as something as important as a dead person…

“How could this be?”

The moment they saw the corpse, everyone in Starry Sky Academy revealed an expression of disbelief!

Little cabbage had just said that there were dead people here, and everyone, including Arthas, felt that it was funny. This was a trial under the care of a top-notch senior, how could they allow a student to die here?

For this kind of invitation trial, if any high school student had an accident, the organizer would have to bear a huge responsibility. No student would dare to make a move on such an occasion, because once something happened.., the higher-ups of the Bronze Academy would personally take down and give an explanation. Even a school that protected its own people like the Divine Arcana

Academy would not be able to stop it!

However, the situation before their eyes had indeed broken their understanding… …

That slender figure, the exquisite black school uniform, and that handsome and devilish face all proved the identity of the place. It was the number one assassin of the Night Shade Academy: Bi Dong. Remnant color!

“One strike to kill…”

Tura squatted down and took a careful look at the other party’s wound. It was a needle hole that was even smaller than a pore. Ordinary people would not even be able to detect it with the naked eye. If it was not for that little bit of sticky blood, they would not have been able to find it in such a short period of time.

“It should be a weapon like an ice spike that instantly froze the heart and lungs, shattering the heart meridian… “Tura touched the other party’s chest and continued, “A very professional assassin’s technique. It’s not strange…

But… ”

Everyone’s expression turned cold when they heard that. They all understood what the other party was trying to say.

The technique was not strange, but what was strange was the person who was struck!

Bi Dong was one of the publicly acknowledged strongest assassins in the past few years of the fellowship. The other party dared to follow the entire starry sky academy team alone because he was very capable. For such a person to be killed in one blow by an assassin’s technique… Just thinking about it made one’s hair stand on end… .

On the other hand, Arthas looked at his surroundings. To the Southwest was a knitted bionic iron forest. The terrain was complex, and it was extremely well hidden. Bi Dong clearly knew that he had been discovered, thus, the terrain he chose was extremely advantageous to the scouts, making it easy for them to retreat.

Even if he and Tura joined forces, they weren’t confident that they would be able to keep the other party in such a complex terrain, not to mention killing the other party so cleanly. The level of the assassin who made a move was rather exaggerated…

Who could it be?

No… ! … and that wasn’t the most important thing. The most important thing was that even though the person was dead, the teacher in charge of monitoring didn’t have any reaction at all! ! !

The atmosphere of the entire team suddenly became extremely tense. Everyone here was a smart person. If UIs could think of something, no one wouldn’t have thought of it. After they reacted, they all had nervous expressions that were filled with fear… …

However, it had to be said that the Starry Sky Academy was an elite team. When faced with such a sudden incident, they did not show any signs of confusion. Everyone reacted immediately.

The scouts in the team quickly moved to a position with a very good view, keeping an eye on their surroundings. The arcanists set up a sensing barrier, and the equipment owners immediately started to activate certain specific devices.

“Arthas…”Tura slowly stood up, his expression grave. “What should we do

“I’m afraid something big has happened…” arthas rubbed his fingers, his eyes narrowed into a line. “The seniors in charge of the control of the field in the bronze academy haven’t made any movements. It’s unrealistic to expect the seniors to solve the problem in such a short time. We have to leave this place as soon as possible!”

“Back to the gate? “Said Tula hastily.

“No… <per_0> . “Arthas shook his head. “The four high priests are all at the city gate, and they are using the device at the city gate to monitor the entire scene. Now that something has happened here and they are not here, there is a high chance that something has happened to the senior priest at the gate as well. If they continue to gather there in such a situation, they are courting death!”

“Well… ”

“Go to the center of the city! “Arles took a breath and said, “Find the fire shard as soon as possible! ”

“Still want to look for the divine fire at this time?”Tula frowned, a look that you are crazy.

“Only the shard of divine fire can save us!” Said Aars in a low voice.

was stunned, was about to ask again, but has looked at the side of the little cabbage: “Girl, how did you find out that this guy was in trouble?”

“I saw it just like that…”. “…”. ” …”cabbage looked up and said, “Two guys have been following us. I had been paying attention to them, but my attention was attracted by the fish meat. When I looked up again, I found that this guy was dead, and the person behind him was no longer there…”. “. ”

“Two people?”

Tura and the other main players looked at little cabbage abruptly, ignoring the fact that the other party was attracted by the fish meat. They asked in surprise,

“When did it become two people?”

“It was always two people… “little cabbage looked at them in confusion. “Didn’t you see it?”

Tura and the others were stunned. It was always two people? Why didn’t they see it?

“Was it always there? The second person? “Arthas narrowed his eyes and asked, “Which position?”

“Always there… “little cabbage looked baffled. “It was about three meters behind this guy. It was always together!”

“Hiss… ”

After receiving this reply, the hairs on Tura and the other main force members stood on end, and they sucked in a breath of cold air.

Was this for real?

There were two of them from the start? Why didn’t they notice it? Forget it. Bi Dong was a top-notch assassin. How could he not notice that someone had been following him for such a long time when he was three meters away from him?

“Could it be that they’re together? “The assassin in the team, Hales, could not help but say, “Perhaps they’re from the Night Shade Academy?”

As a scout in the team from the Starry Sky Academy, he had fought with Bi Dong several times. He knew very well what kind of level an assassin was capable of being able to get three meters away from Bi Dong without him realizing it. No one in their entire team could defend against such an assassin…

“It shouldn’t be… “Hales shook his head and directly denied this more optimistic guess. He said faintly, “The nature of an assassin is that it’s impossible for people to follow behind him. No matter how familiar they are with him, it’s impossible…”

Hearing this, Hales was stunned for a moment, then he could only smile bitterly and nod his head. This was indeed the truth. Many people felt that assassins were solitary. Every time they stood in a corner, they would be at the edge of the crowd. Little did they know that this was not because they were solitary. It’s a work habit…

Arthas is right, even if it is the same Academy teammates, as an assassin, Bidong will not let people follow in such a sensitive position.

“Cabbage… “Arthas looked at little cabbage and said, “What are you looking

Everyone looked over when they heard that and found that the little girl’s gaze was erratic, as if her attention was not there.

“I’m looking at that person… “little cabbage frowned and said, “He’s always around…”

Everyone:” ! !


A few hundred meters away, a black shadow was strangely shuttling through the forest, just like a ghost covered in shadows!

Under the shadows, a pair of green eyes were staring intently at the native Elf in the starry sky academy team, and the other party was also staring at it, as if no matter how much he tried to move, he could not shake off the other party’s gaze…

“He can really see me, this little fellow….”

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