I Have A City In An Alternate World

Chapter 2101 - 2101 Brainstorming (1)

Chapter 2101 - 2101 Brainstorming (1)

2101 Brainstorming (1)

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The resistance of the sea was so great that even a bullet that could break gold and stone would become soft and powerless in the water.

It would be very difficult to deal with the underwater monsters with guns and cannons alone. Once the monsters got close in groups, no matter how strong the hull was, it would not be able to withstand their damage.

In this case, special weapons were needed to eliminate the sea monsters.

Tang Zhen would arrange a device similar to a rocket launch nest at the bottom of the warship. It could launch a cross-shaped spear with a length of about five meters. It could attack the underwater sea monster with extremely high speed.

At the same time, there would be runic magic circles on the weapons to enhance their penetration and destructive power, achieving the effect of large-scale killing.

Such a weapon alone was not enough to ensure the safety of the hull underwater, so the hull itself would also become like a Hedgehog at the right time.

If the sea monster tried to charge, it would only turn itself into a hornet’s nest.

Tang Zhen also allowed his believers to participate in the research of methods to fight against the sea monster. If the suggestion was reasonable and adopted, they would receive the corresponding reward.

Hearing that their ideas could be deployed on the warship, the believers were very excited. If that was the case, it would be a great sense of accomplishment.

Therefore, in the process of construction, the believers constantly explored and analyzed the feasibility of various methods.

Soon, someone suggested that they could use some methods to harass the sea monsters during battle, even preventing them from approaching the warship.

As long as the chances of sea monsters approaching were reduced, the number of times the ship would be attacked would be greatly reduced, allowing the believers to launch attacks more calmly.

This idea seemed unrealistic, but it was actually not impossible. One had to know that this was not an ordinary world. The use of World Energy was everywhere.

can we use the runic magic circle to completely freeze the seawater around the warship? this way, it can become a natural barrier to isolate the sea monsters.

There was solid ice underwater, so it was impossible for sea monsters to attack from underwater. This way, the threat could be reduced by at least half.

If the sea monsters want to get close to the warship, they must be on the ice, so that we can use our weapon advantage to attack effectively.

If the warship wants to move, it can also use the runic magic circle to quickly melt the upper ice layer and move freely on the ice Land, thus ensuring enough mobility!”

The one who made the suggestion was a recruited believer. After carefully studying the blueprint, he spoke of his idea.

The other believers felt that what he said made sense. This way, they could take the initiative and kill the sea monsters efficiently while ensuring their own safety.

that’s a good idea, but it’s not easy to achieve. It takes a lot of energy to freeze the ocean in a short time. Can the runic magic circle on the warship do that? ”

Someone raised an objection. If this problem could not be solved, then everything would be a fantasy.

“I can inscribe a type of runic magic circle. After the disk array is released, it can instantly freeze an area with a diameter of 100 meters.

However, a formation disk required a large number of divine stones and could only be used once. He felt that it was not worth it.

If we want to seal off the waters around the warship and force the monsters to land, we need a better way.”

When the believer said this, he showed a hint of helplessness. It was obvious that he regretted that his idea could not be realized.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and came to the side of the believers.

“The method you mentioned is not impossible. Since one runic magic circle can’t do it, then we’ll put in ten or a hundred!

If the runic magic circle could be improved and enhanced, then the consumption would be greatly reduced. Perhaps it could be done with a very small number of disk arrays.

You don’t even need to use a formation disk. You can just engrave the runic magic circle on the warship to complete this.”

The believers turned around when they heard the voice that suddenly sounded, only to discover that Tang Zhen had appeared without them knowing.

“We pay our respects to Your Excellency Tang Zhen!”

The believers didn’t have much respect for the commander of the defensive area. Some of the more arrogant believers even ignored the commander.

However, the believers still maintained a sufficient amount of respect for the truly powerful. Moreover, these believers had long been shocked by Tang Zhen’s attainments in runic magic circles. Their hearts were filled with admiration.

After hearing Tang Zhen’s words, the believers ‘eyes brightened. The problem that they could not solve did not mean that Tang Zhen could not solve it.

The believer who made the suggestion was even more short of breath. If his suggestion could be adopted, not only would he be rewarded, but it would also bring him a great sense of achievement.

Tang Zhen looked at the surrounding believers and spoke in an indifferent tone,”I actually know of a type of runic magic circle that can instantly freeze an area with a diameter of a thousand meters. It doesn’t consume too much energy.

Moreover, the effects of this runic magic circle could be stacked. As long as there was enough control from the spell caster, the frozen area could be expanded infinitely.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the spell-caster’s strength must be high enough, and their mind power must be strong enough. Otherwise, there’s no way they can support such a massive mobilization of natural energy.”

When the believers heard this, they could not help but feel disappointed. If that was the case, where would they find enough powerhouses to support the operation of the runic magic circle?

After seeing the disappointed expressions of those believers, Tang Zhen smiled and said,”Don’t forget that there’s a temple on the warship. When the time comes, you can pay for the temple to power the runic magic circle.

As long as you have enough battle merits, not to mention sealing off the sea area near the warship, even if it’s a hundred times larger, you can easily do it!”

Upon hearing this, the believers immediately came to a realization.

“That’s right, why didn’t I think of that earlier!”

“Sir Tang Zhen’s method is completely feasible. You should know that the temple can provide auxiliary attacks, and it’s more than enough to activate the runic magic circle.”

the most important thing is that after the temple controls the runic magic circle, there’s no need to specially look for experts. Even ordinary believers can fly warships out to sea!

“Although it may consume a lot of Battle Points and affect the temple’s upgrade, it’s nothing compared to the gains. As long as we win the battle, we can easily make up for it!”

The group of believers became more and more excited as they spoke. After solving the problem of energy supply, many bold and imaginative ideas emerged one after another.

For example, if a sea monster was caught in a fire that was inextinguishable in water, it would be burned to ashes.

For example, extremely thin and tough metal threads could be used to connect objects with super thrust and spin them rapidly in the ocean.

As long as the sea monster touched the metal wire, it would be cut in an instant. There was no chance to Dodge at all.

Another example was to control a metal wheel with a sharp blade and shuttle back and forth in the ocean, attacking everything in its way.

Some people even suggested releasing poison directly, turning the area around the warship into a dead zone. Once the monsters got close, they would die without a doubt. josei

Suggestions to use runic magic circles to shoot icicles and water arrows, or sound wave lightning attacks, were endless.

From the suggestions of the believers, it was clear that they were no longer satisfied with using guns and weapons to attack. They wanted to use more ferocious and direct means to attack.

If it wasn’t for the suppression of the rules of the divine Kingdom, low-level energy attacks would have no effect at all. Then, according to the design of these believers, the warship would have become a magical style sooner or later.

Unfortunately, some of his ideas were destined not to be realized. Energy attacks with too much destructive power could not be used in a divine Kingdom.

The temple was like a super battery, storing all the energy of the entire God’s kingdom, maintaining the operation of the God’s kingdom, and conjuring all kinds of items, but it would never be easily obtained by the believers.

If the cultivators could get it, the sea monsters could also get it. By then, the mountain defense area would not be able to resist the attacks of the sea monsters.

If the cultivators ‘strength wasn’t limited and they didn’t lose their ability to fly, how could cannons and battleships shine?

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