I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1012 - Leave without Saying Goodbye

Chapter 1012 - Leave without Saying Goodbye

Chapter 1012 Leave without Saying Goodbye

So big.

No, precisely, extremely big.

It was the only feeling left on Jiang Chen’s fingertips.

A ray of sunshine passed through the window and sprinkled onto Jiang Chen’s eyelashes. The muscles on the corners of his eyes contracted slightly, and the eyelids that were half-closed opened. The sound of snoring stopped abruptly as Jiang Chen struggled to open his sore eyes.

There were a few birds singing outside the window. From the sun that already rose above the treetops, it was probably after ten.

He searched around him, but didn’t manage to find any clothes. The only thing he found was a piece of cloth.

“Black? This is…”

Jiang Chen discerned from his blurred sight that it seemed to be a underwear, the type that had lace…

Out of reflex, he tossed it to the side and instantly woke up.

“What the fu*k, how is this here? It’s Ayesha’s… No, last night…”

Shaking his dazed brain, Jiang Chen sat up from the bed, closed his eyes to meditate while desperately searching through his snippets of memory from last night.

As he searched further, the fragments of his memory gradually gathered like a puzzle and everything gradually became clearer.

“It was Natasha.”

His lips moved slightly as he whispered to himself. He looked around but she was not seen on the bed or on the floor.

Last night, Natasha knocked on his door, went to the kitchen for a bowl of noodles, and then took out a bottle of vodka from the fridge… These trivial things didn’t matter. Jiang Chen remembered having a few drinks with her, listening to her talk about her childhood, and then… and then both of them got drunk and he couldn’t remember who took the initiative but remember that the two finally hugged together and rolled onto the carpet. He seemed to have hurt her.

“Did I just…?” With a bitter smile, he held his head. Although he almost crossed the boundary of friendship countless time, he never thought it would end up this way.

Jiang Chen didn’t feel any awkwardness or regret. He never was the type that felt bad after crossing the boundary. The only regret was the lack of memory from last night, and she disappeared after waking up.

“This is not good, how do I say hi to her when I see her… fu*k.”

When he got out of bed, he almost slipped.

After getting dressed, Jiang Chen went to the bathroom to wash up. Now at half-past ten, there was still a little bit of time before lunch. So, he decided to eat something to fill his stomach. However, when he opened the fridge and his eyes swept across the shelf before suddenly stopping.

One, two, three, four… four?

Jiang Chen rubbed his eyes. josei

There were no mistakes. It was indeed four bottles.

He clearly remembered that the four bottles of vodka were from the logistics personnel in the base. He asked them to purchase the bottles for him when they went to the nearby town.

This kind of potato-brewed vodka was too spicy for his throat, and Jiang Chen didn’t like the taste of it. The reason why he put a few bottles in the fridge was mainly for Natasha who often came to steal food from him. However, there wasn’t a single bottle of vodka in the fridge, then the vodka from last night…

Finally realizing what happened, Jiang Chen slammed the fridge door and rushed to the entrance.

As expected, Natasha’s shoes were not there. Jiang Chen did not even change before rushing to the corridor and turning to the front of Natasha’s door.


He just knocked on the door once, and the door opened by itself.

Jiang Chen stopped and then stepped in.

There were two pairs of shoes missing, and the luggage next to the shoe cabinet was gone.

The curtains in the living room were pulled shut and the light in the room was very dark. Jiang Chen searched in every room, even the washroom, but she was nowhere to be seen. He entered his bedroom again and opened his wardrobe.

There was only one set of pajamas left in the closet. It was the one she wore last night, and the rest of her clothes were disappeared.

Obviously, she already left.

“Did I say too much last night? You didn’t even say goodbye.” Jiang Chen with a bitter smile shook his head and sat on her bed.

All kinds of clues pointed to one thing, that was, Natasha left without saying goodbye, and already planned it last night.

She brought the vodka that contained a “special ingredient”; likely a benign drug that did not trigger his immune mechanism. The reason why she did this was probably to bid farewell to him.

It was also what Jiang Chen was most afraid of.

Where did she have to go that she must say goodbye to him in this fashion? It was not a farewell; the night’s intimacy was to make up for some regret. Therefore, when she was leaving, she had already planned for the worst.


Jiang Chen punched the wall and even shook the closet.

As early as in Moscow, he discovered that Natasha might have encountered trouble. He originally thought that it was only a small problem such as a conflict between father and daughter. When she needed help from him, she would naturally ask him for help. But he did not expect that the trouble she encountered was not a small problem, and she was so stubborn that she didn’t even mention and just left.

If she encountered some trouble, if she was willing to say it, he wouldn’t turn a blind eye to her. But she chose the most difficult road of facing it alone. What was this girl’s head made out of?

Now, he didn’t even know where she went.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Chen pressed his index finger on his temple and tried to recall every detail of last night, trying to uncover the truth hidden behind the thin mask.

Just then, footsteps came from outside the room.

Jiang Chen looked up and saw Ayesha standing at the door, looking at himself with a confused look.

“I didn’t see you in your room and her door was open… What happened?” Seeing Jiang Chen didn’t have the best look on his face, Ayesha rushed to his side and sat down. Holding his hand, she asked with a concerned voice.

Jiang Chen patted her hand gently, telling her not to worry. He then adjusted his expression, and said.

“Ayesha, did you see Natasha when you came?”

Ayesha shook her head and looked around the room. When she saw the open wardrobe, she suddenly understood something. The hand holding Jiang Chen’s hand tightened and her sapphire eyes looked sternly at him, ” When did she leave?”

“Morning… maybe last night.”

“I am going to help you bring her back.”

Ayesha stood up and was ready to leave. However, Jiang Chen did not let go of her hand and pulled her back.

“What are you worried about? You don’t even know where she is, how can you get her back?”


“Let the Ghost Agents of Moscow keep an eye out for her. If she is going back to Moscow, then don’t worry about her.”

Among all possibilities, it was the most optimistic possibility. If she did not return to Moscow, she was likely to be on the border.

“I will let them know now.” Ayesha nodded.

“Not so fast. There is something else I need you to do. Find someone for me.”


“Marina. If I remember correctly, she should be Natasha’s mother…”

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