I Have a Mansion in the Post-apocalyptic World

Chapter 1230 - Inheritance and Gif

Chapter 1230 - Inheritance and Gif

1230 Inheritance and Gif

Jiang Chen looked at everything that was happening in front of his eyes and was silent for a long time.

After a while, he finally squeezed out a question.

“Why don’t you go to the other planets? If you can reach even the core, it shouldn’t be difficult to get out of this planet.”

“I have to correct your point of view. Not everyone is looking forward to the sky,” The light ball said in a calm tone, “We are more willing to explore downwards, and the solar system was quite young at the time. Young means barren.”

“In fact, from long ago, we also tried to explore the sky above us, but no one wanted to leave this piece of land. We would rather stay in the cave for a lifetime than to stay on the surface for a second too long, let alone the more distant universes. We have no tradition of traveling far away, all our traditions, beliefs and cultures revolve around our mines.” josei

“We took the metal of the core and replaced the geomagnetic field with a magnetic generating device. However, when we tried to use the power of the entire planet to create the strongest metal, it caused a terrible disaster.”

“The magnetic field of Mars disappeared, and the solar wind blew away our atmosphere. The plants withered and lives vanished. The ecological reserves that we built on the surface for centuries were destroyed in an instant. Under the radiation, countless of our kind passed away in sickness. Everything happened so suddenly, so suddenly that we were not prepared.”

“At the start of the apocalypse, we put all the works of art, antiques, and anything that can prove that we existed in this building.”

“But in the end, it seems that only the building itself lasted.”

The silence lasted for a long time.

With a sigh, Jiang Chen said softly.

“This is regretful.”

“Regretful?” The light ball seemed to be smiling and even Jiang Chen did not know why he felt this way. “In fact, when the apocalypse was coming, we felt everything except regretful.”

“I have said, we are frivolous about minerals, obsessed with metal. In the end, we created the strongest and most powerful metal in nature, and its existence even exceeds our definition of metal... although we have exhausted our final fate, it is in some ways the perfect ending to us.”

The tone of the light ball was very peaceful, and every note was calm; even till the last moment. To him, it was not an elegy of civilization, but just an ancient story.

That was it.

“We have no other wishes, nor requests. The last Gaia passed away peacefully in this hall. Our only wish is to hope that you can remember that in this universe, there used to be this civilization.”

“You have passed on our memories, and I must give you a gift in appreciation.”

“If our knowledge can help you solve the problems you are facing, please take it freely.”

“The door is below your feet. As for the key, we stored it in a spacecraft and placed it in the orbit of Mars. Since you can get here from the distant Earth, it should not be difficult to find it. ”

“It is a sphere that weighs a hundred kilograms. It is the crystallization of the Gaia civilization.”

Having said that, the light ball sounded relieved.

“It’s all over and I can finally rest. Perfect, my time is almost up.”

Jiang Chen hurriedly asked, “Wait, that strong interaction material, how did you—”

“That thing? We call it planetary forging technology.” The ball gradually dimmed, but the sound from it was as calm as ever.

“Planet forging technology?” Jiang Chen was dumbfounded.

“Even if we had a lot of time, it’s very cumbersome to explain. So don’t think about it. In order to make that ball, we’ve almost exhausted all the strength of our civilization...”

The sound from the light ball was weakened to an extreme; it was like a dying candle flickering in the wind.

Just as Jiang Chen was about to ask a few other things, everything around him began to collapse.

With the fading world, the light ball gradually turned into light particles. With the last memory of the Gaia civilization, he fell into the bottomless darkness.

Staring at the darkness that gradually drifted away, Jiang Chen suddenly began to question himself.

Just like the emptiness, it not only engulfed the memory of the Gaia civilization, but also the universe...

If the core is the end of the Gaia civilization, then where is the end of human civilization?


“No, it’s really not me, I didn’t do anything,” with a cold barrel against the back of his head. Dr. Amos frantically typed in front of the computer. “Weird, how could it be? All the data is normal, but the drone is gone! The signal is lost? Hell!”

Ayesha aimed a pistol at Dr. Amos as she looked coldly at the doctor in the white coat.

Behind her stood a team of heavily armed soldiers that were holding Reaper Assault Rifles. The black tactical helmet blocked their eyes, but could not block their murderous vibe.

“What if I unplug the power supply?” Ayesha said coldly.

“It may have unpredictable consequences for the brain. I advise you not to do that...” Dr. Amos said while sweating profusely.

A desire to kill flashed in Ayesha’s eyes as her thumb moved to the safety.

“Please, don’t do this...” Amos’s tone was mixed with pleading.

Ghost Agents stood behind him and the door was guarded by the most powerful special force in Celestial Trade. They were all people that didn’t blink when they killed, and these guys only recognize one person, the person currently in the chair.

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would be unconscious in his lab for three days! Jesus Christ, he tried the device on himself countless times and never experienced a problem. The one time something happened, Jiang Chen was the one wearing the device?

Could it be because of the remains of that civilization? But it was tens of millions of kilometers from here!

God, if he knew this would happen, he would never have dared to let Jiang Chen witness history with the helmet. He would much rather something happened to himself since he still has Millian...

“Dr. Amos, I heard that you are from Frankberg.”

“Yes... but I swear to God that I have nothing to do with the Freemasonry or the Kurofune. Damnit, I came to Xin because I wanted to distance myself away from those things. If you don’t believe me...”

Dr. Amos was going to say, “If you don’t believe me, you can ask your husband,” but looking at the still motionless Jiang Chen, he swallowed the sentence back down.

Angering the lioness would only make the situation worse...

“I’m sorry that I am not a Christian. Now you are suspected of murdering the president of Celestial Trade. If you can’t give me a reasonable explanation, I am afraid you can only explain it to God,” Ayesha said slowly, word by word.

Zhu Yu stood next to Ayesha and was silent.

While she was also worried about Jiang Chen, she was also surprised.

She always thought that her instructor was a relatively emotionless, cold-blooded woman, but she did not expect that she would be angry and irrational because of someone else.


Just then, a cough came from the corner of the room.

Every pair of eyes focused on the source of the sound.

Jiang Chen slowly sat up from the chair, reached out, and took off the helmet on his head. He shook his sore head, met the eyes that were focused on him, and suddenly felt confused.

“You are... what happened?”

“You’re finally awake...” Amos looked at the muzzle that moved away from his head and collapsed in his chair while feeling completely exhausted. With his last strength, he joked. “If you were two seconds late, your wife might have already sent me to see God.”

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