I Have an Animal Assassins Group

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

The assassination attempt on Joseph had caused quite a stir in Z-City, and many people were afraid to go out on the streets.

However, after a few days, the impact of the incident began to diminish.

People still ate and played whenever they could, and there were still many people on the streets at nine o’clock.

But Adams felt that he had to be careful.

Otherwise, he would be easily noticed.

After all, there were so many cameras.

Once the police found out, although he had the super ability to evolve animals, he had yet to build a large army.

A bee, a mantis, a crow, and a cobra. If these four guys wanted to go against a huge state machine, they would be dreaming.

Therefore, before he was absolutely powerful, it was better to keep a low profile.

However, even if he kept a low profile, he still had to maintain his efficiency.

Adams planned to form a small animal team in a short period of time.

Adams had also thought that he didn’t need to go to school at all. After all, he wouldn’t be able to learn anything and would waste his time on missions.

But after thinking about it, he decided that it would be interesting to go to school.

He didn’t need to go to school to learn anything, but his identity as a student would help him a lot.

After all, no one would associate the image of a cold-blooded murderer with that of an ignorant college student.

Moreover, Adams’ image in school was that of a kind, sunny, and compassionate person.

This was his best cover and disguise.

Back to the current Adams.

His current target was the rich kid who had just accepted the mission.

This rich kid was in Y-City next door, so Adams had to run from Z-City to Y-City to complete the mission.

But as mentioned earlier, Adams needed to keep a low profile.

If he took public transportation and ran directly from Z-City to Y-City, he would leave a lot of traces and evidence.

He still had to move around the location of the mission target. When the police investigated, they would accidentally find him and find out that he had taken a public transportation to the vicinity of the target on the night of the murder, then the target would die.

As long as the police were not idiots, they would immediately list themselves as the main suspects.

Therefore, Adams could not directly take public transport to Y-City.

Adams lit up a cigarette and pondered for a while on the roadside with the box containing the killer team.

But soon, he thought of a way.

If he couldn’t use public transportation, why not use a black car?

Black car drivers drove for money. It didn’t matter where they went or what they did.

If they saw the police, they would run. Why would they cooperate with the police?

With that in mind, Adams quickly took action. He took a taxi to a nearby location where he could use a black car.

Then, Adams walked for a while and arrived at his destination.josei

After waiting for a while, a black car soon arrived.

The black car drove to Adams’ side, honked twice, rolled down the window, and revealed the face of a bearded middle-aged man.

“Hey, young man, do you want to take a ride?”

“Of course.”

Adams shrugged, opened the door, and got into the car.

“Where are you going?”

“Y-City. I’m going to play with my friends.”

The conversation was short. Adams was not a talkative person, and the bearded man saw that Adams did not like to talk, so he shut his mouth and drove in peace.

He drove a black car to earn money.

After playing more than a dozen country songs on the car, Adams arrived at his destination.

According to the information provided by the Dark Net, Adams learned that this rich kid named Godard Walker had booked a room in the most luxurious hotel in the city center today.

The room number was also checked out. It was a luxury suite on the 28th floor.

After learning this information, Adams did not waste any time. He immediately headed to the vicinity of the hotel.

He grabbed a cab and headed downstairs.

But when he arrived, he didn’t go in. He didn’t even enter the front door.

He let Bumblebee out of the box.

Then he let it follow the other guests into the hotel.

Bumblebee attached itself to the guests’ clothes and entered the lobby.

Adams directed Bumblebee to enter the elevator, planning to let it directly take the elevator to the 28th floor.

Bumblebee flew to the top of the elevator, grabbed a sign with its claws, and stopped there, waiting for the destination to arrive.

Unfortunately, after staying in the elevator for several minutes, it did not stop near the 28th floor.

Finally, a person came out of the elevator on the 25th floor. Adams did not care so much and directly let Bumblebee out of the elevator.

Buzz, buzz–

The sound of Bumblebee’s flight attracted the attention of the guests in the elevator.

“What’s going on? Why are there flies in the hotel?”

“I think it’s bees, not flies.”

“You’re such an idiot. Of course it’s flies in the hotel. When have you ever seen bees in the hotel?”

“Maybe you’re right.”

While the two were arguing in the elevator, Bumblebee flew further and further away and went straight to the stairs.

“It’s the 25th floor now, three floors away from the target’s 28th floor.”

“Fly up, Bumblebee.”

Adams was sitting on a bench outside the hotel. He was smoking as he gave orders to Bumblebee.

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