I Have Become A Demon God. Did You Just Ask Me To Be A Minor Villain?

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Life is unpredictable. The large intestine wraps the small intestine!

“What? One of the main characters from the Temple Knight Reserve was taken by the Earl of Blackstone Territory?” Jarrell’s voice echoed through the independent mansion in the King’s Capital.

In King’s Capital, the protagonist and the villain were clearly defined. Although Jarrell and his cohorts couldn’t recklessly attack the protagonist, they kept close surveillance on him. They had many informants in the capital to gather intelligence.

Jarrell was shocked when news of the incident at the Holy See headquarters reached them. The news quickly spread to several other villainous dukes, who were also taken aback by the development.

Soon after, these villains gathered, still surprised by the recent events. The fact that Su Mo managed to handle the protagonist at the Holy See headquarters shocked them.

One of the dukes’ heirs asked, “Did your informants see how the Earl of Blackstone Territory captured the protagonist?”

The other villains shook their heads. Their informants could only gather information from the vicinity of the church, where they pretended to be ordinary citizens praying. Although, they couldn’t get any core details since their informants were limited to only observing the surrounding movement. They had no access to inside information.

However, the villains could only observe the situation from a distance, as the guard knights brought by the Queen of the Crescent prevented them from getting closer. One of the duke’s heirs speculated, “Based on my informant’s report, it’s likely that the Earl of Blackstone Territory used the Queen of the Crescent to carry out the assassination.”

Another duke’s heir added, “It’s possible that the Queen of the Crescent is a saint of God and holds considerable power within the Holy See.”

The others nodded in agreement, acknowledging that the Earl of Blackstone Territory and the Queen of the Crescent had a good relationship based on the recent events.

The leading villains in these alliances shared their information and speculated about recent events, much like the protagonist in the King’s Capital. They believed Su Mo had likely used a proxy to carry out the assassination.

They were unaware that Su Mo dealt with her so quickly because the Queen of the Crescent Moon had actively protected him. They also didn’t know that the Queen had considered marrying Su Mo after stepping down as a saint. Despite this revelation, the villains still regarded Su Mo with admiration.

“I agree. It’s worth trying to bring the Earl of Blackstone Territory into our alliance,” said the leading duke’s heir.

“But if we can’t bring him in, we need to be careful not to let him discover our plans. I have a feeling that there’s something off about him,” another duke’s heir cautioned.

While several other duke’s heirs spoke up, agreeing that more strength would be beneficial, they also expressed concern about sharing the benefits with an additional member.

Su Mo’s previous guess was correct. They planned to launch a wave of attacks against the protagonist. However, their attitudes towards Su Mo were mixed.

“The Holy See handing over Tang Hua to the Earl of Blackstone Territory is indeed strange,” one of the palace guards said in a low voice.

The King’s Capital was divided into two parts, the inner palace and the outer palace. The king conducted political affairs in the outer palace, met with officials and nobles, or received foreign guests. Meanwhile, the inner palace was the king’s residence. Typically, male and female kings preferred to station female knights or magicians in the inner palace, while male guards were stationed in the outer palace.

Joining the King’s Capital Guard was a challenging feat. The background check was extremely strict, and only those with clean backgrounds could pass. After obtaining strength through their “golden finger,” these two guards signed up for the guard anyway. They successfully passed the assessment and became part of the palace guard, though their status was relatively low, similar to that of a handyman.

Despite their lower status, the guards were still difficult to touch for the aristocratic villains, as they had the protection and support of the King’s Capital Guard.

Upon learning that the Holy See had given the lead role to Su Mo, the two guards felt a bit perplexed and uneasy.

“Hey, Li Fei, if the Queen has a good rapport with the Earl of Blackstone Territory, wouldn’t it be risky for us to stay here?” One guard asked the other.

“Don’t worry, no matter how close their relationship is. It can’t be that good. Plus, the Queen of the Crescent isn’t foolish. She must know that the Earl of Blackstone Territory is being used blatantly. If she finds out later, she’ll have an issue with him,” the other guard reassured.

“That’s true. The Earl of Blackstone Territory can’t meddle in palace affairs. Let’s not leave the palace in the next few days and not give him a chance,” the first guard agreed.

Although the guards felt a little uneasy, they ultimately decided to remain in the palace.

“Let’s focus on strengthening ourselves with our skills for now,” one protagonist suggested.

“Stand up. The Queen’s carriage will be here soon,” the chief guard interrupted. The two protagonists quickly straightened up and stopped chatting.

Soon, Queen Crescent’s carriage slowly entered the palace gates, followed by another carriage. As the Crescent Queen’s carriage came to a stop, she called out to Cathy, a member of her retinue.

“Cathy,” the Queen’s faint voice addressed her.

“Your Majesty, please give me your orders,” Cathy replied.

“Send an additional team of guards to ensure the safety of the Earl of Blackstone Territory at night,” the Queen commanded.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Cathy acknowledged and took the order.

“Captain Yimo, gather your team and follow me,” Cathy quickly directed. With that, the Queen’s retinue swiftly made arrangements to ensure the Earl of Blackstone Territory’s safety.

In the group of guards, she summoned the two main protagonists. However, they still needed to be made aware of their mission. Two carriages proceeded along the palace avenue, followed closely by several teams of guards. Finally, they arrived at the front of the palace.

“My lord, we have arrived,” announced the female officer, Alia.

After entering the palace, Su Mo only brought a few people, including Alia. She lifted the curtain for Su Mo, and he stepped out of the carriage. The Crescent Queen also stepped out from her carriage.

“You may stay here for a few days. Here is a token that will allow you to come and go from the palace,” said the Crescent Queen as she handed Su Mo the token. Su Mo accepted the token. “Very well, I shall take my leave. If any news arises, I will send someone to inform you.”

The Crescent Queen gave Su Mo a sweet smile and boarded her carriage again. She still had many tasks to attend to.

“What’s happening? Why did he show up in the palace?” Upon seeing Su Mo, the protagonist immediately sensed that something was amiss. The two made eye contact.

“Don’t worry too much. Isn’t it common for nobles to visit the king in the palace?” The two quietly conversed through the protagonist’s panel.

By this time, the Crescent Queen’s carriage had departed, but their group of guards remained. The two protagonists were confused. Then, they noticed that Su Mo had glanced in their direction.

“He has spotted us.”

“So what if he finds out? Will he still dare to attack us in public?”

“Let’s learn our lesson and avoid provoking him,” the two protagonists concluded.josei

Unlike the protagonist at the Holy See headquarters protagonist, they didn’t attempt to provoke Su Mo with their gaze and expressions. As expected, Su Mo withdrew his gaze and walked towards the palace. He soon vanished from sight. The two protagonists breathed a sigh of relief.

“Come on, the Earl of Blackstone Territory is the queen’s guest. If something goes wrong, we’ll be in trouble,” the guard captain announced loudly after Su Mo had entered the palace.

“What? Is he going to stay here?” The two protagonists exclaimed in surprise.

“Captain Yimo, are we going to stay here indefinitely?” They approached the guard captain to inquire.

“Of course. We’re responsible for ensuring the safety of the Earl of Blackstone Territory. Any orders for him must be executed promptly. Do you understand?” Captain Yimo responded sternly.

“Yes, Captain,” the two protagonists acknowledged, exchanging a glance with each other.

The two protagonists never imagined Su Mo, a known villain, would be allowed to stay in the palace. It had been a strict rule for years that no guests could stay within the palace grounds. However, Su Mo had become an exception. He was only staying in the outer palace. It still clearly indicated the unusual relationship between Su Mo and Queen Crescent Moon.

To make matters worse, the two weak protagonists were tasked with protecting Su Mo’s safety. Life was unpredictable, and sometimes, it could be pretty absurd.

“It’s like sending two lambs to guard the wolf and expecting them to keep him at bay… I don’t know what to do. He’s going to use this chance to attack and probably kill us,” one of the protagonists said in a panicked voice. The other protagonist, who had previously been composed, was also panicking.

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