I have Nine Lives

Chapter 115

Chapter 115: Send even more reinforcements!

Landers continued to clutch his chest as the air left and entered his lungs while he tried to recover his energy, he winced as he took out a communication stone from the inner pockets of his armor and connected it with Diorno's communication stone.

"Diorno do you copy? We have been ambushed by the rabbit tribe and we lost 50,000 men, however, we killed 300,000 enemies and we need further reinforcements."

Diorno's voice came out surprised:

"300,000 and lost only 50,000? Well that's a great military achievement, we shall send reinforcements immediately and we will call the headquarters to send even more, but I guess you know that it will be rather hard considering we already cut ties with the other two continents."

Landers responded with gritted teeth:

"Indeed but you know there is the other option..."

"Well we are in war times and while Felix was kidnapped by them, in the end, he came back so I guess they have fixed whatever problems they had with each other, however, I guess their price will still be quite hefty..."

"I don't think they will charge us more than usual but that's still a lot, make sure to send the message to Siracha and I need someone here asap because I can't really do anything anymore until I'm at least half recovered."

"Understood, I cannot leave my post but I got the right person to protect you and the others while you recover."

"I will be waiting."

The connection between their communication stones cut off as Landers sighed and cracked his arms and hands.

He plopped down on the ground and looked around, there were tons of bodies around bar those 10,000 that were vaporized by him, most of them were in bad positions, mostly head-less but some of them had their chests slashed open and their guts spilled out, some of them were arm-less and leg-less.

Here and there he could also see the troops fishing out bodies of the dead lions with dark expressions on their faces, surprisingly the woodpeckers had 0 casualties as they all ran away the moment the rabbits attacked seemingly as if they knew they would arrive, but it was not possible, most likely they knew some rumors about the way the rabbits attacked and ran away ahead of them thinking that the rabbits would be able to get rid of them and they would be free again.

Regardless of the situation he first needed to take a rest before he would question the woodpeckers again.

Felix flopped near him patting his belly, he had eaten a lot of rabbit heads and the improvement of his hind legs reached the maximum so eating any more rabbits wouldn't help him anymore.

His belly was full as he stood there face up while looking at the sky, it was noon and the clouds were drifting by while the sun shined brightly.

While the duo was resting amongst an ocean of corpses the troops were working their best to get rid of the corpses one way or another while fishing out the remains of their dead compatriots.

However no one said a peep while they were doing that, they had seen how hard the duo had fought during the ambush of the rabbit troops and they knew that they needed some rest, if another ambush appeared they needed them at their full strength to survive.

Manitola and Lindo finished their sector as they got some sweet rest as well, they were also very helpful on the battlefield and their tactical support was the thing that saved quite a lot of lives.

Manitola and Lindo plopped near them as well as they nestled together like two love birds.

Felix glanced at them and then asked Landers:

"So when will the reinforcements arrive?"

Landers looked at the passing clouds as he said:

"Most likely a few hours later, the stronger individual will arrive first before the other troops as we need someone to protect us... the troops can still fight."

Even though the troops were also rather exhausted the experts took the brunt of the damage as they fought directly in groups of hundreds of rabbits and protected the troops with their bodies so they would also be able to deal damage to the strong-bodied rabbits.

Felix nodded as he closed his eyes, he wasn't very exhausted but he needed to digest the rabbits that he ate and consolidate the improvement of his hind legs so he couldn't fight really well at the moment.


The rabbit emperor got up from his throne as he glanced towards the ceiling of his palace, he realized that the troops he sent must have died by now as more than 2 days passed since he sent them and there was no news coming back from them, the rabbit was rather impressed considering he sent double the enemies troops and they were able to slay every one of his troops, even though he could be considered one of the few experts the empire had he knew that the army couldn't be kept at bay normally even by those of his caliber unless they were more than 1 in number.

He frowned as he realized that there was more than one expert above the surface, he could either attack directly or send 3x more troops meaning around 900,000 but that would mean he would send around 60% of his army and he didn't know what kind of reinforcements the enemy would get, while they were very strong the Lion tribe wasn't any slouch either and he only dared to attack them because they were on his home territory, a gigantic ocean splitting the continents apart making it hard for them to send further reinforcements, however, he inferred they must have got some by now and he wasn't sure of their number.

The emperor shook his head as his ears flopped on his head, he returned to sit on his throne as he thought for a short while before sighing:

"Allying with those on the surface... it hadn't happened since the construction of the rabbit empire... but we alone aren't enough."

The man had enough troops but he knew that if he sent them the enemy wouldn't go down without taking at least 90% of them down weakening the Empire considerably, they also didn't have the altar filled with blood anymore so he couldn't raise any more troops in the short run.

Creating an alliance with mixed troops was the best choice in this situation.

He had the contact information of the majority of the stronger tribes on the continent as he took out a communication stone from a nearby table before inserting his hex energy into it and waiting, a suave voice came out of the stone that asked:

"What may I have done to get the honor to talk with the Emperor of the rabbits? The great Khan Mulan himself."

"Don't try to sweet-talk me you vixen, the last time you visited with your princess was the last time you have caught me unguarded. I have come with a proposal regarding the current affairs of the whole continent."

The voice sounded interested as it said:

"Hmm? The great recluses who only care about their territory decided to care about the fate of the surface? Very interesting, I guess the invaders must have gone underground as well huh?"

"The details arent' important, what's important is that I'm ready to supply you with 100,000 troops for an alliance, you know that we aren't good at tactics so I'm going to let you control them perfectly, what do you say?"

The suave voice didn't say anything for a few moments before responding:josei

"This seems good for us but it doesn't seem that you get anything from it, what are you playing it at Mulan?"

"Nothing, I'm just really angry due to the things that happened to me when the invaders decided to give my empire a visit without me knowing... or else I wouldn't have decided to ally with you, you should know that."

"Oh, so your losses are so big that you came running to me? You are lucky I require some brainless meatshields, send them over!"

The emperor gritted his teeth as he almost broke the communication stone in his meaty hands, he didn't like being insulted especially by those he looked down upon but now that he came with the alliance suggestion he didn't say anything besides:

"I will send them soon... wait for them."


Felix stretched his body as he jumped up, he already digested everything and he was as good as new, his stamina was full but his stomach was now empty, however, strangely he didn't feel hungry at all as he looked around.

The bodies surrounding him and Landers had been cleaned up and gotten rid of, in the distance he could even see Catro talking with the troops telling them what to do regarding the bodies of their comrades.

"You will send them back with the incoming reinforcements, we shall use the same traveling device that the reinforcements will come with, keep the bodies whole until that happens, or well what remained of them."

Catro sighed as he finished the last explanation then looked at Felix and Landers who were resting near each other.

This was an image that he preferred instead of the head-less or limb-less bodies of his subordinates.

He started to walk towards them as he wanted to ask them something regarding the battle.

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