I have Nine Lives

Chapter 188

Chapter 188: The fight's conclusion (1)

Felix got better and better as he fought back and forth with Marshallo. His techniques were improving along with his physical condition. But the same thing could be said about Marshallo as well.

They were both improving massively as they fought. It was as if they were blacksmiths that found the perfect metal which they could temper and smelt into a sword of ultimate quality, the metal being each other.

They were tempering each other, sharpening each other with every strike and energy blast they used, dodged, or countered.

Marshallo continued to be on the defensive as he waited to recover his former bodily strength. While Felix did his best to pierce his defenses and kill him.

Their rivalry was a deadly one because of their factions. But as they continued to fight, they realized they had a bit in common, battle-wise.

Felix could somehow understand Marshallo better after he fought him for such a long time. The blows they traded spoke by themselves.

Felix appeared under Marshallo's guard as he struck his chin from below, making his head shoot up and breaking his balance. Marshallo ended up taking one step backward as Felix pushed into his body and pinned him to the ground as he started to pummel him in the face.

Marshallo was taken by surprise- from that attack as he seemed to be out of it for one second.

Felix had used a soul technique to stealthily shake his soul space, making him blank out for half a second, giving Felix enough time to attack him, and considering he didn't attack with his killing intent flaring, Marshallo's body couldn't react in time thus making him end in this current situation where he was pinned to the marble floor and getting his head caved in by Felix.

However, this position didn't last for a long time as Felix was pushed away from Marshallo's body as Marshallo used his legs to spear Felix in the stomach with such strength that Felix couldn't withstand it, and his body went flying.

Felix regained his balance midair as his aura inflated, and he dropped back to the arena like a meteor. Using the inertia he created from dropping to increase his speed and strength.

A hole appeared in the arena as Felix superman landed. However, he didn't touch Marshallo as he took a few steps backward at the right time to dodge Felix's charge.

Marshallo's body made popping sounds as his strength slowly returned to its peak. Time passed quickly while they fought, and a few days passed in the blink of the eye since Marshallo returned from his encounter with the twins.josei

His full power had come back, and unfortunately, Felix hadn't been able to kill him up till now. However, the damage that was done to his body wasn't small.

Blood was leaking from one of Marshallo's shut eyes as he reared his head back to spit out bloody phlegm then said:

"It's finally to get some more fun going on before I wasn't able to use these because of my situation, but after death, I'm once again the man that I was at my peak!"

2 arms grew out of his stumps, putting him back to the original appearance of the invader race.

He cracked the knuckles of the newly grown hands as he said:

"It's been a while since I had four arms. Please do tell if I can't control my strength properly."

Marshallo rushed towards Felix as he put his four arms together in a double X defending himself from Felix's energy attacks which Felix had started to throw around to stop Marshallo's charge.

The energy hit Marshallo's defenses, singing his skin and making him frown from the intense burning pain that Felix had induced on him. Felix was using a higher concentration of energy according to the techniques he learned from Vangar to increase the receptibility of the pain sensors of those he hit with his energy blasts.

This was a great technique to disturb the mental state of the enemies and make them do mistakes. In which Felix could swoop in and end them.

However, the technique didn't have a great effect on Marshallo as he charged towards Felix like a train on steroids.

Felix let his body low as he slipped under Marshallo's guard once again, however, Marshallo was prepared now as he put one of his lower four arms under his chin, ready to capture Felix's upcoming attack.

But Felix didn't try to strike his chin again. He put his arm close to Marshallo's chest as he unleashed a yellow sword of energy that skewered him directly and came out of his back, then he retracted the blade as he jumped backward while charging a beam of energy between his hands.

Felix was looking directly into the immobilized Marshallo's eyes as he was ready to unleash the destructive red beam of energy from his hands. He had hit his spine with the energy blade, severing it and making him disabled for a little bit of time.

"You have 3 more lives..."

The red beam left Felix's hands as it consumed Marshallo's body until nothing remained of him. Not even his skeleton. Unfortunately, Felix had used a little bit too much energy, and everything was destroyed in the process.

Felix sighed as he was ready to rest for a bit, only to see a hand coming out of his chest, he moved his head to look back, only to see Marshallo with a pale face and sunken eyes. He had been weakened even further after this death, and he would need a higher amount of time to rest back to full capacity.

Felix could have sworn all of his senses were at a heightened level even after he had finished Marshallo. He wasn't someone who would let his guard down even after he won a massive battle so how did Marshallo evade his senses? He guessed that he might have changed his revival spot to the arena, so Felix filled it with all of his aura. Nothing could change without him detecting it, but he had still been taken by surprise...

Marshallo removed his bloodied arm from Felix's body, he was now buck naked as his armor was vaporized by Felix's attack. And considering he didn't have any other backup, he would have to fight like this from now on.

Felix grasped at the hole in his chest as he looked at a missing spot there. His heart had been removed.

Marshallo glanced down at the beating heart in his hand as he opened his mouth wide, and threw the heart up into the air. However, before he could clamp on the heart, Felix punched him in the head, making him shut his mouth and bite his tongue as he grabbed his own heart and stuffed it into his chest, where it connected immediately with his arteries and continued to pump. The hole in his chest slowly closed up as some of his energy was burned for regenerating.

Marshallo dislocated jaw was put back in place as a 'crack' sound was heard. He was pretty surprised Felix could live without his heart, but since he tried to get it back, it seemed that he wouldn't have lived for much time without it.

Felix knew that they were still enemies, and no matter how 'friendly' they had become through trading blows. This was still a life-and-death battle.

He didn't bother asking Marshallo how he got the drop on him, while the man in question looked dumb on the surface. Felix knew that there was no chance he would disclose his combat secret.

Marshallo grasped towards the air as a spatial crack appeared near him. Out of it, he dragged out a tall war hammer made from a bronze-like metal, he let the hammer down on the arena, which immediately created cracks that almost transformed into a hole in the arena.

He grasped the hammer with both hands as the spatial crack near him healed, and he put the hammer on his shoulder.

Felix frowned as he glanced at the hammer. The bottom of the hammer was covered in black leather with brown spots, while the shaft and the hammer itself looked to be made out of bronze, but Felix got a dangerous feeling as he looked at it.

With a might heave, Marshallo swung the hammer towards Felix creating a gigantic shockwave tornado with one swing. Spatial cracks appeared everywhere as they fused with the tornado, making it gain a sharpness that would ignore any type of defense.

Felix knew that this type of attack was most likely the ultimate technique that Marshallo could employ with his current weakened power. And if Felix guessed correctly, Marshallo wanted him to deal with the tornado while he took some time to save his breath and recover.

Felix breathed in and out as he stood his ground while the tornado was slowly making his way towards him.

He knew that this was a dangerous situation for both himself and the planet. If he let the tornado pass by him and get away from their location, it would surely collide with the remaining fleet of the invaders before moving towards the planet and hitting it head-on.

The best solution in this situation was either to destroy the tornado or return it where it came from!

Felix's expression was serious as he decided in a split second. One way or the other, he had to protect the planet.

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