I have Nine Lives

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Beaten back for the first time (2)

A small figure appeared near Siracha's towering figure, his back was bent from his age and liver spots could be spotted on his aged face, he had a gray trunk on his face and big floppy ears, he was using a walking cane to walk forward as his whole body trembled, he was the elephant shaman Mashi Musho!

Another guttural cough was heard from the elephant in question, but this cough was near them and the intensity of its sound started to hurt the ears of the people who were closer to him.

Some of them even started to clutch their ears as blood started to drip down from them!

Felix frowned as he felt that his cough wasn't only a physical attack, it was an attack that targeted both the inner ear and the soul!

Siracha knew about his opponent's strength, he wasn't someone he could easily get rid of just like the black bear shaman, the black bear shaman could be considered a rebel youth in the shaman group, but Siracha and Mashi were both the great elders of the group!

Mashi looked at Siracha up and down as he shook his head and said:

"Again with this stuff Siracha? You really can't let your old bones go to rest, don't you? Using the ancestor's favor for a youth regained, how much can your soul endure? How many times can you regain your youth anymore? 1 time?"

Siracha didn't say anything as his lightning armor encased him, going full power from the get to go!

His purple aura intensity increased as he let out all of his power with a mighty shout:


The elephant shaman snorted as he looked directly in Siracha's eyes from below and said:

"Trying to put up a strong front in my eyes? You should know that I was the one who beat your ass when you were younger!"

Felix gasped as he heard that, the lion shaman was already thousands of years old, how old was this damn elephant?

Siracha didn't say anything as he concentrated his whole power into his right arm and swung it at the elephant shaman like a spear!

The spear-like attack went directly towards the elephant shaman's head as quickly as a bullet!

The elephant shaman shook his head as he blocked Siracha's attack with his hand, he grasped it with his right hand then used his whole body strength to throw Siracha above him as if he was a sack of potatoes!

Siracha's aura intensified as he flew into the air then used his hex energy to stabilize himself, he dropped to the ground using his weight to try to directly crush the person below him.

The old man used his walking stick to parry Siracha's attack easily as the stick struck Siracha squarely in the chest leaving him out of the air.

Felix looked at everything unfolding in front of him flabbergasted, the old man wasn't giving out any type of hex fluctuations but he was easily keeping up with Siracha and actually beating his ass!

Felix couldn't believe his eyes as he watched Siracha take a beating from the old man, even though he was getting beaten around it seemed the old man didn't have any killing intent against him as he only struck him in his hex pathways making his hex energy circulation slow down and canceling his lightning armor.

The elephant shaman tutted as he looked at Siracha's twitching form, he was gasping for air and grasping his chest as he tried to unlock his ki pathways again:

"You thought that I was sleeping right? You wouldn't have attacked the tribe if you knew that I was awake."

Siracha frowned, it was true that he got some certain information that the elephant shaman was currently slumbering, this was the only reason he wanted to attack the elephant tribe, after all, his current power wasn't something that could rival the old man in front of him.

Mashi chuckled as he showed his open mouth in which no teeth were left, he pointed at Siracha with a shaky finger as he said:

"You have been fooled! Who gave you this information? Was it that fool Eagle Dardano? Or was it that Crow bastard Giglio? Oh, don't tell me the hippopotamus tribe gave up and decided to sell us out?"

The old man started rambling out as he didn't give Siracha any more thoughts, to him he was as defeated as he could be.

Siracha pressed three points on his chest as his hex circulation returned to its full potential and his lightning armor reappeared!josei

Seeing that he returned to full power made the elephant shaman snort as he looked at him and said:

"You better back off before I get angry, I can only let you go away this time because of our former relationship, now go away!"

Siracha gritted his teeth as he felt a silhouette appear above the old man's shriveled body, it was a gigantic mammoth full of grey hair, two of his massive tusks were currently pointed at Siracha's heart and neck, if he went forward to attack both of these points would be pierced and it was certain he would die!

Siracha teeth started to crack as he took two steps backward and sighed while he gave out a signal:


Return? Everyone looked at each other with strange gazes but considering the power that the old elephant exhibited made everyone reluctant in attacking, most of the fighters were recruits and they were scared by someone who could pummel their shaman so easily so they immediately started retreating the moment they were allowed to.

The generals looked on with sorrowful gazes, they knew they wouldn't be able to save their comrade which was in the hands-on the elephants, it seemed the reason their army was annihilated in the first place was because of this person! Even though there weren't many experts overseeing the former army, one general was enough to keep the elephant tribe on their toes.

While the elephant tribe had great innate strength and senses, they weren't a fighter tribe and they were mostly peaceful so even though they had a strength advantage, the experienced general could drag out the fight using military tactics until he gained his reinforcements!

But this old man surely beat him into the ground and dragged him into the village after he easily annihilated the army.

Siracha looked directly into Mashi's eyes as he asked:

"What about my man?"

The elephant shaman squinted his eyes as he asked:

"Man? What man? I don't know any man of yours!"

Siracha shook his head as he left with his tail between his legs, he knew there was no reason to continue this farce, even though his new weapons would be useful with attacking their village walls and the defending elephants, they would be useless against the powerhouse in front of him!

The army retreated accordingly to Siracha's wishes, suddenly a shout could be heard coming from the old man's frame:

"I let you go because of our former relationship, next time you come I will annihilate you with your army as well!"

Siracha's hand turned into a fist as he continued gritting his teeth and he flashed away into the distance, leaving nothing but a small energy fluctuation that made his former presence known.

Felix looked on at the disappearing energy and sighed, who knew things would become like this? Felix looked up at Siracha's strength but it seemed there were bigger fishes out there! If Siracha was this strong how strong could this old man be considered?

They retreated out of the territory of the Elephants and slowly returned to the capital, all of the important places had been conquered and the only place that remained up was the elephant tribe that they couldn't touch anymore...

Felix was summoned in Siracha's chambers along with Lindo.

Siracha sat on his throne nursing his inner wounds with closed eyes as he asked Felix:

"Did you know about this man being there?"

This was a dumb question... how could have he knew? Considering the man's strength Felix couldn't locate him if he was bent on hiding himself.

Sensing Felix's disposition made Siracha sigh, he only asked out of anger, he didn't mean to blame Felix, how could he know? He easily got the tar beaten out of him by the man so of course, Felix couldn't detect him if he didn't want to be found.

He told Felix:

"All actions against the elephant tribe will be ceased from now on, I have only asked you to come here because I want you to train with Lindo more, he will be your teammate during the intercontinental battle a few months from now and he isn't at a good level yet, his father can't train him properly due to his job and he can only train him a little bit more rarely..."

"I also want to give you something because of all the hard work you went through, this will help both of you during your training."

Siracha took out a shiny red gem from his new robes and threw it at Felix.

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