I have Nine Lives

Chapter 58

Chapter 58: Slept for 1 week and 3 days

Lindo looked rather tense as he watched Felix yawn and wake up seemingly as if nothing happened to him...

Lindo came forward and flicked his finger on Felix's forehead as he said:

"You worried me sick as you didn't come for training for so much time! I even had to ask grandfather about you but he said you were going through a special ordeal that I couldn't interfere with... I only came now because I sensed you waked up."

While trying to be as cold as possible care could be seen on Lindo's face even though he was doing his best to hide it.

Felix got up and stretched his body as he yawned a second time and said:

"It's ok, we can go and train now."

Felix still couldn't really read the mood properly.

But this was somewhat an advantage to Lindo as well... after all, he didn't want to seem too protective, if there was something that Felix couldn't deal with, how could he as the second in line after Felix in strength?josei

Felix chuckled as he patted his leg and tried to leave the inn only for his stomach to growl like an alive bear was inside it.

"Let's get some food?" Lindo asked with a mirthful tone.

Felix nodded while ignoring Lindo's expression, he didn't really know what it meant nor did he care... he only needed some food to calm his angry stomach right now. After Felix had his fill and Lindo ate some food as well they returned to the training field where Lindo decided to talk:

"There are below 2 months left before the big fight will happen and we have to be ready, my father told me about some competitors that we will have to look out for, and he also said that the elephant's young lord will also make an appearance as a teammate."

Felix's eyes glittered as he thought about the elephant's young lord, he was a Gods chosen like he was and he could also revive, maybe they could trade some information regarding their gods now that they were supposed to be teammates? While their gods were opposed to each other and made them fight, in this situation they had to suppress their instincts and act for the greater good.

Seeing Felix being in thought made Lindo cough a few times before saying:

"As for our enemies, we only have information on two of them... the Kangaroo tribe and the Gigantic Spider tribe, they are both from the Balton continent which is the closest to ours, we are basically neighbors..."

Lindo started to explain the core strengths of the Kangaroo team and the Giant spider team, the kangaroo team was full of bruisers, strong and enduring with moderate speed... the giant spiders were a mutated version of their cousin spider tribe and instead of being assassins they were somewhat of quick fighters and they liked using swords as they had countless arms to brandish countless swords or something among those lines.

Felix listened to the explanation and nodded from time to time, it could be precious information that would save his hide in the future if he encountered some of the stronger participants from the teams.

"The weakness of the giant spider tribe is fire... unfortunately we both do not have any means to summon fire or blast them with fire, my father told me that I should be able to summon a fire armor and use fire techniques when my shaman bloodline and soul awake but it's been 15 years since he said that..."

Lindo turned depressed after he said that... it seemed his bloodline and soul, not awakening was a sore spot for him that he unknowingly spilled by himself.

Felix didn't know how to console him in this situation... tell him he would awaken them soon so he would become even more depressed when they wouldn't? In this situation it was best for him to keep his mouth shut, so he did.

After sulking for a very short while Lindo manned himself up and finished his explanation:

"As for the kangaroo tribe, their jaw is their weak spot, hitting them there would stun them for quite a long while... unfortunately their jaw is also their most protected spot and their boxing abilities makes them hard to be hit in the jaw."

"Do they have any innate armor or something to protect their bodies from my claws?"

Felix brandished his sharp claws which made Lindo cough as he said:

"Not really but their muscles are really though and they have an upper ranked body that can grow even stronger than our lion tribesmen! You wouldn't want to see how much muscles one Kangaroo tribesman can get if he puts his mind to it."

Felix pondered, he had seen quite a few muscled fellows, and one way or another he cut through them... he should be able to cut through the Kangaroos muscles as well right?

Felix shook his head, he would see when it would happen, for now, all he could do was continue his training.

He took the red gem out of his special bag and put it on the ground where both Felix's and Lindo's souls were pushed out of their bodies...

Felix had an easy time gliding around and he could even fly for some time now that he absorbed the shaman's souls and his memories were stored in his main soul instead of his mindscape, the improvement to his soul was obvious!

Even Lindo felt quite disappointed by his improvements as he could now get up from the ground and even take a few steps in the pressure... but Felix could already glide and fly?

As a soul being Felix was affected by the pressure of the hex energy but not the gravity that was keeping his body tied to the earth, so he could fly in his soul form!

Felix felt it was quite the novel feeling... so this was what the birds he hunted back on earth felt... he wondered if a random predator would catch him from his flight and snap his neck?

As he looked around he realized that no one was coming for him, maybe he thought a bit too much like a bird after he flew for a few seconds... he returned to the earth and looked at Lindo, the gem training started to become less and less useful to him as he adapted to the pressure it would soon be time for him to leave Lindo to train alone... or he could supervise him so he wouldn't do something dumb like attempting that technique again without him being around.

But he also needed someone to attack him for the technique to be trained properly so he couldn't really use it... but it was better to be safe than sorry, after all, he did promise Diorno to keep him safe, at least in the tribe territory.

Felix continued his training, his soul adapting to the pressure at a visible speed, the moment Lindo took one step, Felix would take ten and jump into the skies as he started flying... it came to the point that Felix got bored with flying and returned to his body, his soul gained every strengthening that it could get from this type of training... he could either get some different form of training from Siracha or focus 24/7 on strengthening his stamina breathing technique.

He looked at Lindo who was still struggling to take more than 2 steps consecutively and shook his head as he sat on the dusty ground below him and closed his eyes to start his stamina breathing technique... he was in the richest Hex energy location so he could use it to strengthen his lungs and heart.

As Felix continued his training so did Lindo and time passed quite fast this way...

1 month and 20 days passed almost immediately as they continued their training, Felix reached the 8th strengthening of his lungs and heart and stopped there as he couldn't advance anymore with the common Hex energy he found in his surroundings.

While Lindo couldn't fly yet he could somewhat make a jump with his soul but he would quickly fall to the ground and through it after his jump.

Their improvements were visible and Siracha was quite happy seeing them... now it was time for them to travel to the island in the middle of the ocean so they could meet with the Balton continent, The Sparron Continent, and the Haron continent contestants so they could fight it out in the intercontinental battle...

But first, they had to make a detour and pick up someone else.

They quickly got ahold of the elephant's young master who was followed by the patriarch of the tribe which was quite weaker compared to Siracha but Siracha didn't have any thoughts of attacking, after all, what happened with the shaman of the elephant tribe marked him quite a bit.

The elephant's young master had his trunk so up into the air that Felix thought he was trying to catch flies with it, it was green and looked comically like a green hat from a certain perspective and Lindo even laughed a few times as he took glances at him from his left side.

Felix was just puzzled why Lindo would laugh as he asked:

"So what's your name?"

"Hmph.. you think you deserve to know my name? You were chosen by the God of trickery and I was chosen by the god of peace, we are serving opposing gods so be glad I'm not attacking you at the moment!"

His other tusk grew back up and his ego inflated it seemed...

Felix wanted to see what would happen what would a God chosen experience when he lost all his lives as he looked at the elephant's young lord instinctively with his golden slitted eyes.

This unnerved the young lord to the point that this trunk started to lower from the air.

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