I have Nine Lives

Chapter 87

Chapter 87: Living in isolation for 30 years (2)

Felix stood still in the cell room as he meditated, he looked half-dead on the surface but he was just in a highly entranced state, a few months had passed since he had been incarcerated and he started to get used to the life of being a jailbird, he didn't like it but what could he even do?

He did try to strike the bars every time he felt his strength improve a little and this proved to be a rather dumb thing as his organs were shaken again and again, but fortunately for him they also started to endure better as time passed, his already strong body was adapting to the shockwave retaliatory attacks but that didn't mean he started to damage the bars, he was far from it.

The same guard came back every day and gave him food then left not even exchanging a word with Felix, this made him rather sad as being alone without talking to anyone for long times affected him a bit, he wasn't a loner by nature, he did like having company, it was something he enjoyed, he just couldn't get too attached to said company, it was quite weird, he craved attention but didn't care about the person that gave him attention at the same time, well not much anyway.

It was time for food again as he opened his eyes and all of his vital signs returned to normal, his eyes turned to the guard who was actually watching him from above, Felix got up and looked at the guard ensuing a staring contest.

After a while the guard finally said his first words to Felix, his voice was rather monotone and gritty as if he didn't use it often:

"Do you like the food?"josei

Felix responded by eating the food with gusto and smiling at him.

The guard pulled on his cap as he took the tray and left quickly without saying anything else, Felix felt he was rather weird and decided against shouting for him as he already disappeared.

Did he do something wrong? His eating with gusto meant that he liked the food but maybe the person misunderstood?

But what would be to misunderstand in this situation?

Felix shook his head as he went back to meditating.


The guard from before removed his cap as he sighed and looked at the empty tray with a smile on his face, he looked rather young as he still had a baby face that betrayed his rather sturdy-looking body.

"Finally there's someone I can cook for... being assigned at this job is easy but boring... for a serial killer he doesn't seem to be a bad guy..."


The guard entered a room with multiple monitors but only one was turned on and it showed Felix who was back to meditating on his cell bed.

This was the guard's job, watch the prisoners and bring them food, up till now he had literally nothing to do as he had no prisoners so he only cooked for himself using the resources of the prison making himself free launches.

However, things changed once Felix was brought in, the guard at first was rather disgusted with him, his charge was the cold-blooded murder of 30 high-ranked scientists of the organization which could be considered one of the biggest sins in their society, touching the scientists that created things for them and researched for the good of their country was something that no patriot could forgive.

However this guard looked through Felix's past using his connections, he wouldn't be given this position if he wasn't the son/nephew/related to someone with quite the big connections, he found out that Felix did what he did under the guise of self-defense and things were also rather entangled when it came to his case.

Being a bored youth made the guard take up the mission of looking through Felix's past only to find nothing besides this incident, if he thought about it more it made sense considering he was a cat, other races were living in their country but they were minorities with no power, there was no chance such a strong person as Felix would have been from inside the country.

So he did a bit of digging around using his intelligence network and find out who Felix was, he was quite impressed with his abilities and he didn't want him to rot in a cell for 30 years, it was a waste of his talent and potential!

He knew he had killed 30 scientists but it was in self-defense so it could be argued in court, but with his connections, he didn't have to go to court at all... he only needs to move some strings.


A youth with a rather weak-looking baby face kneeled in front of an old man with a goatee who wore a dark suit with a fur belt which was his tail...

"You want to let that killer out? What is going through your head, Maxwell? Did he brainwash you with his cute face? I understand you have a weakness for little animals with cute features but I forbid you from talking to him any further, I will even remove you from the guard position!"

"But grandpa I..."

"No grandpa! For what I have done for you? For all the strings that I pulled to get you to this easy position that you could easily use till your death, I only did all of this for you because you are untalented in military matters but it seems you really want to join the military!"

"No grandpa please I will surely die!"

"Oh, now you think about dying? Don't you think that going against Shima's orders would get you killed? He is very close to our leader and I'm only a marquis, don't you think things through before they leave your mouth you damn brat?"

"Uuuuu grandpa...."

*Sigh* While Maxwell's grandpa was angry on the surface he still doted on his grandson quite a lot, he just wanted to scare him so he would never bring up this topic again, freeing Felix was currently impossible unless a duke level character would talk up for him and why would such busy individual even talk for Felix who murdered 30 of their scientists? Even if he did it in self-defense they could care less. The higher the nobility rank the more stuck up they were.

Maxwell was ready to cry as he kneeled in front of his grandpa, seeing him like this hurt the old man's heart quite a bit as he consoled him by giving him a small hug.

"While I cannot free him I may be able to shorten his sentence, I still don't really understand why you want to free him even though you talked almost half an hour about him but I guess since you care so much about him I could help you with this."

Maxwell smiled as he cleared his eyes from tears and returned the hug to his grandpa before skipping away happily.

He himself wasn't sure why he wanted to free Felix, the more he went and sent him food the more attracted to him he was, he felt like wanted to know him more, to talk with him and help him, he felt like he became friends with him unknowingly...


Back in Felix's cell, his eyes were open as he looked towards the bars that were restraining his freedom while he thought:

"Will this technique that I created from the intelligence breathing technique work?"

Maxwell's goodwill was normally not natural, why would a 'human' even care about Felix's wellbeing?

Since the intelligence breathing technique came from the raven tribe it had to do quite a bit with souls as well, and Felix's soul was just a little bit weaker compared to Wu Xiao's, fighting with the raven in question gave him plenty of experience with attack type soul techniques so he decided to craft one on his own but he wasn't sure if it worked at all, he tried to influence the guard that came to him every day but it seemed that it had the opposite effect? After all, he had shown him how much he enjoyed his food only for him to run away.

Well, he could continue and try till he got it right, one day or another he would be able to make him have enough good thoughts towards him to the point that he might help him escape legally or just help him out some way or another.

Another day passed and the youth came over, this time he didn't have his cap anymore as he walked quickly towards Felix gave him the food waited for him to finish before saying:

"Hey I think I have a way to get you out faster, what do you think?"

Felix's ears started to move as he thought:

"So it actually worked..."

Felix gave him a small smile as he got near the cell's bars and asked while using his mental technique:

"So what's the idea, friend? How can you help me?"

Maxwell smiled as he started to unfold his thoughts and what he talked with his grandfather to Felix.

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