I have Nine Lives

Chapter 89

Chapter 89: First fight in the arena

Felix's instincts raged in his skull as he glared at the opponent in front of him, of course, the being in front of him didn't know where he was as he was confusedly looking around trying to identify his location.

As Felix analyzed his opponent he took a better look at his appearance and saw that he was a green-skinned person of short stature with no hair and he had two antennae sticking out of his head, he also made a strange noise with what was supposed to be his mouth, it sounded just like 'crk' 'crk' 'crk'...

Felix could make no sense of what the creature was trying to tell him as he didn't understand its language, he didn't care much what it wanted to say as well, he wanted his freedom!

Felix encircled the being with a predatorial gait and while he was invisible the being could sense that it was being watched with killing intent.

It tried to make the sounds again but Felix was already getting bored of just circling it so he attacked!

His paws were as fast as lightning as he attacked its short members trying to incapacitate it, since he couldn't kill the being he didn't target any vital areas.

Felix's sharp claw attacks left after images in the air as the being cried out in pain after having one of its appendages removed from its body.

Felix found this being to be rather weak his claws easily sunk into its soft meat and severed his appendage, didn't they say that they were supposed to research strong people?

The answer came with a rude awakening as the green thing clutched its severed appendage then put it back on the cut socket, a sizzling sound was heard and the appendage fused with the socket, and the being recovered its original shape.

Suddenly the little green thing started to grow in size as spikes replaced the antennae on his head, sharp fangs jutted out of its mouth and its physique improved by a great deal as it was now full of rippling muscles.

It glared at Felix as it started to beat its chest menacingly and made the same sound as before:


Felix didn't understand a thing as he disappeared again.

Felix could sense that its power had increased by a great deal to the point that he might have to exert himself to defeat him.

Felix didn't circle him anymore as he realized that there was a chance he might be caught if he did the same thing as before, suddenly he felt an attack coming from below him as he jumped up and looked down for half a second only to see a green tentacle spawning from the ground where he previously was, it was in a position that it would have surely caught him.

Felix descended to the ground as he dashed directly towards the green being, he ran so fast that the ground under him started to enflame, even his claws had flames on them as his fur started to stand on edge and his eye color changed to emerald.

The green being started to cry out as it felt danger from Felix's attack, suddenly Felix appeared behind the being as it cried out in pain, green blood started to spurt out of its body like crazy as the upper half of its body slid down to the ground.

Felix sighed as he looked behind him and it was just like he thought, the upper half was still moving around trying to attach itself back to its lower half so they could stitch back together.

However, the wounds were quickly getting cauterized by the flames that Felix conjured.

The being tried to reattach its body but it failed however it wasn't dying, it still seemed to be rather full of vitality as it glared at Felix and tried to attack him, only for electricity to spring out of the ground and bind it as the electricity formed chains around the neck of the upper body and the appendages of the lower body before it was dragged directly into the ground.

Felix looked up as he saw something being displayed on a screen of the futuristic coliseum, as he now knew the written language of the humans he knew that the words there meant fifteen, which indicated how many days Felix shaved off from his sentence.

The ground that Felix stood on started to shake as he was unceremoniously dropped inside a different cell room than before.

He sighed, he had finished the first fight and reduced 15 days out of his 30 years sentence.... this wasn't a very encouraging thought.

As he calculated he realized that if he wanted to finish his sentence he needed to fight around 719 more times.

Felix felt his head swimming after he realized the huge number, up till now he wasn't sure if he had more than 100 fights and it has been almost one year since he had come to this world, and now he had to fight for 719 times if he wanted freedom?

If he was lucky and got a reduction of 30 days he would still need to fight 310 times which was still a lot in his opinion...josei

But there were advantages with all of these fights and if he fought every day the incarceration time would be cut from 30 years to 1 or 2 years, so technically it was a pretty good deal.

Felix contemplated as he sat there, he just didn't find things to be to his liking, he wanted to be free, he felt too constrained in this small cell, he just felt wrong...


Shima and another man who wore a lab coat looked through some glass at the empty colosseum where Felix fought previously.

"What do you think about the little guy?"

Shima frowned as he was asked by the other man and he responded:

"He is strong that's for sure, actually he would make a fine recruit to our army... but I'm not sure he would like that at all."

"I see special talent in that boy Shima, what have you done to him?"

"Sir... you haven't been around so you don't really know the details."

"Oh then tell me the details, I want to know all of them."

Shima coughed as he felt that his tie was choking him, he loosened it a bit and decided to tell him everything that happened.

"You damn fool! You have dissected him for nothing to boot? Now he hates us and there is a very low chance he will accept our invitation anymore! While he might not be very attached to the Lion tribe from what you say, he hates us now!"

"But Sir I thought that he would be able to let us mass create the perfect soldier that grows in adverse conditions... who knew that his body doesn't actually contain anything of use for us?"

The man shook his head as he took off his lab coat showing that underneath was a military uniform that had multiple medals pined around the chest area.

His tail was also used as a belt and his short spiky hair was fully white showing that he was advanced in age even though his physique and face showed otherwise.

"General Vangar I had the best interests for our federation when I did what I have done."

Vangar sighed as he patted Shima's shoulder and said:

"I know you since you were a child trying to understand the world Shima, I know you have the best interests at heart but you are rather extreme on the way you handle outsiders, even though we are supposed to be more advanced than them that don't we have to act like we are better than them, we are all living beings that evolved on the same planet and we should act like this against outsiders not against our own people, do you know what I mean?"

Shima nodded as he seemed shamed now, he realized that he acted untowardly towards Felix in his thirst and pursuit for knowledge.

"I think we should leave the lad go, in the end, he will still come to us as we are the only ones who will be able to propel him further, his talent shows that he won't end up with the other backward tribes, even though he had killed 30 scientists I will take responsibility for it, tell the president that he can even strip me of my general title."

Shima looked at Vangar with strange eyes, he only saw Felix fight once and he already took a liking to the boy to that level? He knew that Vangar had an extreme hunger for battle talents but he didn't know that it was at this level.

Seeing that Shima was puzzled made Vangar get a little bit closer to him as he said:

"His special ability is what our army needs Shima, even though it cannot be replicated having him on our side means that we will be able to move faster on our conquering attempts, you know that we are currently being pushed back on many fronts due to lack adaptive talents, you should also know that the thing that the lad defeated down there was only an infant in that race's ranks."

Shima's eyes widened, that thing could be considered rather strong, not as strong as one of the foot soldiers of the army but it was at least half as strong as one, and it was only an infant!

"I see you understand."

Shima nodded... it seemed he did a very big mistake by antagonizing Felix... maybe he should do as Vangar said?

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