I Have Seven Dragon Souls In a cultivation world

Chapter 70 - Adelia Pierce

Chapter 70 - Adelia Pierce

As the tournament went on, more and more fights occurred every fight between the Slater Clan and the Kinsman Clan would always end in serious injuries for both parties. The only relief was the Pierce Clan. As a truly neutral party, each match against them could be said to be the only normal completions matches in the whole tournament.

As Dante was meditating to recover his energy, he heard his name being called

"Next match!"

"Dante Kinsman vs Adelia Pierce!"

Hearing his name being called Dante slowly opens his eyes that seemed to burn with a dazzling silver light.

Retrieving his trusty Moonlight Sword from his space pouch, Dante confidently strolled towards his challenger.

As he approached Dante finally saw his opponent

It was a beautiful young lady dressed in a bright green robe. She had pitch-black hair that ran down to her back and although she had a veil covering her face, Dante could instantly tell she was a beauty.

Despite all this, the thing that attracted Dante the most were her green eyes. They were like a pair of twinkling emeralds instantly grabbing Dante's attention. 

For a second, Dante felt like he could stare at her eyes endlessly. But then Dante remembered where he was, he was in the middle of the brutal inter-clan competition. he couldn't let himself be distracted so easily

Dante wouldn't be so stupid as to underestimate a pretty woman, just his painful experience of training with Rebecca alone had taught him not to underestimate a person based on their looks. 

In a brutal world like the Martial Spirit world where might is right, the more beautiful a woman is the more dangerous she is!

This is because although beauty can be a blessing, more often than not it's a curse. Beautiful young women are often married off in the benefit of the clan. That's why if you meet a beautiful woman like that, More often than not, you should be very careful as either she's so talented and strong she can ignore the rules and opinions of the clan she is in. Or that she is so helpful to the clan that no marriage would be able to replace the benefits she brought to the clan. 

Either way, both of those options meant that she was not someone that should be messed around with.

Dante knew all this but seeing as she was from the Pierce Clan, and neither the Pierce Clan nor the Kinsman Clan weren't particularly enemies, Dante felt like he should at least introduce himself.

So Dante slowly walked up to her with a bright smile on his face action

"I feel like you should already know my name but Let me introduce myself regardless." 

As he spoke Dante attached out his hand for a handshake 

"My name is Dante Kinsman, it's my pleasure to meet you."

Adelia also reached out to shake Dante's hand as she replied

"Of course I've heard of the name Dante kinsman, how could you have not heard of the name of the only dual Martial Spirit awakener in the whole of Brightsteel City?"

"My name is Adelia Pierce, it's also a pleasure to meet you." 

"Adelia Pierce... where have I heard this name before?" Thought Dante aloud 

But unfortunately for Dante, after hearing Dante's words Adelia suddenly frowned.

"Don't tell me you've been living in brightsteel city for all these years and don't even know the names of children of the Pierce Clan patriarch?"

hearing this reply, Dante knew he messed up

'Shiittt!' Thought Dante. 'How do I keep forgetting these important names!!' 

Dante knew he had to try and fix the bad impression he had made from the start

"it's all starting to make sense now " exclaimed Dante 

hearing this, Adelia was confused

"Earlier today I was talking to Patriarch Randall and he kept mentioning how beautiful and talented his daughter was and I must admit, his description about you as absolutely spot on"

hearing Dante's flattery a slight smile started to form on Adelia's face.

"Spare me the flattery, there's no need to pretend." Replied Adelia

"I'm being deadly serious." Replied Dante with a straight expression 

"The descriptions Patriarch Randall made were spot on, if anything, the Description didn't do your beauty justice..."


Before Dante could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the cough of the match announcer.

"It's great that you guys are getting to know each other and everything, but the match has to start soon"

hearing these words, Dante shot the announcer a murderous look

'fucckkk! Just when the conversation started to get going this goon comes along and interferes!' Thought Dante

The more he thought about it the more Pissed Dante got. The announcer obviously knew what he was doing when he interrupted the conversation.

it's just that the referee was out of options. It was either Piss off Dante and interrupt his conversation or piss off the rest of the crowd and allow for the conversation to carry on. 

Unfortunately for Dante, the referee chose to favour the majority of people and in this case, it was the crowd. but in doing so he also interrupted the conversation and c*ckblocking him in the process

seeing that the crowd of people were urging her in Adelia finally spoke 

"it seems like we should finally start the fight "

Hearing this Dante knew the conversation was truly over. He really did fuck up this time. but before Dante could continue to jump to conclusions, Adelia continued speaking.

"But it won't be bad if we could continue this conversation another time"

Hearing this, Dante's emotions did a quick U-turn, it seemed like he did really leave a good impression or else it would be impossible to continue the conversation. well, it was either that or he was being played by Adelia and Dante preferred to believe in the much more positive answer.

Now that the greetings had been exchanged, it was time to get down to fighting!

Although Dante had an interest in Adelia, it didn't mean that he would lose a match to her.

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