I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 160

Chapter 160: Weird Sand Creature

Chapter 160: Weird Sand Creature

Jayna and Angus begin to build a tent to take shelter from the heat and sun. Fortunately, the tent is powered with a mana core to regulate the temperature inside.

Although it cannot make the tent cooler because of the extreme heat outside, it is still better than nothing. Using the tent, Angus didn't feel the hot temperature outside and began to hydrate himself with water.

Few hours after they rest, they feel the dry air in the surroundings begin to blow harshly. Looking outside the tent, they found a few hurricanes in the distance, along with the massive Sandstorm.

"Let's go inside quickly!!" said Angus.

Seeing the horrible disaster coming towards them, they immediately go inside the tent and activate its defense mechanism. The tent they use is a special tent that could withstand the horrible sandstorm and hurricane.

The tent immediately changes shape into a sort of ball while Angus and Jayna are inside of it. The sandstorm keeps going for a few hours. They could feel the ball-shaped tent shaking a few times violently.

After the shaking stops, they come out of the tent and find they are in the middle of the desert with three suns above them. All they see in the surrounding is only yellowish brown sand without end.

Dismantling the tent, they decide to move again. However, unlike before, they already lost their way and could only choose to take one direction.

After they dismantle the tent, the sand below them moves. Whip-like sand is coming towards them. Fortunately, both Angus and Jayna already noticed this before. They immediately move their way and escape from the whip sand attack.

Using [Mana echolocation], Angus could detect a dozen sand whips coming towards them from the sand and nearby. All of this sand whip already surrounded them.

"Jayna, we are surrounded. We need to fight back!!." shouted Angus.

However, they couldn't harm the sand whip physically because all of them are immediately regenerated back with the surrounding endless sand.

Looking at this, they decide to run away from them rather than fighting nonstop against these unknown creatures. Although the sand whip creature couldn't hurt them, Angus and Jayna also couldn't give any significant damage to this strange creature.

Annoyed by their persistence in pursuing Angus and Jayna, Jayna throws a big [Flame Bomb] towards the sand creatures.

"Take this!! [2nd Circle - Flame Bomb]" shouted Jayna.

*Bom* After Jayna merged with the phoenix. All her fire-based spells increased significantly.

The temperature of her fire spell is increasing by a terrifying degree. The increase is not in the density or quantity of the spell. It is more towards the quality of her fire itself.

At first, the [Fire Bomb] didn't affect the sand whip creature, but Angus could see some of them move slower than before because their body became crystallized.

Seeing this phenomenon, "Jayna, bombard them with a hotter flame!!" said Angus.

"Ehh.. Alright." replied Jayna.

Then, Jayna gathers the fire element nearby and shoots a few balls of fire towards the sand [2nd Circle - Fireball]. *BOM* *BOM* *BOM* The temperature near the sand creatures rises significantly and roasting them.

In a matter of seconds, all of the sand whip creatures become stone-like sculptures. Despite being a stone, Angus could still feel mana coming from the creatures inside, indicating that all of them are still alive.

Finding this fact, Angus became more intrigued about the creature and decided to learn more about them.

"Jayna, let's turn all of them into stones." said Angus.

Then, both of them begin to burn and roast the nearby sand whip creature with fire spells. At first, Angus's fire spells are not hot enough to turn them into stone.

However, using his superb mana control and mind speed, Angus modified his fire spell into a hotter flame.

The downside, he needs to expend a little bit more mana. Still, one thing that Angus didn't lack is mana. During the past few days, his mana reached another bottleneck at the 300 marks. He needed to reach second grade before his mana could increase more.

Three hundred points of mana is a lot for him. Moreover, he also has high regeneration mana that is enough to keep spamming low-circle spells for a few minutes.

Soon, Angus and Jayna turn this battle into a challenge to who is the one that is making more stone.

Feeling that their kind is turning into stone and cannot move, the nearby sand whip creature dispersed. Jayna and Angus also stop spamming low-level fire spells nearby.

"So, how many did you get?" asked Jayna.

"I don't know, around 20-30 stones maybe. They ran away before I could turn them into stone." replied Angus.

"Yes, that means I win. I got around 50. Now, you owe me one." said Jayna.

"Yeah-yeah... Anyway, let's find out about this strange creature." said Angus.

Then, he cut one of the stone whip creatures nearby. Inside the stone, he could see a slime-like creature wriggling around. Suddenly, it attacks Angus by turning its body slime into something pointy.

Angus dodges them easily and burns the slimes using [Flame]. Unexpectedly, the slime was quite resistant to it. Seeing this, Angus becomes grinning evilly and begins to use other types of elemental spells to deal with this slime.

Seeing Angus grin, Jayna begins to remember when Master Valeron found something new in the royal library. Both of their grinning smiles are similar and quite creepy. After testing for a while, Angus found that the smile is weak to the lightning element.

The moment lightning touches their body, they wriggling violently and stop moving become a puddle of slime in the sand.

"Hmm.. Interesting slime. They are also leaving a mana core behind." said Angus analyzing the puddle slime.

During this time, the sand below them moved violently. Not only the sand below them but also the surrounding sand. Soon, they feel like being raised high up to the sky. Angus immediately cast [Great Mana Echolocation] at full power to ascertain their situation. josei

Receiving the feedback from his skill, "Err.. the hell is this?!" said Angus.

"Huh.. What happened, Angus? Are we in danger?" asked Jayna.

"Err.. I don't know. No, I am sure." replied Angus.

"Then, what happened?" asked Jayna again.

"I am not sure. But…" before Angus finished his sentence, a loud sound was heard from the horizon.

"GRAAAAAA…." The sound is so loud that Angus and Jayna need to close their ears and protect them with mana.

After the sound recedes, "I think we are on the top of a gigantic creature." said Angus.

Then, the huge creatures begin moving while ignoring that someone is on top of its shell. The creature has the same appearance as a turtle. Angus and Jayna are on top of its shell and feeling the shaking around as the turtle starts to move.

Fortunately, the turtle movement is relatively steady, and they didn't need to worry about the severe shaking during its move other than the initial move. Unlike the top of its shell, the nearby sand desert moved violently because of the gigantic turtle.

Every step it takes, the nearby surrounding receives an earthquake and creates a small sandstorm towards the surrounding area. Even though the sandstorm is not as horrible as Angus and Jayna experience before, it is still quite a sight to behold.

While on top of the shell, Angus and Jayna could see all the horrible sandstorm the turtle left behind its step. They also found a few monsters or beasts running away from the sandstorm produced by the turtle.

After a while of the shock, "Angus, what should we do now?" said Jayna.

"I think we need to stay here for a while, at least until the turtle stops moving. Besides, there are also others." said Angus.

Hearing this, Jayna immediately feels a few presences nearby coming at them. A moment later, a few people wrapped in clothes came towards them.

"(Two Kids? What are they doing here?)." said one of the people in a different language.

Hearing the language, Angus begins to know that they are different races.

"Greetings, we are travelers from Firuman. Can you understand us?" said Angus in a common language that everyone in Firuman uses.

Hearing this, "(This language.. Firuman.)" said the other person.

Then, another person approaches Angus and Jayna. "Are you perhaps coming from the Firuman?" asked the person in a common language.

"Ahh yes, We are coming from the Firuman. We are part of the human race of the Heart Kingdom." said Angus.

"Human race, it is the same as the Clan Head. Well, if you don't mind, why don't you follow us towards our settlement." said the person who seems to be the leader.

Hearing this, both Angus and Jayna look at each other before Angus gives a silent nod.

"Alright, lead the way. We are also searching for a place to rest." said Angus.

"Then, Follow us." said the leader.

All of them begin to move in one direction. Despite being in the back of the turtle shell, there is still a lot of sand on top of it. All of this is because the turtle shell is enormous.

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