I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 185

Chapter 185: [Bonus Chapter]Returning

Chapter 185: [Bonus Chapter]Returning

[3rd Circle - Quagmire] The ground turned into a deep quagmire as soon as the complex magic diagram appeared. The retreat group was surprised at suddenly losing their foothold and sank to the ground without doing anything.

This performance shows the true power of magicians. Although the magician cannot make a sneak attack and is weak at close combat, they could reverse the situation, especially at the group battle.

However, not everyone could take the magician path. It needs a lot of hard work and talent, especially in their mind power talent.

Moreover, it takes time to train a magician into a capable one. Only a freak like Angus, with the help of a system, could do this kind of performance at his current age.

Fortunately, there are no capable magicians in the opposite group to counter Angus's spell. Even if there is one, Angus and Jayna could easily dispose of them with their new power.

Trapping inside the quicksand that keeps sinking make all the opposite group panic. This panic movement only makes them sink deeper. Only the group leader managed to stay calm and try to get out slowly from the quicksand area.

Without giving them time to collect themself, Angus comes out from the back and approaches the opposite group.

"Jayna, give me some fire!!" shouted Angus as he constructed a magic diagram in the air.

Hearing Angus, Jayna slashed the last standing person before shooting a wave of fire towards the quicksand with her sword [Sword Art - Crimson Slash].

Unlike her weak crimson slash before, after combining with [Hellfire], her crimson slash could burn at high temperatures that even could be felt from a distance despite its small size.

Using Jayna's Crimson Slash, Angus casts another spell to enhance its burning power and size [2nd Circle - Fire Oil]. The combined attack soon enveloped the entire quicksand area and burned all the people in it. *BOMM*

The entire area immediately turned into a hot blazing flame that could be felt from far away. Angus didn't expect their combined attack to turn into a deadly large-scale attack comparable with high circle spells. The opposite group couldn't even scream before being roasted alive.

'It seems we still underestimate the true power of those ancient powers. I couldn't help but think about how strong those ancient kings were when they were still alive.'? thought Angus.

Looking that none of the opposite group managed to come out alive, Angus feels shame since he couldn't take a prisoner. But it didn't bother him too much.

After the situation is under control, the remaining Sur group approaches Angus and Jayna with awe and gratitude. Only one person among them looked at them with contempt and jealousy.

'Damn it!! Those outsiders!! How could they have that kind of power?' thought Neil inwardly, but he chose to stay silent in the end.

Of course, Neil's reaction couldn't be missed by Angus's perception that was already enhanced with [Analyze] ancient power. Still, he didn't care too much about it.

It's because, with his new power, people on the level of Neil are already not in Angus's eye. Even though he knew about it, he couldn't do anything to Neil either. So, he chose to ignore Neil for the time being.

After a small celebration, the remaining Sur people follow Angus and Jayna back to the portal. Since there is less than an hour before the portal closes, they decide not to waste any more time and run towards the exit.

Fortunately, because of the size of the group, no other small group decided to ambush them. Besides, it will take a long time to fight against groups of their size.

A few minutes later, they finally arrive in front of the exit portal. Without wasting any more time, they went through the portal at once. *BUZZ*

After some uncomfortable disorientation, they finally return to the outer area in front of the gate towards the inner area.

Looking that the Sur group managed to come back along with Angus and Jayna, the other Sur Villagers felt relieved, especially the clan head Jade since he got some nasty rumor not long ago.

Back to the outer area, Angus's group immediately approached the Sur village people that were already waiting for them.

"Good work to come back alive. Each of you is the precious future of Sur village. Still, it seems you are going through quite a trouble inside the inner area." said clan head Jade who found a trace of battle and wounded some of them.

Then, one of the survivors decides to explain their current situation inside the inner area. Based on the survivor's story, while Angus and Jayna are doing their treasure hunt, some people secretly kill people from Sur village.

They managed to survive because, on the second day, they started regrouping rather than scattering around like usual.

At first, there were around forty people from Sur village entering the inner area. However, now only less than twenty have managed to survive and come back. It is unknown whether the rest are still surviving or not.

However, judging by the time the inner gate is almost closed, the clan head Jade didn't have any good expectations about them.

Each of these people that participate in the upcoming ceremony is precious and the future of their Sur clan. Yet more than half of them are buried inside the inner area because of the insidious plot from the other village.

Clan Head Jade couldn't help but look at the other village group base, which is waiting for their people to come back.

Some of them seemed surprised that Neil and the others managed to get out alive. But, they managed to keep their shocked expression the next moment. Still, this kind of change couldn't be hidden in front of the clan head Jade.

Unconsciously, clan head Jade releases strong fire mana towards nearby and increases the whole area temperature. Feeling this, all the other villages immediately put up their guard and were ready for battle while each of their leaders kept calm, glaring at Jade.

The passerby and small group beside the other five villages notice the change in the atmosphere and decide to get away from this location.

After a moment, the clan head Jade decided to shake his head and take a deep breath to calm his mind. Then, he takes back his aura and makes the surrounding place cool down before paying attention to Angus and Jayna.

"Thanks for your help, my dear nephew, lady Jayna. If it is not because of your timely help, Neil and the others may never return from the inner area." said Jade.

"Don't mention it, uncle. Besides, I already said I would help them if there is a chance. Otherwise, I will leave them independently. It's just our paths crossing each other when we are on the way to return." replied Angus.

Then, both of them chatted about various things before deciding to let the group rest. Along the way, Angus and Jayna found Gilford waiting for them in front of their tent.

"Cousin, Is there anything I can help you with?" asked Angus.

Based on Gilford's behavior, he will never seek someone unless it is an important matter, unlike Isvel, who likes to play around.

"Hmm.. Actually, I am not sure either. But, Somehow, I feel a similar feeling inside the two of you." said Gilford.

"I see, so he is really making you his heir candidate." said Angus.

"Heir?? What are you talking about??" asked Gilford in confusion.

"Actually, cousin Gil is the heir candidate of the ancient king of knowledge..." said Angus as he explained more about the ancient king.

During Gilford's upcoming ceremony, he somehow managed to enter the stone building of an ancient king by sheer coincidence. After being examined by the ancients of knowledge, the ancient king takes Gilford to his liking and decides to take him as his heir candidate.

This is also the main reason Gilford managed to get something ridiculous like Colossus and a few battle golem in the first place. None of the people in the world could give something like Colossus for free besides the Ancient King. josei

However, at that time, the ancient King was too lazy to explain things to Gilford and decided to let him uncover his power on his own. If it is not because of Angus, he may also never realize that he is the heir candidate of the ancient king.

Since Angus and Jayna also get the ancient power from the same Ancient King, Gilford could feel familiar power among the couples.

After explaining for a while, "Hmm… I see.. So, that's the reason why I could understand anything more clearly than before. as expected of the ancient power from the King of Knowledge." said Gilford.

"Anyway, thanks for the information. It helps me solve some questions in my head about my strange ability." added Gilford.

Then, Angus and Jayna finally could have time to rest. Running and searching for the stone house for more than two days with only a little bit of rest make both of them fatigued to the limit.

If it is not because of their second-grade mana core that enhances their resilience, both of them will already collapse a long time ago.

As Jayna wants to walk to her tent to rest, suddenly Angus pulls Jayna and drags her into his tent.

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