I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 192

Chapter 192: Final Stage

Chapter 192: Final Stage

A person with a monster mind means the person has the body of a normal living being but the mind of a monster. A mind that only seeks destruction like the monster itself, especially towards the civilian society.

This change could happen to every person. It is similar to a mental disorder. The cause of this phenomenon comes from many factors such as continuous mental abuse, physical torture for a long time, or getting overstressed by something for an extended time.

Although they have a monster mind, it doesn't mean their wisdom and intelligence are gone. This makes them more dangerous than ordinary monsters, who are like mindless beasts.

Usually, people will immediately kill the changed person before it could cause more damage. There are even stories about small countries getting destroyed by this changed person. Furthermore, there is no cure to reverse people with monster minds up to this day.

As a high noble, both Angus and Jayna know about this kind of phenomenon and the way to prevent their minds from turning into monsters.

Both of them were already taught that they could become anything except being turned into monsters from childhood. It is even better to become a dictator or murderer than a monster in mind.

Moreover, there is no way to indicate whether a person has already turned into a monster or not. The only indication is their tendency toward destruction.

If it is not because of their ancient power [Allegiance], Angus and Jayna may also not know the person's monster mind.

At first, this is the only ancient power they are reluctant to use since it will literally connect the user with the monster, especially in their mind. They didn't know if there would be any side effects from this power when they connected with the monster.

Like the others, the Queen of Beast also didn't explain her ancient power's true capability. She only described the basics of this power which make them connect to any beast or monster. As for the actual value and strength, both of them need to explore it by themself.

Feeling a person with a monster mind nearby, Angus and Jayna hurried their pace to go back to their camp. They hoped that the other people would soon handle this person.

There is another reason why a person with a monster mind is dangerous and disdained by many people. It is because of their strength and power. They could use both miasma and mana at the same time.

Some even managed to create two cores inside their body. One for the miasma and the others for mana. Combined with the mind focused on destruction, they could become an unstoppable killing machine that even high-grade combatants fear.

Angus didn't know what stage this person had, but he also didn't want to get entangled with such a troublesome person. They already have their troubles to survive in this dimension. It will be nothing but sheer stupidity to mess with this person.

Both of them managed to reach the camp and rest peacefully over the night without any disruption. At this point, Angus also feels that the other village is too quiet.

They even didn't let their people participate in the tournament. According to the other villagers, there will always be tight competition between each of these villages. Some even bet whose village will be the winner.

Still, this didn't mean that the quality of the people entering the tournament will be lower. According to the others, besides Angus and Jayna, most people who reach the final stage are newcomers with unprecedented combat capability.

Even though Angus feels that the other villages may be plotting something, he couldn't do anything since there is no proof, and he didn't know what they would be doing.

Arriving at the Battlefield arena with the most Sur villager, Angus and Jayna are immediately welcomed by the arena's staff. The whole Sur villager is excited to see Angus and Jayna fight, especially with their unique identity.

Entering the arena, they could see a massive arena in the center that is not divided anymore. The entire arena is the enormous size of the circular stone platform from the previously divided arena during the preliminary stage.

This will make the fight almost without boundary, like in the wilderness. In the middle of the arena, there are already few people waiting for them. They are the other contestants that also managed to reach the final stage.

After waiting for a while, all the top eight contestants finally arrive. Then, without wasting any moment, the announcer begins their welcoming ceremony.

"Welcome everyone to the battlefield arena. Today we will hold the final stage of the tournament like in the previous years. First, Let me introduce you to the eight participants that managed to get into the final stage." said the announcer excitedly.

"WOOO" reacted to the surrounding audience.

"The first ranking is…" as the announcer begins to introduce all the participants.

After the end of the introduction, "Now, participants, you may choose your opponent." said the announcer.

The moment the announcer finishes his sentence, an orc arrives in front of Angus.

"Kid, I managed to get into the final. Let's fight." said the orc towards Angus.

Apparently, the final stage is regulated based on the participant themself. They need to challenge one person, and the challenged person could not refuse them. After winning the fight, they will go into the next round.

Then, they will fight again in the next round using the same rules until only one person remains. Being challenged by the same orc from a few days ago, Angus couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, Let's fight." said Angus shortly.

Since Angus is the first one to be challenged among the others, his match becomes the first fight in the tournament's final stage. Seeing that Angus and the orc are ready to fight, the other competitor leaves the vast arena.

"Have fun." said Jayna in a low voice, but Angus could still hear her.

Hearing this, Angus only nodded his head.

After leaving the two of them alone in the arena, "Kid, what's your name?" asked the orc.

"Angus.. Angus Victory." replied Angus shortly.

"Good name, Mine is Ilgor. Let's have a great fight." said the orc with a grinning smile.

Suddenly, Angus shoots a few fast Firebolts towards the orc. The orc charges towards Angus while dodging the firebolt by a hairbreadth. Ilgor's charge is very fast that he almost arrives in front of Angus in just a few moments.

But, Angus keeps his calm and shoots a Fireball towards the orc to stop his track. Seeing the incoming yellowish-red ball, the orc brandished his one-handed axe [Axe Art - Wind cutter]. *Bom* Vodun creates a slight wind arch toward the Fireball and destroys it on its path.

Despite the shockwave, Ilgor keeping his charge towards Angus. Before Ilgor arriving in front of Angus, Angus tapped his ground, and the stone slab below rose from the ground [2nd Circle - Earth Wall].

Ilgor was surprised at Angus's spell but immediately returned to his calm and brandished his axes in both hands to destroy the Earth Wall [Axe Art - Twin Cut]. *Slash* *Crack* The earth wall was destroyed under the Ilgor's Twin Cut.

At the same time, the ground below Ilgor also shines bright and releases a magic diagram [1st Circle - Entangle]. A series of plantation roots came out from the ground and entangled Ilgor's feet. josei

In the meantime, Angus jumps away from the earth wall and shoots Fireball in the air towards the Ilgor, who is still struggling to get out from the root. *BAM* *BAM* two fireballs managed to hit directly at Ilgor.

Normally, any third-grade combatant will die under such an attack or be left with a severe wound. However, after the dust settled down, Ilgor only got scorched a little bit on his body and a few bruises with slight bleeding.

This shows the tenacity of a combat race called orc. The powerful race that is born to fight. Because of the Fireball, the entangle spell also gets canceled.

"Hahaha… I know it. Our fight will be an exciting one." said Ilgor before charging towards Angus.

Angus created a few thick Earth Walls in front of Ilgor. Like before, Ilgor decides to destroy the Earth wall. Suddenly, another magic diagram appears on the Earth Wall [2nd Circle - Earth Spike]. A pointed spike made of the earth appears and attacks Ilgor.

This makes Ilgor retreat to avoid the Earth Spike. However, Angus didn't plan to let the orc go away easily. A massive magic diagram suddenly appears on the ground below Ilgor.

Although Ilgor didn't know about this spell, seeing its scale and didn't activate right away, he decided to get away from its range as soon as possible. The bright light soon changes the stone platform into a quicksand [3rd Circle - Quagmire].

Luckily, Ilgor managed to get away and arrive at the edge of the spell on time. Before he could feel relieved, a few firebolts hit his body and pushed him back into the quicksand. *Bum* *Bum* *Bum*

Angus also didn't stop there and created another magic circle in front of him, as Ilgor tried to get away from the quicksand, A thick oil coming from Angus magic diagram [2nd Circle - Fire Oil].

Without a way to dodge, Ilgor's upper body got splashed with the Fire Oil while his lower body kept submerging.

"Let's see if you could survive being burned alive." said Angus while shooting Firebolt towards the Fire Oil. *BOM*

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