I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 416 Bidding Artifact

Chapter 416 Bidding Artifact

*Hisshhh* Zokline hissing loudly. Both Angus and the two holy knights immediately back away to create distance. Ignoring Angus and the others, the gigantic snake suddenly comes towards Odiel's corpse and eats it in one bite.

During this time, everyone could feel enormous mana from Zokline. Sensing the enormous mana inside Zokline, some priests feel like a mountain is pressuring them.josei

If they didn't know that Zokline is Odiel's ex-familiar, they would think it is a seventh-grade beast just from the amount of mana it has. Then, it thrashes around, destroying everything in the surrounding area.

"Angus, get away from there." shouted Duchess Amberblaze from afar.

"Damn it!! Retreat!" shouted the Priest Leaders.

As everyone is panicking and retreating, Anna suddenly runs towards Zokline.

"Yay.. Yay.. You are finally free!!" said Anna happily.

p "Anna!!" called both Angus and Jayna worriedly.

However, Anna is already in front of the enraged Zokline.

"Now, you are my cute pet!!" shouted Anna, pointing at Zokline like declaring herself as Zokline's new owner.

Miraculously, the Zokline stops thrashing around and glares at Anna with piercing eyes. Then, it lowered its head towards Anna. Anna wasn't afraid of the gigantic snake and touched its enormous mouth using her hand.

"Good girl.. Good girl." said Anna while stroking the gigantic snake.

'Err.. What is happening?!!' thought everyone.

*Hisshh* hissing Zokline sharply.

"Ehh.. You are a boy?! But you are too cute to be a boy. Change it to a girl." said Anna as she could understand Zokline's hissing.

'There is no way it could change its gender!!' thought everyone.

*Hisshh* hissing Zokline timidly.

"Ehh.. You can't. Boohoo… Alright, but you still need to behave like a lady." pouted Anna.

At this moment, Angus and Jayna arrive beside Anna.

"Anna, Did you truly subdue him?" asked Angus.

"Yeah.. And it is her, not him." corrected Anna.

The Zokline could only stay silent at his new owner's antics. Angus could only pity Zokline, who will have a hard and miserable life now.

He didn't know how Anna could tame and subdue Zokline, but Angus still trusted Anna since she never did anything that endangered herself except create troublesome situations.

Ignoring the gloomy Zokline for being called a girl, "Anna, could he.. I mean, she became smaller?" asked Angus as he found his colossal body was too eye-catching.

"Hm??" Anna didn't reply and only looked at the Zokline curiously.

Suddenly, Zokline became smaller until it could slip into Anna's clothes. Then, it curls up around Anna's hand.

"It's become so cute!! Angus.. Big Sis.. Isn't she super cute?" said Anna while stroking Zokline's tiny head.

"Err.. I guess so. Anyway, did it have a name?" asked Angus.

"Ahh.. I have already prepared a name for her. From now on, she is called Onyx." said Anna.

Both Anna and Jayna are surprised since it is a pretty good and decent name compared to when she gives others nicknames. At this moment, the others start to approach Angus's group.

"Haa.. You are really a magnet of trouble." sighed Duchess Amberblaze after seeing Zokline become Anna's pet.

"Ehh.. We didn't do anything. Anna is the one that did it." defended Angus.

"Yup. I did it. I even pop that meat bubble." said Anna proudly.

At the same time, Anny and her priest leader seemed to get reported by their subordinate and looked at each other. Then, they approach Angus and the others carefully.

"Young Master Angus, thanks for your help in subduing Plargos leader. However, could you please give us Plargos's cardinal scepter? That is not an ordinary artifact and could endanger everyone around it." said the Karum priest leader.

"Hmm… Don't ask me. Anna is the one that takes it. So, it is hers, not mine." said Angus.

Angus knows that Anna is obedient to him and Jayna. Hence, the Karum priest leader prefers to ask him rather than Anna herself. He already notices that Anna's aura becomes more sinister and dreadful after eating the bloated cardinal.

However, he didn't care since Anna was still fine and behaved like herself. Angus promised to keep taking care of her unless she did unforgivable things like massacre without good reason.

Hearing Angus responds, Karum's priest leader could only swallow his pride and try to ask Anna, who was still playing with Onyx in her hand.

"Err.. Little girl, could you please give us that scepter you hold?" asked the Karum priest leader.

Anna pretends she didn't hear the old man and keeps playing with Onyx while swinging the scepter around.

"Err.. Little girl." called the priest leader again.

But, Anna keeps ignoring her and even begins to talk to Jayna about Onyx. Completely disregarded by Anna like thin air, the Karum priest leader's face turns red in shame and humiliation.

At the same time, Angus and the Duchess Amberblaze only looked at the side with amusement. They are waiting for the Karum follower to make a blunder before stepping in and extorting Karum like the Temple of Death.

Moreover, artifacts are very rare and precious items. Even though it is unusable, its almost indestructible properties are already quite valuable.

There is no way Angus and the Duchess will let Karum take Anna's scepter away for free, especially after knowing Anna could use it.

Noticing Angus and the Duchess's intention, "Fine, you could keep it. But don't come running to us when there is a problem later." said the Karum priest leader before leaving.

"Sure. How about that double-scythe artifact? Did you also want to claim it?" asked Angus.

"About that… Could you give it to us, young master Angus? We, the Temple of Death, will surely reward you handsomely." said the Temple of Death priest leader.

"Young Master Angus, we the Afir will buy it. Can you name its price?" asked the Afir priest leader.

"Zion will offer some of our healing art and skill, if you give us that artifact." said the Zion priest leader.

Unlike the scepter, Odiel's double scythe is an ordinary weapon artifact corrupted with Plargos energy. With just some purification ritual or spell, it will revert back to an ordinary artifact.

Unfortunately, these religious organizations couldn't claim this artifact even though they participated in the battle. Their battle participation is already included in their contract with the Heart kingdom in exchange for spreading their religion in the Heart kingdom.

Therefore, Odiel's artifact belongs to the Heart kingdom since the Heart kingdom also participates in the battle while they are fighting for the contract obligation.

Seeing that the other priest leader began to offer a price for the artifact, the dejected Karum priest leader also joined the bidding. Soon, they start bidding on gold coins, healing art, medical knowledge, connection, or others.

"Alright, calm down, everyone. How about this? Since it is an artifact, it will be nothing but decoration if no one can use it. So, whoever could use that artifact will have the right to buy it." said Angus.

"Young Master Angus, how long will this offer apply?" asked the Temple of Death priest leader.

"Since all your strongest knights and priests are already here, the offer will end after you get out of this place. If by the time all of you get out of this place and none of you couldn't use this artifact, then it will belong to the Heart Kingdom." said Angus.

"Ridiculous!! Young Master Angus, you may not know this, but that artifact is corrupted. Just the purification process alone already needs weeks or months, not to mention being able to use an artifact needs years of practice." said Karum Priest leader.

"Really?? Then, it means you are not fated with the artifact." said Angus.

"Young Master Angus, this is ridiculous. If the Heart kingdom doesn't want to sell it, why don't you just say so? We are not fools and amateurs about artifacts." said the Afir priest leader.

"Then, it means you don't know anything about artifacts. That double-scythe artifact is currently in an unsealed state. It will take a few days or weeks before it finally seals itself. It means anyone compatible with it can use it and become its rightful owner easily." explained Angus.

"Theoretically, it is true, Young Master Angus. However, it is still in a corrupted state. We still need to purify it before letting anyone use it." said the Zion priest leader.

"Hmm… I have a way to purify it. But, it means it will cost double the price to whoever will buy it later." said Angus.

"Enough of this nonsense. Anny, let's go. It seems the Heart Kingdom does not regard our sincerity." said the Karum Priest Leader.

At this moment, a few clerics run in ragged breaths toward each of their priest leaders. Then, they whispered something to the leader.

"What?! All the infected are fully healed!!" yelled the Karum Priest Leader.

The other priest leader also received the same news and began to look at Angus.

'H-He.. truly find the cure of Plargos's plague.' thought everyone.

The Karum priest leader immediately ran back towards Angus.

"Young Master Angus, how did you do it? No, I apologize for my rude remark before. But, could you tell me how you find the cure?" asked the Karum priest leader excitedly.

"Leader!!" called Anny after watching her leader lose his composure.

"Anny, this is not a matter of face and shame. Right now, we finally found a cure to that cursed plague." said the Karum priest leader shamelessly.

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