I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 423 Reward

Chapter 423 Reward

'Err... She really holds a grudge for me avoiding her.' thought Angus.

After that, everyone returns to the Count's mansion and packs their things. Unlike other nobles, Angus and Jayna didn't have maids or butlers. They didn't like other people touching their things and disturbing them when they were inside the room together.

Moreover, they already used to take care of themself after living inside the Endless Battlefield dimension for a few years. Having a maid or other people near their private space is quite disturbing.

Hence, they never let other people enter their room when they are inside. The servant could only enter to clean when they were away. The same thing also happens when they are living in the capital city.

After packing and collecting their things, they go towards the teleportation platform. Apparently, their summon was quite urgent and they didn't have time to travel in the usual way by carriage.

Fortunately, the only people going to teleport are Angus, Jayna, Anna, Onyx, and Duchess Amberblaze. Therefore, they didn't need to worry about the teleportation limit. As for the few Flash Squad and Royal Guards, they will go back on their own.

*Buzz* In a moment, they step inside the platform, it begins to shine brightly and their view changes the next moment. They didn't feel too disorientated since all of them were used to teleportation.

Angus even used Flame Teleportation a few times when they tried to escape from the Duchess Amberblaze. Currently, they find themself inside a familiar reinforced room with many kinds of decorations on the wall.

"Alright, we should go to L-Leon now." said Duchess Amberblaze as she was pretty nervous to see Leon in real life.

Angus and Jayna notice this but ignore it and decide to follow the Duchess. Along the way, Angus sees many staff and guards surprised looking at the Duchess' presence. Some even couldn't cover their expression and gave quite amusing reactions.

Soon, they finally arrive at Leon's usual working room. In front of the working room, an old butler stood and waited for them.

"Ahh... Good to see you again, Duchess Amberblaze." welcomed old butler Darius.

"Nice to see you too, Darius? I hope you have been well." replied Duchess Amberblaze.

"Thank you for your concern, Duchess Amberblaze. I assume all of you want to meet his majesty. Unfortunately, his highness is currently still meeting with someone. Please wait for a while in this room." said old man Darius while guiding them to the room nearby.

The room is quite spacious and comfortable, with a big table in the middle of the room. There are many chairs around the table and a sofa not far away. Entering the room, Anna immediately runs towards the comfy couch and jumps on it.

Seeing this, Jayna's maternity turned on and rebuked the naughty little troublemaker. In the meantime, Angus asked the Duchess why he was summoned.

"Well, I am not sure either. But, I think it is about rewarding you or something officially." said the Duchess.

"Reward?" asked Angus back.

"Well, what you did in the Sunset City attracted many people and force. Not only are you able to find the cure for Plargos's epidemic, but you are also able to find a way to purify corrupted artifacts. Moreover, many people also witness Jayna fight against the Cardinal."

"Even Leon didn't want to. He still needed to reward you something for this kind of achievement." said Duchess Amberblaze.

"That's... I guess I don't have any choice." said Angus while sighing.

For Angus, popularity and fame are nothing but trouble. However, he also knows he can't reject this kind of reward. Heart kingdom government relies heavily on a rewarding merit system, especially for the noble.

As long as a person can contribute to the Heart Kingdom, they will be rewarded in an official ceremony by the King. Some people could even receive nobility titles if their contribution had a huge impact.

Ignoring and declining this kind of reward may not disturb Angus's life, but it will create chaos for the kingdom system. Unlike before, when his achievement was only known by a few people, Angus and Jayna's deed has a considerable impact and is witnessed by many people.

Hence, King Leon needs to reward them to keep the system working properly. After waiting for a while, everyone could hear someone slam the door while screaming from the outside.

"You can't do this to me!! I am the Empress!!" heard a voice from the outside as it went into the distance.

Hearing the familiar voice from the outside, Jayna and Duchess Amberblaze flinch a little. Angus ignores the Duchess and immediately looks at Jayna worriedly. Through their bond, Angus could feel Jayna's uneasiness.

Subconsciously, Angus looks towards the door and releases hot fire mana nearby. He knows the person behind the wall and what she did to Jayna during childhood. Feeling the warm environment and killing intent, Jayna immediately grabs Angus's hand to calm him down.

"You should control your emotions, boy. It could be your weakness in the future." commented Duchess Amberblaze.

"Hmm... And what will they do with this weakness? Hurting Jayna? Hmph... I like to see if someone dares to hurt Jayna and is still alive to see the day."

"I don't care who they are. If they try to touch and hurt Jayna, they will feel my wrath even if it is her own blood family." said Angus coldly.

Hearing this, the Duchess could only give a long sigh while looking at Jayna with a silent stare question like asking, 'Are you seriously like this obsessive person?'.

However to her dismay, Jayna seems completely oblivious to her stare and looks at Angus like a fangirl after hearing his word. Suddenly, the butler Darius enters the room.

"Excuse me, everyone. His majesty, King Leon, is ready to meet you." said the old butler.

Then, they leave the room and enter King Leon's working room. Just as they enter the room, King Leon immediately appears in front of them and suddenly kisses Duchess Amberblaze while ignoring everyone's stares.

All the royal guards in the room couldn't help but be surprised and could only look the other way to avoid seeing such a scene. In the meantime, Angus and Jayna are surprised at how bold King Leon is while Anna stares intently at the two old couples.

"L-Leon.." The Duchess tried to stop the kiss as she noticed everyone's stare.

However, feeling her lover's lips keep forcing into hers makes her heart flutter and forget everything nearby.

At this moment, "Angus.. Angus... Is Aunty going to mate? Is she going to get pregnant?" asked Anna innocently.

"No, Anna. I already explained to you many times that's not how humans mating and get pregnant?" said Angus.

Hearing Anna and Angus remark makes the old couple realize the others and stop their passionate kiss.

"Ehem.. Welcome back, Extalia and everyone." said King Leon trying to get back his demeanor but still not letting Extalia go from his side.

"Yeah.. Yeah.. Let's get this over before you two could continue in the hidden backroom." chimed Angus playfully.

"Brat, It seems you get cockier after more than a month away." replied King Leon coldly.josei

"Well, if you don't like it, you should just exile me with Jayna in some countryside, away from the capital. I promise you, you will never hear anything about me anymore." said Angus.

"In your dream. I still need you to work to death first." replied King Leon.

Then, the two begin to bicker with each other. This kind of verbal exchange is usual since King Leon fought against Angus and Jayna last time. After the fight, King Leon and Angus seem closer and could casually bicker like this when alone.

"Alright, that's enough. Anyway, you may already guess it, but you did a good job at Sunset City and I need to reward you. So, anything you need for the reward?" asked King Leon as he turned serious.

"Huh?? Why ask me? Just give whatever is on your mind and be done with it." replied Angus.

p "In normal cases, I could do that. Unfortunately, your work in Sunset city has a lot of impacts. Moreover, you are not only witnessed by a lot of people but also by high priests from the four big religious groups. Hence, I couldn't reward you half-heartedly." said King Leon.

"During the official award ceremony, I need to grant you something besides the usual reward." added King Leon.

"What is the usual reward?" asked Angus.

"Based on your contribution, you will at least receive baron title, money and one item from the kingdom's treasury." explained to the Duchess while standing beside King Leon.

"Hmm... How troublesome. I don't need all of that. Hell, I could even get something better than that on my own." replied Angus.

"I believe with your current fortune, you may be able to do that. That's why I asked what you wanted so I could prepare it before the official ceremony." said King Leon.

"Hmm... How about giving more holiday in the countr...?" asked Angus.

"Rejected. No more vacation for you." replied King Leon without waiting for Angus to finish.

"What the... Urgh... " replied Angus as he almost cursed King Leon blatantly.

Although he could casually bicker with King Leon, he still couldn't curse King Leon in front of him.

"*Sigh* Fine, just give me a weapon artifact." said Angus.

Hearing Angus's answer, "Alright, deal." replied King Leon with a smirk.

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