I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 443 Hidden Force

Chapter 443 Hidden Force


"You may refuse to have more relations with the Widespread family after using it, but I suggest you don't do it." said Aunt Hersha solemnly.

"That's certainly troublesome. Why did you use such a roundabout method and just force me to cooperate with you all?" asked Angus curiously.

Since they could guarantee Angus would definitely work together with them, the Widespread family could also force him from the start rather than waiting for him to use the plate.

"That's… I am sorry. I can't explain it to you in detail." said Aunt Hersha apologetically.

"Hmm… I guess I also can't refuse this golden plate, right?" asked Angus.

"Y-Yeah… I am sorr.." said Aunt Hersha, trying to apologize again.

Before Aunt Hersha finished her sentence, "Hush… Aunt Hersha, you are one of the people I consider my family. Don't worry about it. Besides, as long as I don't use it, I will be fine. Moreover, I may implicate you if I don't take this plate." said Angus while hugging his aunt.

"Angus…." said Aunt Hersha, who replied to her nephew's warm hug.

After hugging for a while, "Angus, you need to know in this Firuman there is a powerful hidden force that could easily topple the world alliance. I don't know how but this force somehow notices you."

"Such.. a force. What is this force?" asked Angus confusedly.

"I don't know too much about them either? Only those that are permitted to know them will meet them. However, everyone that they take notice of will become someone great. I also hear you get in contact with one of their hands." said Aunt Hersha.

"One of them? Don't tell me…" said Angus as he realized one of the mysterious, strong organizations he hired not too long ago.

"Yeah… The number one assassin guild." said Aunt Hersha.

"How did you know about that? Did the Widespread family also belong to this powerful force?" asked Angus.

"Truthfully, I don't know if the Widespread family belongs to this hidden force or not. As for how we know… let's just say if that guild is the number one assassin guild, we are the number one information guild. Nothing happens in this world that we don't know." said Aunt Hersha.

"I see… It seems Aunt also couldn't reveal too much about this matter." said Angus as he realized her aunt might be bound by some sort of soul-bound contract.

"I know you don't like this troublesome situation. However, I also can't disobey the higher-up command either. I just hope you will never use this plate and avoid this situation." said Aunt Hersha in a sad tone.

"It's okay, Aunt Hersha. I could protect myself. Besides, If I somehow use it, I don't think it is a bad idea. Although I hate being forced to work with others if the other party is the number one information guild, I think it is worth it." said Angus while reassuring his aunt.

As someone from modern Earth, he knows how powerful information is if he uses it wisely. Having an ally with the number one information guild entices Angus even though he is forced to work with them.

After that, they continue talking about various things and spend time together. Angus knew it would be long before he could see his aunt again. The following day Angus arrived at the royal palace.

He finds the others already ready to depart anytime soon. The only people that are still not there are Anna and Jayna. Seeing this, Angus released a sigh. He knows how difficult it is to wake the little troublemaker, especially in the early morning like this.

Fortunately, Jayna had already predicted this situation and decided to bring the sleeping Anna along without waking her up. Still, it is pretty troublesome as no one dares to touch Anna when she is asleep.

Not only is there an ancient beast snake guarding her, but she also has some defensive mechanism when sleeping. Anyone that approaches her besides Angus and Jayna will get attacked by her.

Furthermore, this is not an ordinary attack but a very potent miasma-coated attack. Ilgor often received this attack whenever he tried to wake her up. Fortunately, Ilgor is a competent warrior who manages to defend himself without serious injury.

Still, this makes Anna unapproached by anyone when she is sleeping except Angus and Jayna. Some guards and employees in the royal palace also know about this problem and always distance themself from Anna like a plague.

Therefore, only a few people dare to talk with Anna in the Royal Palace. Soon, Jayna brings the sleeping Anna in her arms while many employees get their belongings to the carriage. Although they store most of their belongings in the storage device, they still have a few things left outside.

"Alright, everyone is ready. Let's depart now!!" command Duchess Amberblaze as the group leader.

"Lia, stay safe and keep them from trouble." said King Leon as he hugged his lover before bidding Jayna farewell.

Just as Angus, "Angus, please stay safe. I am sorry I can't accompany you, but I already make sure that woman is capable enough to protect you." said Aunt Hersha while hugging him gently.

"Sure. Then, I will go first." said Angus entering the carriage with Jayna and Anna.

Duchess Amberblaze also hears Hersha's word and gives a cold nod to her before entering the carriage.

The carriage is quite spacious and does not feel crampy at all, even occupied by four people. It is enchanted and has a bigger space than its normal size. It even has a toilet and four beds.

Unfortunately, Ilgor didn't get a chance to enjoy this luxury carriage. As Angus's subordinate and part of the Sur knights, he moved along with the other Sur knights on their horse ride. After a final check, they depart from the Royal Palace to Nirvas kingdom.

The journey is long and needs a lot of stops. Even at their fastest speed, they need at least a few weeks before arriving at the Windshire Fort border. From the Windshire Fort, they will continue their journey to the Nirvas Kingdom through non-territorial land.

The journey towards Nirvas kingdom is peaceful. With the protection of Royal Guards and Sur Knights, no one dared to stop and disturb them. Just seeing the sign of the Heart royal emblem, everyone immediately gives them away.

They decide not to enter any major cities and stay the night on the road to avoid trouble. Although it is uncomfortable and tiring to camp on the road for a few weeks, it is still better than being delayed by some unforeseen problem.

Angus and Jayna didn't protest about the lack of comfort since they had already gotten used to this kind of lifestyle when they adventured inside Endless Battlefield. The only problem is their aunt keeps looking at them like a hawk.

She knows Angus is capable of using rare space teleportation skills. She didn't want Angus to escape again like he was inside Sunset City. However, Duchess Amberblaze didn't know Angus needed tremendous mana to teleport three people at once.

With his mana capacity, Angus could only transfer them twice or thrice for a few hundred meters at maximum before entering a mana deficiency state.

On the contrary, when Angus used [Shadow Teleportation] with the help of Draven, he could reduce his mana consumption by many times.

Unfortunately, Draven is in the hibernation phase to break through third grade. He has been hibernating ever since they came back from Sunset City. Angus thought he would take more time before reaching third grade.

'It seems I still underestimate the power of the legendary beast. Well, it is better for Draven to get stronger. Still, I hope he can finish his hibernation phase before we arrive at the Nirvas.'

'I don't want to lose one of my trump cards when entering unknown territory. But, knowing the Mundus hibernation phase… Let's just hope he wakes up soon.' thought Angus.

Since Angus got more information about Mundus from Old man Draught, he began to observe Draven more carefully. He notices Draven has been more docile and silent since he reached second grade.

According to the information and book from Old man Draught, Mundus is a very silent and cold creature. The reason he is very talkative when Angus first meets him is that he is still in the baby and playing phase.

As Mundus grows up, they will become stronger and become perfect silent killers. Angus was found in ancient times, Mundus hailed as the deadliest beast in the world. It is not because he is stronger than others.

It is because no one ever survives being targeted by Mundus. It has a reputation of 100% success in killing its target. Even the mighty dragon could die from this creature. Because of such a threat they possess, they were hunted by everyone in the past.

Few Gods also declared them heinous beasts and let their followers hunt down this beast to almost extinction. Currently, Draven is reaching a different stage of life.

p Grade 1 and 2 Mundus is called the infancy stage. While grade 3 and 4 is called the Puberty stage. From grade 5 to above, they are full-fledged adults.

Unfortunately, most Mundus could never reach the Puberty stage, where they were completely hidden from others. If Angus does not provide Draven with a large amount of meat from high-grade monsters, he may also need another dozen years to reach third grade.

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