I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 448 Fishing Mole

Chapter 448 Fishing Mole

After resting for a few more minutes, Angus and Jayna finally feel better from the terrible motion sickness.

"Is anyone able to use this without puking?" complained Angus.

"Anna can." replied Anna.

"Urgh.. Forget I ask about it. Anyway, let's start to hunt those moles." said Angus.josei

Angus's plan is simple and straightforward. Rather than waiting to get ambushed on the way, he decided to straight first. But, Aunt Extalia and Uncle Jade disagreed with Angus' plan.

It is not because of the danger Vitas possess. It is because of the speed Vitas races to escape to the ground. If they can't exterminate all of them at once, Vitas mercenaries will be able to run away and a lot of time will be wasted on hunting them again.

On the other hand, Aunt Extalia suggests they follow their previous schedule. With her among the convoy, she believes there will be no danger they will face.

This is also a good idea since Angus knows Aunt Extalia's power. But, this is the world of magic where anything could happen.

He didn't want to gamble everyone's life by waiting to be attacked first. He rather launches his attack rather than be ambushed. Moreover, Angus not only wants to attack them but also instill fear in them. The Nergal Kingdom mainly consists of the human race as its citizens.

Therefore, it is rare to have a unique race like Vitas among their ranks. If the war continues on this route, Nergal may keep hiring other races' mercenary groups to gain any advantage from the Heart Kingdom.

Although the Heart Kingdom could cope with their strong military power and use other races' mercenaries, there will still be a lot of casualties when Nergal brings out those other races' mercenaries on the battlefield.

To prevent this kind of tragedy, Angus made Vitas a mercenary group as an example for the others to avoid other mercenary race groups from joining this war.

Suddenly, Angus uses [Great Mana Echolocation] on a large-scale towards the surroundings and detects all the hidden Vitas on the ground.

"As I expected, they also sent a few Vitas to monitor the surrounding Fort from the ground. Now, how do we take them out from the ground? All of them are hiding deep on the ground." said Angus.

As Angus and Jayna are thinking about how to eliminate Vitas, Anna suddenly jumps from the air platform to the ground below. This sudden action surprises them and immediately catches up with the little troublemaker.

In the middle of the air, Anna suddenly transforms into her monster form and accelerates to the ground. Her speed is so fast that she instantly reaches the ground and creates a huge crater.

*BOOOM* Despite the harsh landing, Anna didn't get any injury and surprised all the Vitas that hid deep inside the ground. Then, Anna plants her hand on the ground and releases many miasma tendrils.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack* A few moments later, all the Vitas nearby are coming out from the ground as miasma tendrils force them up in the air. Seeing this, Angus and Jayna change their course in a split second and begin to attack the helpless Vitas in the air.

[Fiery Burst] [Air walk] Angus and Jayna use their movement skill in the air to catch up with the Vitas mercenaries. Before the other parties could defend themself, they started butchering them without mercy.

Angus didn't forget to shoot the far one with long-range fire spells while taking down the nearest one using his twin sword artifact. In the meantime, Jayna has more air advantage and could take care of the Vitas mercenaries easily using her burning sword.

They eliminate all the Vitas before touching the ground in less than a minute.

"Yey… We get a lot of mole bubbles!! Hold on, Anna will fish them more." said Anna as she tried to go towards another location.

*Bonk* Before she could go, Angus appeared in front of her and hit her head.

"Owww!!" cried Anna.

"How many times have I said not to do something dangerous like that?!" lectured Angus.

"B-But… Anna just wants to fish for some moles." said Anna in a sad tone.

"Haa… At least ask first before doing something like that, okay? I know you are strong. But, Big sis and I couldn't help but worry about you, especially when you crash the ground with that kind of speed." said Angus while patting her head.

Anna looks at Angus' black eyes with an absent-minded expression before giving a cheerful smile while hugging him.

"Umm.. Angus is the best." said Anna cheerfully.

After that, they apprehend the surviving Vitas and continue their hunt. It is still in the middle of the day and they still have some time to hunt Vitas before the sunset. Just as Angus and the others want to continue their hunt, a bright red light appears in front of them and hits their head.

*Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

"Ouch!!" screamed Angus and Jayna.

"Oww!! Not again!!" cried Anna while clutching her head in pain.

"What do you think you are doing?!! I am just leaving you for a moment. Just a moment!! Then, you already created this mess!!" yelled Aunt Extalia angrily.

Seeing the angered aunt in front of them, the three youngsters rooted on the spot and could only nod their heads while being lectured by Extalia.

Angus already predicted this moment, but he also didn't expect Aunt Extalia to be able to catch them up this fast. He begins to wonder about the unnatural speed of his Aunt.

Currently, they are located a few kilometers away from the Fort and only a few minutes have passed since Anna's crashing sound was heard. Yet, their war hero aunt still catches them instantly.

'There is no sign of fatigue either. It means she didn't use her full speed either. Damn… she is worse than King Leon. At least, King Leon is too busy with his work and gives us some leniency.' grumbled Angus inwardly.

After lecturing for a few more minutes, "Tch… Fine. Since you already made a move, let's eliminate those Vitas. Bring me the surviving one here." said Aunt Extalia as she ended her lecture.

Then, Angus brings the unconscious Vitas to Aunt Extalia. Vitas race has a slender and tall appearance. If not for their weird face shape, ears, and mucus they produce all over their body, they may have the body to rival the most beautiful elves race.

Suddenly, Aunt Extalia cut the unconscious Vitas' hand without warning and woke him up with its pain.

"Arrghh!!" screamed the Vitas mercenary.

"Speak, how many people are in your group?! Tell me your strongest and your leaders!!" asked Aunt Extalia directly.

"Go.. Arghhh!!" said Vitas mercenary before screaming in pain.

Aunt Extalia stabs a dagger into Vitas' thigh before he finishes his sentence. Then, she pulls out and stabs at another place. She keeps stabbing the wounded mercenary without touching his vital part.

"You better tell me in a hurry or I will not end your life soon." said Aunt Extalia without stopping stabbing Vitas.

As the wound accumulates at Vitas mercenary, a bright light envelops his body and slowly heals his wound [3rd  Circle - Light Heal].

"You better hurry and tell us everything. I could keep you from dying as long as I want." said Angus with an evil smile.

Seeing this, Aunt Extalia nodded her head and continued her stabbing at Vitas mercenary. At the same time, shadow guard Latina who witnessed this terrible torture, couldn't help but remember Madam Malkin's similar situation not too long ago.

'They are merciless!!' thought Latina.

Angus and the others didn't react to Aunt Extalia's cruel torture. Not only have they done something worse than her, but they also know this is a battlefield. They couldn't give any mercy to them since now they were their enemy.

When Vitas mercenaries meddle with their war, they already become enemies and will be treated without mercy. This is the cruel part of the war and they know about it. It is also why Angus didn't want to go to this place.

Sooner or later, they will encounter this kind of cruel act on the frontline. Even if they didn't have any life grudge against each other, they would try their best to kill and hurt each other.

While Angus and Aunt Extalia extracts the information from the survived Vitas, Jayna brings Anna somewhere to prevent her from seeing the cruel torture. Angus and Jayna know how mature and brutal Anna could be.

She will not even react when looking at the tortured dying person in front of her. However, they didn't want Anna to get used to this situation.

If Anna becomes familiar with this, she may be able to hurt others without remorse, and they don't want Anna to turn into this state.

Angus never plans to change Anna by being not destructive or turning her into normal, but he intends to show Anna the beauty of the world and let her choose her path after she sees it. If she didn't change after experiencing that, Angus would respect her choice and let her be.

Still, Angus and Jayna couldn't help but be quite troubled now. Currently, they find Anna thinking the most beautiful thing in this world is them. She feels delighted as long as she can stay with them.

This makes them feel more intimate and loves her like her parents. Sometimes, they even treat Anna as their child.

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