I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 455 Blown Away

Chapter 455 Blown Away

From the information he got, Angus finds some strong monsters and various beasts that reside in this forest. If there is something or someone worthy of Anna's friend, it will be these monsters.

Arriving at their camp, Angus reports to Aunt Extalia about the information he gathers from the other merchants, travelers, mercenaries, or adventurers. Still, he didn't say anything about Anna's potential 'friend' inside the forest.

As someone who wants Anna to feel true happiness, Angus wants Anna to experience having a friend, even if they are a monster or legendary beast. If he told Aunt Extalia about Anna's friend, she would postpone entering the forest or even prohibit Anna from following them.

After hearing Angus's information, "I see… No wonder more people are gathering here than usual. Still, they are right. Venturing into this thick mist is too dangerous. Just the normal mist is already troublesome, not to mention this dense mist." said Aunt Extalia.

"Yeah. There is also another problem." said Angus.

"What is it?" asked Aunt Extalia.

"My detection skill is useless inside the forest." replied Angus.

"Really?! I already hear that any detection or scanning skills/spells are useless inside the Twilbo Woods. But, I never thought your ridiculous detection skill also didn't work." said Aunt Extalia.

"Well, rather than say it didn't work, it is more like this mist prevents my detection skill. This mist is made of something that blocks a small amount of mana traveling in the air." explained Angus.

"Normal spells/skills could still work as usual, but for a skill that needs precision and a small amount of mana in the air will be difficult to use." added Angus.

"I see… Then, it will be problematic." said Aunt Extalia.

"So, are we going to wait for the mist to thinner?" asked Angus.

"Not really. I just received a report from the Crown Prince Eric team that Nergal ambassadors almost passed their entrance test. They are certain they could pass it in no time. We couldn't waste too much time waiting for the mist to get thinner." said Aunt Extalia.

"Then, will we get inside now?" asked Angus.

"Hmm… Let's wait for a few days. If the mist doesn't get thinner, we are forced to enter this thick mist." declared Aunt Extalia.

"Sure. Then, I will excuse myself." said Angus as he got out of Aunt Extalia's tent.

Then, Aunt Extalia returns to her work managing the group before following Angus and the others like a hawk. Learning from the last incident, she didn't want to leave these three kids alone, especially Anna.

On the other hand, Angus and the others ignore Aunt Extalia and continue what they are doing. Seeing Angus and the others from afar, a few adventurers exchange looks with each other before one of them uses a hidden communication device.

At the same time, inside a nation nearby with the Twilbo Woods, a group of knights receives a message.

"Heh.. to think she dares to come out from that sinner nation. Alright, boys. It seems we have work to do. Let's pack up." said the knight leader while wearing the cross emblem on his armor.

Soon, the knights depart from the kingdom towards Twilbo Woods. Every single person who sees the group of knights immediately kneels and prays to Bliasm, God of Purity.

They know every time these knights go out, they will hunt down the heretics and one step closer to purifying the world from the sinner. Oblivious to this holy knight movement, Angus and the others spend their time leisurely waiting for the mist to get thinner.

A few days passed by peacefully and the mist didn't get any thinner but became denser. In the end, Aunt Extalia decided to enter the forest as they couldn't waste any more time. They choose to enter the mist forest on foot to prevent any accidents.

They also tie a rope on each other to prevent getting lost inside this mist. After walking inside the lush forest for a moment, they hear many strange sounds from the surrounding area. From asking for help sound, people laugh, scream, or even monster roar.

Fortunately, everyone already expects this kind of thing. The forest is the habitat of a particular ape beast capable of imitating other sounds. This is also the main reason why this forest is dangerous.

These ape beasts often lure the traveler or other monster/beast to the traveler with their sound. To not get confused by these ape beast's sounds, Angus and the others decide to only communicate with telepathy.

Still, it is not easy to use telepathy without being able to pinpoint the target inside this thick mist. Hence, Angus applied a few complex runes on the rope tied to their body. The runes will make the others use telepathy skills/spells more easily without pinpointing the target.

As they keep moving, they begin to find many beasts and monsters. But, none of them threaten Angus and the others as long as they prevent the other party from a sneak attack. Angus' [Mana Echolocation] may be useless in this mist, but he still has his heat sense.

Although his heat sense range is not as big as mana echolocation, it is enough to cover their surroundings and prevent any sneak attack from nearby beasts/monsters. Moreover, Angus' heat sense is not ordinary.

After countless practices, he managed not only to sense heat at a high temperature and things with low temperatures like ice. In other words, as long as they have a temperature, be it low or high, Angus can detect it with his senses.

He didn't expect his hard work sensing practice to be helpful in this situation. After a few hours of walking, they find the mist getting a huge weird plant in front of them.

Rather than a plant, they actually thought it was a beast/monster at first. The plant has the shape of a giant elephant with a few big trunks facing every direction. If it is not the thick branch below its stomach, everyone will never think it is a plant.

"Woahh… Big elephant!!" exclaimed Anna while sitting on the top of Angus' shoulder.

"What a weird plant?! Fortunately, we didn't attack it. Who knows what kind of thing it will react to from any disturbance." said Angus.

During the way, Angus and the others find a few troublesome beasts/monsters. At first, they look like docile living creatures. When Angus' group somehow attacks or surprises them, they run wild on a rampage.

This is the main reason they advance slowly despite already walking for a few hours. Then, they decide to continue their journey and avoid this strange plant.

At this moment, a few hidden lizards suddenly attack them using their tongue from a distance. The Royal and Sur knights react appropriately and deflect their sharp tongues. Angus and a few other magicians in the team launch their spells to hit the lizards.


Unfortunately, the lizard is very agile and has a small body. Besides Angus, the other magician has difficulty pinpointing the lizards inside this thick mist. Still, this is not a problem as Angus could cast spells non-stop. *Bam* *Bam* *Bam*

Suddenly, one of the lizards flies away from one of Angus' fire spells toward the elephant plant and hits it. Everyone immediately stays on guard for any reaction from the giant plant.

However, the plant didn't react, only swaying a little bit. At this moment, the lizard beast croaked loudly in anger. *CROOAKK* As soon as it shouted, the whole gigantic plant trembled and released a thunderous sound. *BOOOOOO*

The sound was so loud that it could be heard from the whole forest. Moreover, it not only releases a loud sound but ridiculous strong wind from all of its trunks. Angus and the others didn't expect such a reaction and were blown away by the strong wind.

The whole group scattered and a few flew away into the air. Unfortunately, Anna is one of the people who is flying away from the strong wind. She was on Angus' shoulder and didn't have time to grab something.

"Anna!!" called Angus and Jayna as they managed to hold themself on the ground.

​ "Wiii… I am flying!!" said Anna happily as she didn't worry about her current situation before disappearing into the thick mist.

Just as they want to go in Anna's direction, Angus and Jayna stop on their track and dodge a sneak attack from the hidden beast. Using their sharp perception, they find many monsters/beasts approaching them as the thunderous sound attracts them.

"Tch.. Damn it!!" cursed Angus as he didn't hold back and struck the hidden monster.

They know Anna is strong and will be fine even if falling from a high place. Moreover, there is also Onyx by her side. But, this is a forest that could entrap anyone forever. Who knows how long they could ever meet Anna again inside this misty forest.

While Angus' group faces a horde of beasts/monsters, the Bliasm holy knights also enter the Twinbo Woods, following Angus' group. Currently, they are running towards the thunderous sound they heard not too long ago.

They know it must be coming from Angus' group since only them dares to venture into this forest with this kind of dense mist.

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