I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 459 Corpse Servant

Chapter 459 Corpse Servant

Hearing Angus' words and tone, the Duchess didn't correct him since this is true. Angus may be obligated to help and respect the Crown Prince inside the Heart Kingdom. But, here is the Nirvas Kingdom. No one could force him to do the same thing.

Besides, Aunt Extalia also agreed with Angus' words. As an experienced combatant, she knows only the strong are respected in this world, not the others around. This is proven as there are no weaklings among the nation's leaders.

Every strong person will never bow their head easily to others, especially to the weaker one. After observing Angus for a while, Aunt Extalia also noticed Angus' pride and behavior as a strong expert.

These kinds of people will choose death rather than bowing to someone they don't want to. On the contrary, if they find someone worthy of their respect, they will bow their head willingly, even if it is a thousand times.

"Ahhh.. Thief!! My Meat!!" said Anna while trying to bite the meat in Angus' hand.

Unfortunately, Angus already eats the meat before the little troublemaker manages to bite it.

"Boohooo… My meat!!" complained Anna with a sad tone.

"Anna, you already eat too much. You may get a stomachache if you overeat during breakfast." said Angus as he looked at the exhausted chef and waiter not far from them.

"Ehh… Anna doesn't want to get a stomachache. Anna hates pain." said Anna while touching her small stomach.

'Could she get hurt in the first place?!' thought everyone inwardly.

Ignoring Anna's ridiculous comment, "Then, stop eating. Let's explore the town." said Angus.

"Exploring?! Yeyy… Mira, come. Let's go together!!" said Anna as she dragged her new friend.

Then, Jayna and Aunt Extalia also end their breakfast and follow them. During this time, the chef and waiter were finally relieved from not feeding Anna's bottomless stomach anymore.

On the way, Angus notices a few people observing them from afar. One of them is nobles from their kingdom. He ignores them and continues walking. Unless the Crown Prince is here by himself, no one could force him to do anything.

Moreover, he also already has a noble title as Baron. By law, he has more authority than these young nobles that the Crown Prince brings along. As for the other people spying on them, he speculated it must be from the Nergal Kingdom or others.

Since this is not the Heart Kingdom, the other kingdoms could easily send their spies and make them stay here. With the long-distance communication device, they could easily send messages to others outside the Twilbo Woods.

It is not an exaggeration if Angus and the others could meet assassins here. However, he is not worried since they are fully prepared for them. They didn't bring Ilgor or other Royal Guard since they needed rest from yesterday's journey.

Keeping their vigilance inside the thick forest and fighting cunning beasts/monsters really exhausted them. Even the strong orc collapsed as soon as he met with the bed.

Fortunately, the orc is forgotten by the little troublemaker as she is occupied with her new friend. Otherwise, Ilgor will be forced to stay all night playing with her.

Despite still being early in the morning, Craghost Town is already crowded. Similar to Porros, they use the core as currency in this town. Because the city is habited by many kinds of races all over the Firuman, they could find many unusual things.

Few of them are unique weapons, materials, or even potions that could only be found outside this region. They also find the price is many times higher than the average market price.

Even a piece of bread will cost them 1 grade one core. While outside, they could get at least one week's worth of food with 1 grade one core. After asking around, they find it is because of Twilbo Wood's current condition.

With the thick mist, Craghost Town is completely cut off from the outside world. It is hard for the merchants coming into this town. As a result, their common goods become more valuable. However, this only affects the outsider, not the city guards and examiner.

All the important town personnel come from the Nirvas Kingdom. Even without those merchants, they could still sustain themself with their kingdom's supplies.

In the first place, Nirvas were only responsible for a few towns' management and security. Other than that, people need to take care of themself. They will not help or interfere with other people's problems.

Despite the high price, Angus still bought many things. Most of them are because of Anna's request, as she finds most of them attractive. She finds those things funny and likes to play with them.

Although it is a waste of money, Angus doesn't mind since he has too much money. Rather than keep all his money in his pocket, he prefers to spend it to make Anna happy.

"Angus.. Angus… Look, it is a weird mask." called Anna as she pointed at another weird accessory at the nearby merchant stall.

"Err… Little girl, this is not a weird mask. This is…" said the leopard beast-kin merchant while trying to calm down from Anna's casual remark.

Before the merchant finishes his sentence, Anna takes the mask and suddenly throws it away. By coincidence, the mask flew towards the approaching bald person.

The bald person was surprised at the sudden attack and deflected the mask with his hand. Instantly, the mask broke and hurt the bald person's hand.

"Ahh.. My mask!! Stupid Baldy, you are not supposed to break it." said Anna, pointing to the baldy.

"Hehh… Brat, you are the one that throws it first." said Bald guy.

Suddenly, the bald guy deflects Aunt Extalia's punch casually and makes a distance from them.

"How dare you show your face here, Orpus!!" yelled Aunt Extalia.

"Heh.. I didn't expect the helper of Crown Prince Eric to be the Crimson Flash." said the Mad Monk Orpus.

Before the monk wanted to retaliate, he suddenly stumbled his way and hit the ground *Bam*.

"Pfft… Hahahha." laughed Anna loudly while rolling on the ground.

"What the… *Bam*" said Orpus before slipping to the ground again.

"Err.. What is happening?" asked Aunt Extalia as she noticed the Mad Monk's falls are unnatural.

"This… It is because he broke that mask. The mask he broke before is one of the rare cursed masks I sold. A Person that touched, used, or even broke it will get cursed. I guess he was lucky to only get a slip curse since the curse is random." said the leopard merchant.

Hearing the merchant's explanation, "Brat, how dare you do this to me?!" yelled the mad monk to Anna before slipping to the ground again.

"Hahahaha…" laughed Anna loudly, looking at the bald monk's angry face.

"You!!" said the Orpus as he enveloped his body with mana to counter the strange curse.

Just before he wants to launch at Anna, he sees a flash of red and moves his way *BOM* Two swords hit his previous position. One of them is Aunt Extalia's artifact, Anduril. The other one is a sword wrapped in Jayna's fire.

"Heh.. This is becoming more interesting." said the mad monk crazily as he prepared to fight back.

Just as the fight began more serious, "If I were you, I would stop this useless fight." said a silver-haired old man who suddenly appeared behind Orpus.

As soon as he hears an unknown voice coming from his back, Mad Monk Orpus immediately distances himself in a cold sweat.

'How did he sneak up on my back?!' thought Orpus while having a dreadful sensation from the silver-haired old man.

As soon as the old man glances at Orpus, he feels he is going to die and immediately escapes without looking back. Angus and the others also notice the appearance of the mysterious old man and remain vigilant.

'This strength… Seventh-grade combatant.' thought Angus and the others.

Suddenly, the unknown old man disappears and kneels in front of Mira.

"Darren, late." said Mira without changing any expression.

"I am sorry, my lady. This humble servant is still incapable of following the lady's speed." said the old man respectfully like a servant.

Seeing such a powerful person respectfully bow to Mira, everyone begins to look at Mira in surprise.

They already know Mira is not an ordinary person since she could become Anna's friend. However, they never thought she was so powerful to have a seventh-grade combatant as a servant.

"Ehh.. Mira, did you know this silver corpse?" asked Anna casually.

'Silver corpse?!' thought Angus and the others with cold sweat.

"Servant." replied Mira shortly.

"Ehh… the corpse is your servant?! Wooaahh… I also want a servant. But, I don't want a corpse to become my servant." said Anna as she kept saying the silver-haired old man was a corpse.

"Hohoho… It's been a long time since someone called this one a corpse, much like a silver corpse. May I know who this pretty young lady's name is?" asked Darren respectfully without getting offended at Anna's remark.josei

"Anna is Anna. Mira's friend. This is Angus, Big Sis Jayna, and Meany Old Brute." said Anna while introducing everyone.

Aunt Extalia grumped in a low voice, hearing her nickname but not interrupting her.

"My lady's friend?!" exclaimed Darren in surprise before looking at Mira for a second.

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