I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 475 Death Rose

Chapter 475 Death Rose

Just before Darren's silver hair suddenly falls, Aunt Extalia notices a glimpse of Mira appearing in front of Darren. However, this glimpse happens so fast that it seems like an illusion in the eyes of the Duchess.

She has already seen Mira's speed many times and only finds her disappearing before appearing at another spot. She thought Mira was using some kind of Blink skill like Leon, but she never thought Mira was actually using ridiculous speed.

Still, she doesn't know if what she witnessed is true or not since it happened so fast that even Angus and the others didn't react to it. Moreover, she is also confused as to why she could catch Mira's speed now while she could have done it before.

This is also a revelation and new experience for her. As someone with the title of the fastest human beside Leon, she is pretty obsessed with speed. Seeing that Mira could move that fast without affecting the surroundings opened the Duchess's eyes.

It is common sense that when someone moves super fast, they will not only move in the blink of an eye but also affect the surroundings. A single movement breaking through the sound speed could produce an airwave strong enough for a sonic boom phenomenon.

During this moment, the air will feel like a heavy wall restricting their movement. The faster the user's speed, the more restriction they will feel. This is just a simple law of physics and common knowledge. But, Mira seems able to break this common sense.

She can somehow move at the unimaginable speed that looks like teleportation without creating a massive airwave or even sonic boom phenomenon. After seeing Mira's performance, Aunt Extalia knows she is still far from becoming the fastest and lit her dimmed, passionate fire.

In the Heart Kingdom, no one could match her current speed. Even Leon will be lost to her if she is using all her power. She thought she was already at the pinnacle in terms of speed and could not become faster. This makes her believe that she has already reached the limit.

Unfortunately, Mira's casual performance burns her dimmed spirit to pursue her dream. While Aunt Extalia contemplates Mira's speed, Darren slumps on the ground with a gloomy expression.

At the same time, Anna didn't miss this chance to keep pointing at the old Vampire's bald head while laughing. In the meantime, Angus and Jayna didn't dare to look at Darren as his butler appearance truly did not match his bald head.

Every time they glance at it, they can't help but want to laugh out loud. Moreover, Anna's laugh also influences them to laugh. Fortunately, they didn't need to hold their laughter for long as a few of the tamed beasts finally returned.

These few beasts bring a few rabbits in their mouth and claws. Seeing this, Angus clicked his tongue at them. Angus wants them to help them hunt the rabbit, not hunt it on their own.

"Tch.. Just what did I expect from low-intelligent beasts? Still, this is also a good thing. At least they know where those rabbits are hiding." said Angus as he confirmed it was the right rabbit among the corpse.

Despite already saying it is a red-striped rabbit, only one beast managed to bring the right one. The other beast only gets an ordinary rabbit or beast similar to a rabbit.

"Alright, you lead me to where you find this rabbit." said Angus to the gigantic hawk beast in front of him.

Before the other beast is relieved of not being chosen, "The others will keep searching and hunt this red-striped rabbit. The one that wasn't able to hunt a single one will get killed by her." added Angus while stroking Anna's head.

"Angus, can Anna burst burst them?" asked Anna excitedly.

Hearing this, the other beasts immediately run back to the forest to search for the red-striped rabbit while the gigantic hawk feels slightly relieved. They know the little monster is ruthless when killing their kind during their previous fight.

Almost every one of them had already tasted Anna's fist. If it were not for their strong body and high grade, they would have been ruptured by the merciless little girl.

"Ehh… Why are they running?! Anna still hasn't burst them yet." said Anna in a sad tone.

"Anna." called Mira while giving her a black flower to cheer her up.

"Ehh… Mira, is this for Anna? Mira is the best." replied Anna as she hugged her friend.

Seeing this, Angus gets conflicted. The black flower in Anna's hand is very poisonous. The flower is called Death Rose. It is a pretty black flower but also deadly because of its potent toxin.

Any sixth-grade combatant could even die in a matter of hours after consuming it without getting treatment. Still, Angus didn't say anything as Anna is immune to poison.

Because of her nagging to follow him, Angus decides to bring her into the Heart Kingdom's Research Center once. At that time, Angus happens to work on some of his alchemical projects.

After seeing many ingredients lying around, Anna immediately picks and eats them like a snack. Since then, he decides to test her a little bit and finds she is immune to poison.

Still, she will not want to eat something with green color as she hates vegetables. Just like Angus predicted, Anna immediately globed the black flower without care. After a moment, she suddenly held her tummy and shivered.

"Anna" called Angus and Jayna in worry.

As they approach the little girl, "It's delicious!!" shouted the little monster.

"Mira.. It's super delicious and sweet like candy. It is similar to that little ice. Did you have more?" asked Anna.

"Mmm…" replied Mira before looking at Darren who was still sad from his hair loss.

Knowing his master's intention, "Master, Death Rose is a rare natural resource. It will only bloom at the place without any living being nearby. It is already a fortune to find one." explained Darren.

However, Mira didn't care about Darren's explanation and pouted again.

"Darren, search." said Mira shortly.

Hearing this, Darren immediately disappears from his spot to search for the poisonous flower before his childish master punishes him again. While the master and servant interact, Angus and Jayna, check Anna's condition thoroughly.

They know Anna is strong and will be fine, but they still worry about her. Anna didn't resist and enjoyed the couple's care. Then, they decide to pick out Eric's group before following the gigantic hawk beast.

To conceal the gigantic hawk beast's presence, Angus let it fly in the air while communicating with it through [Allegiance] with the help of Jayna. [Allegiance] is not only able to command and subdue the beast/monster but also could communicate from a distance with the tamed beast.

However, they need to create a bond first with the beast or it will not work. Fortunately, Fire Phoenix is not holding the title of king of birds for nothing. Unlike Angus, Jayna could communicate with the gigantic hawk easily.

She even feels able to command it to commit suicide through [Allegiance]. Still, this is not a surprise. Queen of Beast also explained that Jayna is more suitable for this ancient power as she has Fire Phoenix's power.

While venturing into the misty forest, they notice an unknown group is coming in their direction and ready themself. Soon, they find people with dilapidated appearances. They have burns, scorching, and even frozen marks on their clothes.

"Finally, find you a little piece of shit!! Did you know how much trouble we had to find you all?!" said one of the front leaders with anger and a maniac tone.


"Master Mira, did you know them?" asked the Duchess, ignoring the person in front of them.

Mira only shakes her head with the same doll-like expression before playing back with the hyperactive Anna.

"Oii.. Don't igno…" yelled the leader as he knew they were being ignored.

[Fire Assault] *Swish* *Swish* *Swish* *BOOOM* Before the leader finishes his sentence, he and their group feel their vision is tilting. At this moment, they finally realize the Duchess has already beheaded them as their vision turns darker.

Along with the beheaded group, a loud sonic boom also appears from the Duchess's sudden movement.

'Fuck!! What the hell is that speed?! I thought she couldn't become faster?!!' cursed Angus as for the first time he saw the Duchess using her movement skill.

Even when they are sparring and beaten up, Aunt Extalia never uses any movement skill. Whenever she uses any movement skill, her speed will become too fast for anyone to react. '

Movement skills like [Fire Assault] may not be rare and commonly used by Heart kingdom's elite knights. However, this skill multiplies the user's speed a few times.

This kind of movement skill perfectly matches the Duchess, who could attain ridiculous speed with her own body. By relying on this common skill, she could even match Leon's speed which was supposed to be a fast type seventh-grade combatant.

Aunt Extalia rarely uses movement skills since she will become too fast for others to react. She will also create too much disturbance in the surroundings whenever she uses it. After seeing Mira's glimpse, which looks like an illusion, she feels like wanting to try something.

"Hmm… This is not enough." said the Duchess, ignoring the corpse behind her.

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