I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 478 Midnight Snack

Chapter 478 Midnight Snack

"Is this about us joining forces with the Vampire?" asked the Duchess.

"Yes. You might already know this, but I will never forgive those damn blood-suckers." said Roy coldly.

The Duchess didn't respond and only gave a silent stare to Roy. Seeing this and not getting any harsh words only make Roy get conflicted and waver in betraying her. But, he also couldn't forgive the Vampire race that toyed with his family to death.

If it was not for King Leon's help at that time, he might have never survived. This is also why Roy chose to become Royal Guard and become King Leon's right-hand man all these years.

Couldn't stand her silent stare, "*Sigh* This is why I chose to stay at the Heart Kingdom even though we often get a lot of wars with other kingdoms. We, the Heart Kingdom, are blessed by you and His Majesty." said the Royal Guard leader while avoiding looking at the Duchess.

However, the Duchess didn't say anything and kept silent.

"W-Why… Why don't you say anything?!!" yelled Roy in frustration as he got more emotional.

"Is there something that I should say?" asked the Duchess.

"No matter how many words come out from my mouth, if you don't want to hear it, it will be useless. Moreover, you are still not betraying us or me. Because if that happens, you will not be alive right now."

"Even before the soul contract hurts or destroys you, I will personally destroy you with my hand. We Heart kingdom never tolerate any betrayer. As the royal guard leader, you should know it better than anyone." said the Duchess coldly.josei

Roy couldn't retort it as the Duchess's word is correct. Now, he knows why there is time people said Crimson Flash should become the true ruler rather than Leon. Despite not being a seventh grade, she could see through Roy's mind and know how to handle this situation.

"Alright, it is already late. You should return and think carefully about what you are going to do." said the Duchess to dismiss Roy.

"Duchess.. I still need to…" said Roy.

"Roy, did you think I would believe any word you say after your confession? Even if I want to believe you, there is always doubt. So, I would rather not hear it at all. Now, please leave." said the Duchess.

"I see… Then, I will excuse myself." said Roy.

As Roy almost reached the door, "Roy, may your heart guide you." said the Duchess.

Roy stops at his spot before getting out of the room with a more conflicted feeling.

As soon as Roy exits the room, "You already hear it, right? Send some of your people to monitor him." said Extalia sternly.

Suddenly, her shadow wiggles a little bit before returning to normal. Although Roy has a loyal character, no one can guarantee he will not betray her, especially when in his emotional state. Before Roy joined the Royal Guards, he was just an ordinary noble in the Heart Kingdom.

That happens until their territory gets a sudden attack by a group of vampires. Using the kingdom's weakened security, the Vampire group manages to slip up the border and reach Roy's homeland.

Although it is only a group of half-blood rank vampires, they could still toy and kill all the forces in the territory. As he is still young, the Vampire spares him and decides to enslave him for blood reserve.

Fortunately, Leon and his guard pass by after returning from war. Then, a fight escalates between the two groups. In the end, Leon's group manages to kill all the Vampires and rescue Roy along with a few of the young people.

It turns out Roy's father somehow clashed with one of the big slave traders in the Heart Kingdom. The slave trader asks for help from the Eternal Kingdom's big player to take care of the Flamberg family for good.

As the upper echelon and someone who is always observing Leon, Duchess Amberblaze know everyone near Leon and their background. She also knows Roy's deep hatred towards Vampire and slave traders. However, she will not only stay still and get betrayed.

Besides, the Duchess is already benevolent enough to let Roy go this time. As a Royal Guard, he should never let his feelings affect his decision. The Royal Guard is different from other knights in the Heart Kingdom. Their purpose and life are only to serve the royalty and obey the king.

When someone becomes a Royal Guard, their life is not in their hands anymore, but in the hand of the King or the Royalty, they protect. If the one that listens to Roy's story is not the Duchess but King Leon, Roy's head is already separate from his neck.

Despite showing goodwill and favoring Angus, King Leon is not called an iron-fist King for nothing. Compared to him, Duchess Amberblaze is more benevolent.

"Huff… I never know how that wooden brain could manage many people like Roy. Forget it. It is his job to take care." said the Duchess before going to sleep.

After hearing Roy's confession, she is not in the mood to train further. Unbeknown to everyone, a shadow is suddenly moving from outside of the Duchess' room after Roy returns to his room.

The shadow keeps moving slowly, avoiding any Sur Knights and Royal Guards that patrol inside the hotel.

Just as it finally reached near the window, "You know what, I find it funny why a shadow spy suddenly dares to sneak in at this moment of all time." said Angus, who suddenly appeared from behind the shadow.

Noticing he is being found, the spy shadow immediately charges to the window to escape. *Bang* Suddenly, he hit a transparent barrier that covered the whole opening [4th Circle - Space Barrier].

"Did you think I would let you go just like that?" asked Angus with a smirk.

Then, Angus disappeared from his spot [Beast Walk]. Angus hit a few of his acupuncture points and knocked him out.

Just as Angus wants to bring him to a more secluded room for interrogation, "Ummm… *Yawn* Angus, Anna is hungry." said Anna while wiping her sleepy eyes.

She is still wearing her sleeping clothes and accompanied by Mira beside her.

"Ehh… You are hungry. Well, you are skipping a lot of meal time today. Alright, I will bring you to the hotel kitchen. There should be some leftovers or food there." replied Angus, not surprised at the girl's sudden appearance.

Anna often wakes up late at night when she is not eating enough during the day. Angus and Jayna have already gotten used to this little gluttony habit.

"*Yawn* Mmm.. Hungry." said Anna while still sleepy.

Then, Angus contacts Jayna through their bond and brings the two girls to the Hotel's kitchen. On the way, he gives the spy to the patrolled Sur Knights to secure him.

He already disabled his body and mana, but he doesn't know any trick the spy hides to keep his mouth shut by suicide or escaping.

Unfortunately, they didn't find any leftovers in the hotel's kitchen. Although Anna could eat them, Angus prefers she eat real cooked food. Left with no choice, he used the emergency food he stored in his storage device.

This emergency food is enough for their whole group for a few months. But, in front of the little gluttony, it will be gone in a few days. While feeding the hungry Anna, Angus decides to ask her taciturn friend.

"Mira, what are you?" asked Angus.

Mira is surprised at Angus' sudden question before tilting her head as if she thought of something.

"Master. Five. Power. Answer." replied the taciturn girl.

"Master five power answer?!" asked Angus back.

He already expected Mira not to answer his question or just ignore it. But he didn't know the girl would give a few words of answer. Fortunately, Anna is beside them, helping Angus translate Mira's words.

"Nom.. Nom… Angus.. Nom… Nom.. Mia wan ou mater feft Nom.. Nom.. powef beor se Nom.. Nom.. awer (Mira wants you to master five powers before she answers.)." said Anna while keeping food in her mouth.

Fortunately, Angus and Jayna are already experts at Anna's mouthful language and understand her words. Still, the little girl gets lectured by Jayna to eat slowly while she wipes the leftovers in her mouth.

"Five powers? You mean five of the Ancient Powers I have?" asked Angus.

​ "Mmm." confirmed Mira while nodding.

"So, if I manage to master five of the Ancient Powers, you will reveal yourself." stated Angus.

"Mmm." confirmed Mira again.

"*Sigh* I guess I could only try." said Angus.

After returning from the Endless Battlefield, Angus researched Ancient Power in the Royal Palace archive. Ancient Power is not as rare as he initially thought as it is a sort of inheritance of the Ancient King.

There are many records about them, but none are as complex and powerful as his Ancient Powers. In the record, people need at least a hundred years or more to master one ordinary Ancient Power.

When they mastered Ancient Power, they could use it without needing mana and just a thought. They also didn't need to risk their life when they were overused. This may look simple, but Angus knows this is not something he could achieve in a short time.

Moreover, he still has not fully uncovered all of his Ancient Powers. There are even the ones he couldn't use, like [Light Bringer], [Life Return], and [The World].

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