I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 485 Heat

Chapter 485 Heat

After a while, they finally complete the rabbit count. There are some rabbits without red stripes. The ordinary rabbit corpse looks like being ripped out by a ruthless beast.

Seeing this, Angus and the others could guess who was the one that stole the red-striped rabbit and changed it with an ordinary rabbit. Fortunately, they have some leftovers in their storage.

"100 red-striped rabbit tests complete. Please proceed to the head examiner for the next test." said the other examiner.

Makar opens one of his eyelids and sees the whole group before thinking about what kind of test he should give. He couldn't give a ridiculous test but also not too easy either. Then, he notices a unique shell necklace on Anna's neck.

(a.n: Angus created it as a necklace for Anna since she likes it too much.)

"Hoh.. Hoh.. Crabfrog Hoh.. Hoh.." commented Makar casually.

"Huh?!" reacted everyone.

"Hoh.. Hoh.. Catch a Crabfrog Hoh.. Hoh.." repeated Makar while nodding as if he got a sudden revelation.

*Sigh* Angus and the others sigh heavily as they know what makes Makar think such a test.

"Well, I guess you could also call this a fate." commented Angus.

Unlike everyone, he also wants to meet a living Crabfrog for his system. If they can meet or catch one, he has a better chance to unlock it. As for the danger of being poisoned, he didn't need to worry too much since there was Jayna.

Phoenix is not only famous as an immortal being, but they are also immune to any poison. Every legendary beast has a particular rule over something. Mundus rules over darkness and space, Dragon rules over language and elements, and Phoenix rules over Fire and Life.

One of the aspects of life is vitality and healing. It is known that any of Phoenix's parts have magical healing properties. There are even legends that say that their blood could make someone immortal.


Although Crabfrog has the deadliest poison in the world, it is still not a match for Phoenix's healing ability. Still, Jayna has not mastered Fire Phoenix's ability. Therefore, they still need to be careful.

After hearing the test content, they didn't waste any more time and departed to the misty Twilbo forest to search for the Crabfrog.

Before entering the forest, "Just to be sure, Master Mira cannot summon Crabfrog like before, right?" asked Angus, as he didn't want to waste time like before.

Mira tilted her head like thinking something before shaking her head in denial.

Seeing everyone confused at Mira's answer, "Master's calling ability only works for low intelligent creatures that are close to nature. Unlike the rabbit, Crabfrog is a creature that opposes nature." explained Darren.

"It is not only capable of harming the surrounding nature but also rejected by nature. Such a being is the opposite of Master's ability." added Darren.

Hearing this, Angus and Jayna notice something and look at the happy-going Anna.

'Aren't Anna supposed to be harming nature and rejected by them?! Then, why does Mira want to befriend her??' thought Angus and Jayna.

However, they didn't think about it for long since it was unimportant as long as Mira didn't harm Anna and she was happy. The little monster is already suffering too much before meeting them.

Although Anna never told them about her past, they still could feel a huge negative emotion from her every time she remembered it. In the end, they decide to leave it and promise not to make her suffer anymore.

To be more efficient, they decide to separate from each other. The misty forest may be dangerous if separated and they could get lost in each other. However, Darren somehow can create three magic bracelets that could point at him even inside this thick mist.

With these magic bracelets, they could still search for each other and didn't need to worry about getting lost.

To be safe, Darren also already marks everyone in case they lose the magic bracelet. Hence, he could search for someone who does not return when they are gathering again. Unfortunately, only Darren was able to feel and use his mark.

After a lot of arguments, they decide to separate into three groups. The first group is Mira, Darren, and Anna. The second group is Aunt Extalia, Crown Prince Eric, and the other two royal guards. The final group is Angus and Jayna.

Much to Extalia's displeasure, she knows in terms of survivability that Angus and Jayna are the best besides Mira and Darren. In contrast, Crown Prince Eric is too weak to be left alone with only two royal guards.

They couldn't call for more guards or not participate in the search since it is one of the test rules. Only the participant was allowed to do the test. If someone helps them directly, the test will fail. However, it is different if others indirectly help them.

For example, someone somehow brings Crabfrog to them despite not knowing them or their test content. They could still finish the test with it. This is the restriction and condition of the entrance test.

In some sense, the test is similar to the World Contract. It is flexible but there are still things that can't be broken. Since they know the one that will be serious in searching is Angus and Aunt Extalia's group, they decide to gather Darren after four hours.

"Alright, make sure to return to Master Darren after four hours and don't be late." warned Aunt Extalia coldly to the couple.

"Yeah.. Yeah… Then, we will be going. Anna, don't be too naughty and bother Mira too much. Also, don't eat too many strange things. You could get a stomachache." said Angus while lecturing Anna.

"Ehh.. Stomachache?! Anna hates pain." said Anna while stroking her small stomach.

Seeing this, Jayna smiles brightly and pats Anna's head.

"Just don't trouble Mira too much, okay?" said Jayna warmly.

"Okay." said Anna while nodding.

"Don't worry, I will ensure Lady Anna is safe." reassured Darren.

Then, everyone disappears from their spot in a different direction. After running in an unknown direction in the thick mist for a while, Angus and Jayna stop on top of a big tree branch.

Without a word, they immediately kissed each other passionately. They only stop for a breath before continuing to kiss again. Angus didn't miss this chance to open a few buttons on Jayna's blouse and put his hand inside her skirt.

Jayna also didn't want to lose. She unbuttoned Angus's pants and stroked the hard thing inside carefully. They start to forget the time and keep focusing on each other.

After kissing for a while, "What's wrong, Jayna? You are getting in the heat too often, " said Angus after Jayna finally calmed down a little bit but still did not release their physical contact.

"I… I don't know. Angus… Please…" said Jayna with pleading eyes.

Seeing Jayna completely in the heat, Angus brings Jayna to the ground and creates a hole in the ground enough for both of them. Then, he closes the hole while they are inside it before using his barrier magic tools.

He did all of this while hugging his girlfriend lovingly. Although he is also affected by Jayna's heat, he is still rational enough not to have sex in the middle of the lush forest full of sneaky dangerous beasts/monsters.

After creating the barrier, they immediately did it like there was no tomorrow. Fortunately, the heat finally went away after two hours of continuous sessions. However, they didn't continue their search and kept embracing each other.

"I am sorry." apologized Jayna.

"What for?" asked Angus despite knowing what she meant.

"Angus…" said Jayna.

Angus stops her from talking more with his finger.

"Hushh… I love you, Jayna. You are mine. You will always be mine. Besides, I like this side of yours. It's kind of sexy." said Angus while teasing her lovely lips.

"No.. Angus, we need to search for Crabfrog." said Jayna trying to resist, but she didn't move or even fight back.

Deep insight, she still wants to have more sessions with him. Even though she could still feel Angus' seed inside her body slowly leaking out from her private part, she was nowhere satisfied with how many sessions they usually did.

In the end, they reluctantly stop but still not before teasing each other while dressing up. Suddenly, Angus thought of a mischievous plan.

"Jayna, keep it inside of you." said Angus before the princess carried her and went out from the ground.

Angus keeps running while avoiding all the hidden sneak attacks easily. Using his heat sense and his ridiculous reaction speed, he could easily dodge them while carrying Jayna.

"Angus put me down!! I could run on my own." said Jayna in protest.

Although Jayna liked being spoiled by Angus, she didn't want to keep being spoiled and protected like this.

"No. If you move too much, it will leak. Don't you want it to stay longer in your body?" asked Angus.

Hearing this, Jayna's face turns red and is buried on Angus' chest. She knows what exactly Angus means and he is right. She wants to keep his seed longer in her body.

Usually, Angus will use a clean spell to prevent any leaking from her private part, as it could distract her during her training or battle. However, Angus didn't use any cleaning spell and his seed was still inside her chamber, slowly leaking out.

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