I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 488 Emerald Dragon

Chapter 488 Emerald Dragon

"Elder Luke!!" called some elves warriors worriedly.

They already see Luke pierced by the monster overlord's spear and worry about his safety. Although the huge figures throwing dice happen in a few minutes, no one realizes it and only feels a second has passed.

The elf warriors and the monsters in the surroundings only see Luke getting stabbed before he disappears. Then, the Krugguar Emperor was coughing blood with a serious injury in his chest.

"Don't get closer!!" shouted Luke while staring at the wounded Monster Overlord.

Luke didn't want them dying in the monster overlord's hand. Moreover, he was also surprised at Krugguar Emperor's tenacity. The wound it received is not an ordinary attack as it reflects everything he had experienced before him.

An ordinary monster should die because his heart was crushed or knocked out. The most lethal part of [Mirage Fortune] is the pain it receives. No ordinary living being could withstand the sensation of their heart getting destroyed even if their heart is still intact.

Luke knows the monster overlord in front of him is not an ordinary creature that only seeks destruction and follows his instinct. Those kinds of monster overlords will definitely be knocked out long ago and not try hard to stay conscious like him.

He didn't know what kind of drive it had, but he also would not let him away. Unfortunately, he still needs time to regenerate his mana. One of the side effects of his miraculous ancient spell is it will reduce his natural regeneration and disconnect him from nature.

It means he also could absorb the mana in nature or surrounding to replenish his mana.

'Fortunately, he didn't use this momentary weakness to attack him. Well, now he could do it with his current condition. Still, the most dangerous beast is the wounded beast.' thought Luke.

"*Cough* Huff.. Huff… Elf, what is your name?" asked the Krugguar Emperor.

The elf leader is surprised at the unexpected question but still answers his name as it shows his respect for his opponent.

"Luke Starlight, the one blessed with luck." replied Luke.

"Blessed with luck… *Cough* A fitting name. My name is Razmon, the emperor of Krugguar. *Cough* You are a worthy opponent." said Krugguar Emperor while coughing another dark-colored blood.

"Well, I am not sure I should be happy being flattered by a monster overlord." replied Luke.

Suddenly, a few lightning bolts hit the Krugguar Emperor's body and energized him like before. Because of the destructive nature of the lightning element, the wound on him becomes worse, but the monster overlord ignores his pain.josei

[Black Spark] The monster overlord shoots a large instantaneous lightning bolt at Luke. However, the black bolts are many times stronger than before. Luke also does not stay idle and uses a small teleportation spell to dodge it.

Just as he moved far away, a small part of Black Spark branched and followed in his direction. Seeing the attack in front of his face, [Starholder - Cosmic Impact) a mysterious force released from Luke's staff and hit the Black Spark, blocking it from hitting him.

At the same time, Luke flies swiftly from his location as he finds some miasma spike trying to pierce him. The situation is reversed compared to before.

Now, the Krugguar Emperor is launching a variety of small attacks on Luke from a distance while Luke is doing his best to avoid it or use his staff artifact to block the attack. This maneuver also consumed his mana and quickly bottomed his regenerated mana.

Still, the Krugguar Emperor was not in better condition. His body is still screaming in pain from the wound in his chest. Every breath he took felt like torture. Moreover, he also needs to control destructive black lightning in his body to avoid going on a rampage.

*BOOOOMMM* [Wrath of Thunder] a thunderous booming sound heard by everyone. The sound is followed by a bright flash of light that is strong enough to illuminate the whole forest for a second. In the middle of the forest, massive charred land appeared.

The elf warriors also find a few of their friend's charred body parts. For the first time since the battle started, there is a casualty on the elf's side. Seeing this, Luke could only release a helpless sigh.

Both Vandor and him are preoccupied with their battle and can't take care of the strange lightning ball. There are rarely elves that die on the battlefield, especially on their home ground.

Still, no one could do anything besides keep attacking the lightning balls to prevent another devastating attack. *GROOOAARR* Suddenly, a thunderous roar was heard from a certain direction in the forest.

A moment later, a gigantic green energy ball approaches Krugguar Emperor [Emerald Blast]. The green-colored ball is huge that could easily dwarf the monster overlord figure.

The wounded overlord feels dread from such a monstrous attack turning into a black bolt of lightning, narrowly escaping Emerald Blast. However, the attack didn't stop and kept going towards some part of the thundercloud.

*BOOOMMM* a large explosion happens in the sky and disperses some part of the dark thundercloud. On the other hand, the monster overlord wasn't surprised at this devastating attack and kept calm.

After taking a deep breath, he clutches his spear and strengthens his body with the combination of lightning energy and miasma.

*Whoosh* The monster overlord releases a massive strong suppression towards the surroundings to fight against a suppression directed only to him.

Seeing the power of the Krugguar Emperor, Luke is certain that the monster overlord is not using all his strength when fighting him.

"Well, if anyone knows the true guardian of an elf, they will also not fight seriously in the front." commented Luke as he was not surprised at such a devastating attack.

*GROOOARRR* Once again, the thunderous beast roared but closer than before. Along with it, a massive gust of wind rained down the whole forest and battlefield. A moment later, everyone could see a gigantic green-colored dragon approaching the Krugguar Emperor.

One of the reasons why no one dares to provoke a war with the elf kingdom is because of this particular beast. Emerald Dragon is one of the dragons that live alongside elves. Since ancient times it has been famous for becoming enraged when some elves unnaturally die in its territory.

On the top of the Emerald Dragon's head stands an old elf wearing a green robe.

"[You should never come here!!]" said the old elf in an unknown language.

Seeing the emergence of Emerald Dragon and the old elf, the elves' warriors below become more spirited and fight more fervently as if they know they will win the battle. Then, the fight between two strong forces begins and lasts for days.

After days, the fight finally stops, but no one knows who wins the battle since their battle is so destructive that it destroys the surrounding area and forest. Only the elf leaders and the emerald dragon know about the fight.

Since the elf leaders managed to return with Emerald Dragon, the others thought they would win the fight. However, the other national leader knows the elf and emerald dragon are incapable of killing the monster overlord.

The death of a monster overlord will always release an invisible wave of miasma through the world, similar to seventh-grade death. Only seventh grade, monster overlord, and people with unique perception can feel this kind of wave.

Yet, after the battle ended, they didn't feel the Krugguar Emperor's death signal. It means it somehow manages to escape and enter the Tristall Woodland nearby. Tristall Woodland is one of the monster habitats similar to Dark Forest but many times smaller than it.

Despite the closeness with the elves' territory, the elves could never truly exterminate the monster on it. The major reason is that the forest is infested by various high grade bug type monsters and some monster overlords.

There are about five or more monster overlords residing in the Tristall Woodland. However, this monster overlord is also quite docile and rarely launches attacks on elves' territory. In response, the elves also never directly fight with them.

No one knows the real reason, but everyone could guess it is not worth the effort since whoever wins will lose a lot of combat power. With how conservative elves are, the nation leaders know the elves didn't care about them as long as they did not invade their territory.

While the world is recovering from the Krugguar Emperor's migration, some experts also notice that the Krugguar Emperor's change of path is weird. After some research, most conclude he is trying to avoid the Eternal Kingdom, which confuses everyone.

It is already common knowledge that Vampire King Alfred died not too long ago. Yet, somehow the Krugguar Emperor avoided this land and preferred to fight a hard battle against Emerald Dragon with three strong seventh-grade elf leaders.

When the surrounding kingdom wants to know more about this blood-flowing land, they only find the whole kingdom is actually close-off from the outsider because of restructuring.

When a kingdom changes its leader, it is normal for the nation to close its border to prevent others from taking advantage.

However, most kingdoms also lost contact with all their spies. The latest information they got is that there is no violence or rebellion when the Vampire King Alfred dies.

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