I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 491 Hatred Toward Traitor

Chapter 491 Hatred Toward Traitor

Then, Darren applies the transparent potion in his hand to big pieces of grade one monster meat. Since the Crabfrog Magen is still only in first grade and in its weakened state, it can't digest high-grade monster meat or its body will explode.

Moreover, its poison is also restricted by Darren's potion. The miasma in the meat will destroy its body before its poison neutralizes it. Even giving it a lump of grade-one monster meat is already quite too much for her.

However, Angus calculated the small beast would be able to digest it. As someone with [Analyze] ancient power and Mundus as his familiar, Angus knows the safety limit of the beast's body after observing them for some time.

While waiting for Darren, Angus cast a few probing spells on the Crabfrog and asked it a few things with the help of Anna. It could be said beside Darren, no one knows more about Magen's body than Angus.

After thoroughly soaking the whole meat with the potion, Darren gives it to Anna, who is ready to take a bite of the piece of meat. But she remembered it was raw meat and Jayna always told her if she ate too much raw meat, she could get a stomachache.

In the end, she reluctantly gives the soaked piece of meat to Magen.

"Here, Magen. This piece of meat is from Anna. Anna will eat Magen if Magen doesn't eat it." said Anna with a pouting and threatening tone.

Then, the meat passes through the strong barrier without resistance and Magen slowly approaches it. Despite its hunger, it didn't want to find more precious food destroyed by its poison.

Soon, its poison began to touch the meat. Unlike before, it didn't turn into poisonous purple sludge even after touching Magen's body. With vigor, Magen takes more bites and slowly chips away the massive chunk of meat in front of it.

The piece of meat is many times larger compared to her body, which is not bigger than an ordinary human palm. Still, it didn't stop to keep eating without stopping. Seeing Magen eating happily, Anna's stomach is grumbling and drooling as she begins to feel hungry.

Then, everyone decides to eat before returning to Craghost Town. As they finish eating, they find Magen actually able to eat the whole meat and currently sleeping on the spot. After having a hearty meal, it enters the weird-shaped shell on its back and goes to sleep.

Everyone knows he is trying to digest the nutritious meal in his body. Angus and Darren also noticed when the Crabfrog entered its shell, it didn't radiate any poison into the air. As long as someone didn't touch its purple shell directly, it should be fine.

However, they forget about the little monster's brazenness. Suddenly, Anna grabbed the shell with her bare hand.

"Anna!!" called Angus and Jayna in worry.

"Huh??" asked Anna back while holding the Magen shell.

"Did your hand okay?" asked Jayna as she wrapped her hand with fire and grabbed Anna's hand.

As Jayna touches the shell, she can feel her special fire keep being overwhelmed by the poison on the shell, but she only needs to expend more mana to maintain it. Ignoring the poison, she checked Anna's hand and found it was completely fine.

'Fiuhh… Her hand is fine. It seems we still underestimate Anna's tough body.' thought Jayna.

"Big sis, is there something wrong?" asked Anna innocently.

"Ahh… Nothing. It is just that Magen's shell is still highly poisonous and you should not let others touch it carelessly." said Jayna.

"Okay. Don't worry. Magen is Anna's pet. No one should touch it easily." said Anna with a serious expression.

"Good. Now, let's go back." said Angus while stroking Anna's little head.

Another hour later, they return to the hotel inside Craghost Town. Since it is already quite late, they decide to rest for now and complete their test tomorrow.

As they go into their own room to rest, "Angus, did you know where Roy is?" asked Aunt Extalia.

Since the mist concentration in Craghost Town is the lowest, Angus could use his [Mana Echolocation] to cover and detect everything in the town with a little bit of disturbance.

"Yes." replied Angus shortly.

"Where is he now?" asked Aunt Extalia.

"He is with Nergal's group and seems to be talking about Darren and Mira." said Angus.

As Angus becomes more adept in using Mana Echolocation, he can read people's lips with the help of [Analyze].

"He what?!!" said Aunt Extalia.

"Did we need to take care of him?" asked Angus casually, as if he wanted to take the garbage out.

"No. We are technically still in the Nirvas territory. We also cannot implicate Master Darren and Master Mira more than this. This is our own problem." said Aunt Extalia after thinking for a moment.

"Sure. I never understand why you guys let such a traitor like him away. Guess I am not really into politics." said Angus while moving to his room with Jayna.

Although Angus' tone is casual, his eyes are full of killing intent. He learned before he died in his past life that he absolutely detests traitors, especially those he considers an ally.

His hatred towards traitors is truly deep and immeasurable. Being betrayed in his past life by his blood brother and everyone he considers an ally not only takes his life in the past but makes him hate those traitors.

As he grew up, this feeling intensified and etched deeply into his heart. If it were not for Angus' sophisticated calming mind skill and superb control, he would run towards Roy and beat him to death even if it costs his life.

Jayna doesn't know about this since she only feels Angus forcefully cut his emotional bond connection since they enter Craghost town. However, she knows Angus must detect something truly disturbing his mind.

She notices Angus keeps running [Arctic Heart] skill in full capacity along with a few other unknown skills in his body to calm his mind. Jayna didn't bother to ask as she knew if Angus didn't want to share it, he would not share it with her.

Although it pains her that he is not sharing his problem, she also wants to trust Angus and could only give him warmth in their bed. Fortunately, Anna could sleep with Mira again like usual and wasn't scared of sleeping without them again.

The next day, they feel an intense burst of mana energy from Anna's room. At first, they thought it was the sign of Mira waking up, but they find it actually Magen's breakthrough to grade two beast.

Unexpectedly, they find Magen can regulate its deadly poison without spreading it to the surrounding area. After a few questions, they find Crabfrog's poison becomes more potent as time passes.

After a while, the poison will be out of their control and they begin to radiate poison toward the surrounding area. The only way to negate this is by breaking through the next grade. With better mana core and mana, they could regulate their poison easily.

Finding this discovery, everyone is relieved without worry since Angus and the others couldn't always rely on Darren to produce the transparent portion.

Moreover, Angus also learns that it needs at least two or more sixth-grade quantity mana to produce the potion, along with various rare ingredients. Just by hearing the rare ingredient, Angus feels a headache to create the potion alone.

Most of the ingredients are rare and part of a high-grade monster or beast from all over the world. This is something that couldn't be bought even if he had money.


Unless he has the power like Darren and could teleport all over the world, it will take him at least one or two years to create one bottle of potion.

At noon, they arrive at the plaza and successfully finish their second test by showing Magen to Makar. Angus notices Nergal's group nearby but finds Roy staying in their hotel. After calming his mind, he decided to not think much about it.

If Roy indeed betrays them, he will show him to never mess around with him and their group. At that time, hatred toward vampires will be the last thing Roy needs to worry about.

"Hoh.. Hoh.. Now, for the third test. Hoh.. Hoh…" said Makar as he thought of the next test.

*BRRTT* Anna holding her growling tummy.

"Angus, Anna is hungry." said Anna.

"Here. Have this first. We will eat after hearing the test content." said Angus as he gave a small pouch filled with monster cores.

Without wasting time, Anna snatches it and eats the sturdy core like some kind of popcorn. Seeing this, Makar gets another idea for the next test before realizing something and opens his closed eyelids to see Anna.

'What a terrifying girl?!! It feels like she manipulates fate itself. No wonder Master In The Dark considers her a friend.' thought Makar.

"Hoh.. Hoh.. Fetch me 100 grade four or above monsters in one day. Hoh.. Hoh.." declared Makar as they decided to make the test a bit challenging.

"100 grade four or above monsters?! Well, it is not too hard." thought Angus's group beside the two girls.

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