I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 493 Dimensional Gate

Chapter 493 Dimensional Gate

The only reason the Blirin group still resides in Evada is that the four big kingdoms in the area didn't want to waste their resources on useless fights against this radical religious group.

Exterminating a religious group's influence is complicated and needs a lot of resources such as manpower, time, and money. Moreover, Blirin is located in the Evada Kingdom with few natural resources on their land.

The other kingdoms prefer to use their resources for their own problem rather than using them for an unknown land.

Currently, the higher-ups of Blirin have an emergency meeting as they recently heard one of their best holy knight groups has gone without a trace after entering Twilbo Forest around a week ago.

"So, you say they are pursuing this monster girl from the Heart Kingdom? Then, we lost contact with them when they entered Twilbo Woods." stated the high priest Brilin.

"Yes, High Priest." replied the nearby cleric.

"Twilbo Woods may be one of the monster habitats in this area. But, Hendric and his team should be able to escape or contact our man if they encounter danger there." said another High Priest.

As one of the Main Branches of the Brilin group, Evada Kingdom has five High Priests that control and govern the entire kingdom.

"Then, it means they are dead. Did you think it was because of those sinners?" asked another High Priest.

"Our men said the monster girl is traveling with Heart's fourth princess and third son of Duke Victory along with a few royal guards and knights." said another High Priest. (A.N: they didn't see Extalia since they are spying from a distance and the duchess rarely goes out.)

"Tch… Those bunch of heretic kids. The other group should just catch and kill them in Sunset City. They are nothing but heretics." grumbled another High Priest.

"Then, what are we going to do now?" asked another High Priest, ignoring the previous comment.

"Why don't we ask the Heart Kingdom to compensate us? We could also use this chance to force them to hand over that monster girl." suggested a High Priest.

"I agree with High Prince Aron's suggestion. However, will they hear us? They have two Evil Lords within their kingdom." asked another High Priest.

"We could use our influence in the nearby kingdom to pressure them. We could also ask the other religious groups for help. In the worst case, we will get nothing but their reputation will be drowned in the drain for keeping that monster girl." said High Priest Aron.

"Good. Then, we will leave everything to you, High Priest Aron." as the other High Priest agreed with Aron's suggestion.

"Everything is for our lord, Bliasm." said High Priest Aron with reverence.

In the meantime, Angus and Extalia's group finally gather the remaining monster. Even by using Angus and Jayna's [Allegiance] to command the lower monsters and beasts, they can barely gather 50 monsters by the time the sun rises.

Returning to their camp inside the forest, Angus and Jayna wake up the little sleepyhead who is still sleeping while her friend destroys the surroundings with her wake-up explosion.

"Well, it seems we don't have any choice but to rely on you, Master Darren." said Aunt Extalia while they were having breakfast.

"Sure. Leave it to me." replied Darren while raising his hand towards an empty area nearby.

"Sun goes down earth goes up clouds burning like fire…" chanted Darren as he used a large amount of mana.

Everyone didn't expect the seventh-grade vampire would do it now while everyone was still in the middle of breakfast. Before they are ready themself, a complex magic circle appears in the air [7th Circle - Dimensional Gate - Banished Land].

*Whooshh* Suddenly, the magic circle turns into a pitch black hole and releases intense wind towards the surroundings. Angus and the others immediately feel dreadful at the presence behind the pitch black hole.

Even the strong-willed Angus feels dread about what is behind the black hole. Not only Angus' group but all the seventh-grade combatants all over the Firuman also feel the presence and stare in Twilbow's direction.josei

"A new Monster Overlord? No, there are too many of them. Just who is the one that opens such a dangerous dimensional gate?" said Vandor, the elf leader.

"[This Power… No wonder that beetle chose to fight us.]" said an old elf sitting beside Emerald Dragon who also looked in the Twilbo Forest direction.

At the same time, Makar opens his eyelids and glances in a specific direction from Nirvas.

"Hoh.. Hoh.." said Makar while returning to his meditation.

Seventh grade combatants all over the Firuman have their own reactions, along with King Leon and Jade, who become more worried. They have already get informed by Extalia about Mira and Darren. However, they also don't know the extent of these two powers.

Still, they didn't carelessly move since King Leon knows they are at a completely different level than ordinary seventh grade when the Vault Guardian Makar personally welcomes the silver-haired girl. All they could do was hope they could come back safely from Nirvas.

"That's it. Darius, I will be staying at Windshire Fort!!" King Leon has become more worried at countless Monster Overlord's presence from the Twilbo Woods.

Although the presence is suppressed by the distorted mist in the forest, it still manages to leak outside as this dreadful presence is too immense.

While everyone was surprised at the sudden appearance of Dimensional Gate, Darren had already cast another spell [6th Circle - Summon The Horde]. An enormous magic circle appears on the ground and shines brightly.

Suddenly, various kinds of four and fifth-grade monsters appear from the magic circle. *GROOARR* All the monsters roared wildly in anger as they suddenly teleported to different places.

Some of them even start to hit each other while the one with a humanoid body is ready to butcher the people near them.

Just as Angus and the others were ready to fight, "Noisy." said Mira softly.

Suddenly, all the monsters are frightened on the spot and lower their heads as if trying to hide their presence in front of Mira.

"Woaahhh… Angus.. Angus… There are so many of them?! Are we going to eat them?" asked Anna.

"Err… I don't think so. Their miasma is too potent for us." replied Angus while trying to calm himself from the sensation he had felt before.

Fortunately, the Dimensional Gate became smaller and slowly closed itself. At the same time, everyone felt relief and slumped on the ground as the situation was back to normal.

'Fuhh… I guess feeling Old Man Draught's aura has its own benefits.' thought Angus as he found the others still unable to recover.

Even Jayna is trembling slightly and using Arctic Heart at full power. As for the Duchess, she kept shaking and couldn't stand up because of the shock.

The two royal guards and Crown Prince Eric are luckier since they have fallen unconscious from the moment they feel countless Monster Overlords' presence from the Dimensional Gate. With a simple mind soothing spell and calming potion, they will recover in no time.

However, Jayna and Extalia cannot do that as they are still awake and etched this terrible experience in their memory. Unless they forget this experience, they will always remember this feeling for the rest of their lives.

Still, Angus didn't do anything to them or knock them out. Angus knows this will benefit them, like what Old Man Draught did to him in his vault. This experience could lead them to their doom or even make them stronger.

However, Angus believes Aunt Extalia and Jayna will become stronger from this experience. He knows Jayna's mental capacity and is confident she will overcome this setback. As for Aunt Extalia, Angus may not know the extent of her full power, but he also believes she will overcome this setback.

Most of the reason is that she is someone that Mira recognizes. Unlike Angus and Jayna, who are recognized mostly because they are Anna's guardians, Aunt Extalia is recognized by Mira because of her power.

At first, they didn't notice this matter. But, as they stay together during these one week, Angus notices the recognition from Mira. It is not just a simple thing like talent and power. Even a seventh-grade combatant is nothing in Mira's eyes.

Hence, Angus concludes there is something in Aunt Extalia that is recognized by her. Moreover, he notices Aunt Extalia is the only one touching Mira besides Anna.

Although it is hidden carefully, Mira actually does not let anyone touch her besides Anna and Aunt Extalia during their time staying together.

As her friend, Anna likes to get clingy to Mira. At the same time, Aunt Extalia accidentally touches her when rescuing her from being separated by a strange elephant plant last time.

The surprising thing is Mira didn't even let Jayna or Darren touch her. This proves there is something in the Duchess that makes her special.

After calming down a little bit, "Huff… It's too much, isn't it?" said Angus while letting Anna continue eating her breakfast in his lap.

Hearing this, the two women begin to pay attention to Angus's words.

"This presence, this power, the burden, the fear of unimaginable power. All of it is too much, isn't it?" continued Angus.

The two women didn't answer and lowered their heads as they agreed with Angus.

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