I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 495 The Great Chef Anna

Chapter 495 The Great Chef Anna

"Hoh.. Hoh.. Turn these monsters into food and eat it. Hoh.. Hoh…" declared Makar.

Hearing the next test content, Angus and the others begin to be confused at such ridiculous test content. It is common knowledge that monsters above third grade could never be consumed as their miasma is too potent.

A single bite of this piece of meat could even send a strong sixth-grade combatant to the afterlife while a seventh-grade combatant gets weakened for a long time. Eating these monster corpses is an impossible task unless they have abnormal Anna's physiology.

"Ehh.. Really?? Can Anna eat those?" asked Anna excitedly.

"Hoh.. Hoh… Half of you also need to eat it. Hoh… Hoh…" replied Makar.

"What the… Huff… I guess we could only pass this test." said Angus.

"Ehhh… Anna wants to eat it. Please… " begged Anna to Angus.

"Anna, half of us need to eat the monster.  I don't know about Master Darren and Mira, but they should have no trouble eating it. However, some of us still need to eat it." explained Angus.josei

"And?" asked Anna back in confusion.

"*Sigh* If we eat that monster meat directly, we will burst like a bubble." lectured Angus patiently.

"Ehhh… Did Angus mean it bursting like burst?!" asked Anna with a surprised look.

"Yeah. So, we need to give up this test for now." said Angus, ignoring her strange wording.

"Bohoo.. Anna really wants to eat it." said Anna while pouting.

"Well, I could ask the examiner to get it for you later." said Angus, trying to reassure Anna.

Unfortunately, Anna ignored his word and was still dejected and pouting.

"Hoh.. Hoh.. So, what are you going to do? Hoh.. Hoh.." asked Makar.

"We will…" as Angus decides to pass the test after seeing everyone agree with him.

Before Angus could speak further, Mira suddenly appeared in front of Angus and cut his word.

"Cook. Eat. Safe." said Mira.

"Huh??" asked everyone in confusion.

Before Darren could explain his Master's word, "Mira, are you sure?" asked Anna from the side.

Mira nodded silently to her friend while still leaving everyone confused.

"Anna, what did Master Mira mean?" asked Angus.

"She said that if it is cooked before eating, it will be safe. We will also not get any stomachaches. So, we just need to cook and eat it." replied Anna cheerfully.

"Huh?? Did Master Mira or Darren somehow could process the monster meat to become edible?" asked Angus to Darren.

"I apologize, Young Baron Angus. This is one of the things that this humble servant is unable to do." said Darren.

"Then, how about Master Mira?" asked Angus.

Mira didn't reply and tilted her head in confusion.

"Erm… This is a little bit embarrassing. My lady actually never cooked before. She couldn't even heat water properly without destroying a whole city." explained Darren.

"Darren, silence." said Mira while pouting.

"Ehh… Mira can't cook? Don't worry, the great chef Anna will teach you." said Anna as she dragged her friend towards the pile of monster corpses.

"Anna, where are you going?" asked Angus.

"Anna is going to cook. Angus, Big sis, and Nice Flashy Red just need to wait. Anna and Mira will cook good food." said Anna as Mira followed her.

Seeing this, Angus and the others couldn't help but let them go. Actually, Angus could stop her from making more trouble. However, he decides to trust Anna this time. After staying with her for a long time, Anna never does anything or leads them to danger.

On the contrary, she somehow always protects them without them noticing. During their academy dungeon trip, Anna always leads Jayna to a place that is not too dangerous or crowded with strong monsters.

This kind of movement is subtle, but Angus could notice it as every monster Jayna fights is roughly weaker or has the same combat capability as her at that time. This is also one of the reasons for Jayna's fast growth.

Anna also often protects Jayna in the Black Fortress from getting hit by dangerous Miasma Blast while Angus is busy fighting the evolved exploding bug. Angus knows the little girl must have done many other things under her casual, cheerful behavior to protect them.

She may be a troublemaker, but Angus also notices that every trouble she creates will benefit her or them in the end. Hence, this time Angus and Jayna decide to trust her.

While waiting from the side, "Angus, is this alright?" asked Aunt Extalia in worry.

She didn't worry about failing the test. She is more worried about the food the two monstrous girls make. *BOOOMM* Before Angus replies, a large explosion emerges from the monster corpses pile.

Fortunately, Darren is already on standby and ready to cast a strong barrier around the two monstrous girls.

"Err… I think so. Anna will never do something to hurt us." said Angus with uncertainty while finding Anna's bloody appearance in the middle of Darren's barrier.

"Mira, that's wrong. You need to break it into pieces. Use more power!!" said Anna while teaching Mira.

The two girls somehow already change their clothes into white chef clothes, which turn blood red from the previous blood explosion. Everyone also finds Mira hitting, wearing gloves punching the monster corpses brutally.

Despite being very close to the monster's corpse, her clothes stay clean without blood on them. *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* Mira keeps punching while releasing a massive shockwave.

Under the strong punch, the monster corpses turn into a lump of meat without any shape.

"Great job, Mira. Now pass over the meat!!" said Anna while raising her hand.

Suddenly, the gigantic lump of meat flew towards Anna. Despite Anna's small stature, she still catches this gigantic lump of meat. Then, she looked in Jayna's direction with a troubled expression.

"Umm… Big sis, can you light a fire?" said Anna shyly.

"Ehh.. Sure." said Jayna while taking out some dry wood and lit the fire on it.

Angus and Jayna always told her not to play with fire and forbade her to light it on her own. Therefore, Anna will always ask Angus and Big sis to make fire.

"Umm… Wait, there is something wrong." said Anna while keeping the meat above her head.

"What is it, Anna? Is it too small or not hot enough?" asked Jayna.

"No. Anna forgot Anna didn't have any big plate." said Anna.

"Plate?" reacted everyone in confusion.

"Hohoho… Don't worry about that, Lady Anna. I already prepared such a thing for this kind of occasion." said Darren while taking out a big plate from out of nowhere.

"No. Anna doesn't need this plate. The metallic one." said Anna.

Then, Darren keeps taking out some kitchen appliances and utensils while guessing Anna's strange words. In the end, they find Anna's big plate is for the deep large cooking pot for cooking soup.

Fortunately, Darren also had this cooking pot and put it on top of the fire. Then, Anna throws the meat in her hand into the cooking pot and closes it.

"I don't know much about cooking. But, aren't you supposed to at least give it some water before closing it?" commented some nearby examiner.

Since they cook in the open area, Anna and Mira's terrible way of cooking attracts everyone. This is not the first time someone has needed to cook something from the monster meat.

But, no one expected Anna and Mira's way of cooking. They even thought Anna and Mira released their anger at the monster corpses.

"Hmm… a bunch of amateurs. With that way of cooking, much less those grade four monster corpses, even if they cook first-grade monsters, it will only make it more deadly." commented an unknown orc nearby.

Although the orc is not saying it aloud, Angus and the others have the sharp hearing. Seeing the orc, Angus feels like seeing him somewhere.

After thinking about it for a moment, "Jayna, isn't that orc similar to the famous chef Mordon in the capital city?" asked Angus.

"Hmm… Now you mention it. I think I also find some similarities. However, I am not sure. All the orcs have similar faces. I also thought he is similar to Ilgor if it is not for the lack of bloodlust on him."  replied Jayna while observing the orc.

"You two are correct. He is that famous chef Mordon, one of the few chefs in the world that can process third-grade monster meat. I'm surprised you know about him since his identity is only known by a few people, especially with his race." commented Aunt Extalia from the side.

"Well, I tasted his food with brother Vergil some years ago and wanted Anna to taste it. However, his tavern in the capital is only a small branch that could only cook first-grade monsters. Their food is even worse than the chef in the royal palace." said Angus.

"Yeah. Anna even said their food is worse than grass." chimed Jayna as she still remembered Anna complaining about food that bad for the first time.

Although Anna is a picky eater, she never complained about something worse than grass which means vegetables. No matter what kind of food it is, be it raw or cooked, she always says it is delicious as long as it is not a vegetable type of food.

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