I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 503 Nergal Situation

Chapter 503 Nergal Situation

After deciding who would fight, Elder Yawan explained about their opponent. To prevent cheating and manipulation, they could only fight the other examinee who was taking the test today. In return, if their opponent wins, they will be considered to pass today's entrance tests.

Unfortunately, not many people are participating in today's test. Because of yesterday's event, many examiners died from the explosion or were afraid of coming for the test. Most people decide to wait for Angus' group to pass before participating in the test again.

They don't want to gamble their life just to experience another crazy thing like yesterday. Although most survivors are high-grade, they still don't want to risk their lives by getting near Angus' group.

Some participants even leave the town to avoid getting involved with them. Therefore, there are only a few participants in the plaza. Most of these people truly need to enter Nirvas or have some important business with Nirvas.

With the help of Altras examiners, they immediately gathered their opponents for the combat test, especially after finding that they didn't need to fight Anna, Mira, and Darren. As long as it is not these three monstrous people, the others are confident of winning the fight.

Their first opponent is a muscular man with webbed ears and hands. Judging by his unique appearance, Angus and the others could see he is from the Mer race. Seeing this, Eric immediately volunteers himself as the first person to fight.

"Aunt, can I be the first one?" asked Eric.

"You sure? He is from the Mer race. Most of your fire skills and spells will be less effective on him." replied Aunt Extalia.

"Yup. I am certain." replied Eric.

Then, Aunt Extalia looks at Angus for his opinion. However, Angus only shrugged his shoulders with a nonchalant attitude. Angus already observes all the Mer and only finds him an ordinary fourth or fifth-grade combatant.

This kind of opponent is too easy for Angus and Jayna. Using their ancient power, they could decimate their opponent in one strike.

Besides, he is more interested in the other opponents. Angus finds Princess Brigida is among them and is curious to fight such a talented combatant.

Angus doesn't know the reason for Nergal's party to keep participating in the test or enter Nirvas with all the events in the past few days.

'Just from yesterday's event, it should give them a clear message to not mess with us. Well, it's not like they could do anything to us either.' thought Angus as he remembered the latest information from Aunt Extalia.

This morning, Aunt Extalia gets news from Uncle Jade that he managed to destroy Nergal's Fortress on their border while King Andvari was absent. According to the report, Uncle Jade not only killed a few hundred soldiers but also destroyed Nergal's fortress foundation.

Because of magic, big construction could be done in just a few days. Even Great Wall from Angus' previous life could be built in a few days just by a group of earth elemental users.

However, creating a sturdy building such as a Fortress requires time and massive resources. Although people could build large-scale buildings easily, they could also easily destroy them with magic.

Combatants could easily turn Fortress into piles of rubble using large-scale skills or spells. Therefore, important buildings such as Fortress or defensive walls are enchanted with strong runes.

Like all buildings, the strongest and most crucial part of the building is its foundation. Unlike other parts, the foundation is filled with countless small runes to prevent the entire structure from collapsing.


As long as their foundation is not destroyed, any part of the building can be rebuilt or fixed easily. The foundation is also the only part of the building that needs months or even years to create. Unfortunately, Jade uses the absence of King Andvari to attack and destroy the Fortress' foundation.

With the help of his Crimson Orb, he somehow destroys this vital part of the Nergal's Fortress. Actually, Jade himself also didn't expect his attack could destroy the fortress' foundation.

He knows a strong foundation, such as a fortress, needs a few full-powered attacks from seventh-grade combatants to destroy. A full-powered attack from a seventh-grade combatant has enough power to raze one or two large cities to nothing.

Jade knew he didn't use this much power when attacking the enemy's fortress foundation. He concludes it is mostly because of the Crimson Orb.

Although Crimson Orb has still not become a full-fledged artifact, it is a weapon made by Old Man Draught, one of the best artifact makers in the world. Like Jade, Angus also concludes the same thing.

As a natural weapon master, he already knew Crimson Orb was a powerful weapon the first time he saw it. Angus could feel a ridiculous amount of energy from this unnatural shape weapon. Furthermore, this weapon has 100% compatibility and connection with Jade.

According to Angus' experience, a person usually could only use around 30-40% of artifact power. If the user can fully master the weapon, they may access its strength to 50-60%. Since Crimson Orb is still not a full-fledged artifact, it is less effective in utilizing its power.

However, Jade's 100% compatibility makes him access 50% of Crimson Orb's true power. This 50% power is comparable to people who master their weapon artifact.

Combined with Jade's ridiculous power as a seventh grade, he somehow cracks the sturdy foundation and eventually destroys it. With the ruined foundation, Nergal will definitely put on hold their war with the Heart Kingdom.

Without a foundation, their Fortress could easily be destroyed with a large-scale attack even if they could apply some rune or barrier on their new-made wall. Moreover, creating a Fortress foundation takes a lot of resources and time.

This will definitely burden the economy and stability of the Nergal kingdom if they continue their war with the Heart Kingdom. The Heart Kingdom also employs the same tactic as Nergal.

Since their first wins on many battlefronts, they also entice all the kingdoms surrounding Nergal to attack them. Although these kingdoms have not launched any large-scale attacks, they still do a few sabotage and minor skirmishes all over the Nergal's border.

As the Nergal, also the first one that attacked the Heart Kingdom, the Heart Kingdom could finally retaliate in full scale without fear of penalty when the war ended later. The penalty of war is often given to the kingdoms during the negotiation with the help of the elf race as a third party.

Most of the time, the first one that attacks will get a severe penalty by the end of this negotiation. Since the Nergal kingdom was the one that attacked the Heart Kingdom first, they didn't need to worry about the negotiation at a later date.

With Nergal's current condition, Angus and the others are confused about why Nergal's group is still in Craghost Town. If it is not part of the Nirvas' ground, Jade and Aunt Extalia will definitely send someone to attack them.

As the Nergal's border is still in bad condition, Jade will not let this opportunity ambush them on their way back. In normal cases, the Nergal party will return as soon as possible to avoid getting trapped and ambushed by their army.

Ignoring Nergal's group intention, Angus focuses on Eric, who is having difficulty fighting against the Mer race combatant. The combat test is quite simple. They could do anything they fight without restraint as long as there is no interference from the outside.

They will be declared winners as their opponent surrendered, killed, or couldn't fight anymore. Since the start of the battle, Eric and his Mer opponent keep launching many small attacks while waiting for an opportunity to launch a big attack.

"Who do you think will win?" asked Jayna while tending Anna's running nose.

"Hard to say. Their mana and combat power are almost the same. Although Mer has more physical power, he couldn't utilize it properly as Eric kept his distance while launching the firebolt." said Angus.

"If I am not wrong, your brother is a hybrid path and not a full magician, right?" asked Angus.

"Yup. Brother Eric is the strongest among my brothers. He is also a genius capable of reaching fifth grade before 40." said Jayna.

"Well, judging by his movement, he seems to plan to bait his opponent before using some kind of trump card. Now, I know why King Leon wants Eric to handle the negotiation alone." said Angus.

"Hmm?" asked Jayna.

"Your eldest brother is thinking too much. Look at him. He thought too many things even in the fight. He thinks about what the opponent will do, plans, how to land a hit on his opponent or others. Although this thought is important, it is just too much for my liking." said Angus.

"Then, what are you going to do if you are in his position?" chimed Aunt Extalia from the side.

"Simple. I just launch a big attack and adapt it with that Mer reaction later. This is frontal fighting, not chess. Sometimes you just need a quick hit and adaptation to win the fight." replied Angus casually.

'The only one that could do that is you!!' thought Aunt Extalia and Jayna.

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