I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 519 Flying Pillow

Chapter 519 Flying Pillow

Meanwhile, a figure suddenly appeared in the middle of the barren land at the Nirvas kingdom. Not long after that, another figure appeared and stood silently behind his master. These two people are Mira and Darius.

Suddenly, the umbrella in Mira's hand changes into a red double scythe. *Swish* A moment later, the air in front of them is slashed in half. The slash mark is vast, almost reaching a few kilometers deep and high. Mira's double scythe seems to hit something solid yet also transparent.

After a moment, the slashing mark spread into the surrounding area. It turned the whole area into countless transparent cubicle blocks.josei

Then, these blocks begin to reassemble themself in front of Mira into a normal size transparent door. Mira ignores this spectacle and pushes the door casually before entering it with Darren.

At the same time, Makar suddenly opens his eyes from his meditation and looks in Mira's direction for a moment. As soon as the transparent door disappears, Makar returns to his meditation.

On the other hand, Mira arrives in an enclosed space. Inside this enclosed space are various things like girls' toys, books, and an enormous number of dolls. Rather than a secret vault, it looks more like a girl's storage room.

However, Darren knows everything in this place has enough power to create chaos worldwide. Ignoring the surrounding dolls, Mira keeps walking with an expressionless face. Then, she stops and walks in another direction before touching the dolls nearby and throwing them away behind her.

She kept repeating this action for a few hours as frustration started to show on her face while pouting. Unfortunately, Darren couldn't help his master and looked at Mira, searching for something while throwing the stuff away.

The faithful servant didn't even dare to touch all the thrown and scattered dolls nearby. After a while, Mira finally found a big brown dirty pillow buried under the big dolls. Without wasting time, she immediately grabbed the pillow and hugged it while snuggling at it.

As if sensing its own beloved master, the dirty brown pillow turns its color into its master's favorite black and white color with the cubicle pattern. Its appearance became similar to the cheese board.

Mira didn't release her beloved big pillow and lay on top of it as the pillow flew on its own. She kept enjoying her pillow for another hour before noticing a certain white cloud ball not far from her.

Controlling the pillow to get near it, she grabs the fluffy white cloud ball for a moment before pressing it with her small hand until it magically disappears. Then, she approaches the silent Darren while sitting on the top of her flying pillow.

"Darren, clothes." said Mira while snapping her finger.

*Snap* The room changed and was filled with countless glass wardrobes. All this wardrobe is filled with girls' clothes of various styles.

"Certainly. Will My Lady need a new one? Or just the usual thing?" asked Darren without surprise at the sudden change while approaching the nearby glass.

Without waiting for Mira's response, he takes some girl's clothes from the nearby glass wardrobe and stores them in his storage device. While Darren collects the clothes, Mira is lying on her flying pillow. She has an unusual frowning expression as if thinking something.

"Adventure. Sleep. Mm… Playing." said Mira while rolling around on her flying pillow.

"Excellent choice, My Lady." said Darren.

Then, Darren disappears for a moment before appearing with two girls' clothes in his hands. Mira points at one of the clothes as Darren stores it. They keep selecting girls' clothes for another hour before Mira feels bored and snaps her finger.

*Snap* Suddenly, Mira and Darren return to the previously barren land and find it is already late at night.

"Ahh… Anna." said Mira before suddenly disappearing.

In the meantime, Anna is just finishing taking a bath with Jayna and wants to wait for her best friend to sleep together. Although it is still too early to sleep, she already misses her best friend. Suddenly, Mira appeared in front of Anna while sitting on a big flying pillow.

"Mira!!" called Anna.

"Mmm." replied Mira while nodding.

"Woahh.. What's this?" said Anna while poking the flying pillow.

"Mira's pillow." replied Mira shortly.

"It could fly!! Can Anna also ride it?" asked Anna.

Mira nodded and the pillow lowered itself for Anna to sit on top of it. Then, the two girls begin to fly around the hotel ignoring Angus and Jayna, who are surprised at Mira's sudden appearance. (a.n: the hotel is luxury and has a high ceiling)

Angus wasn't surprised at Mira's sudden intrusion but was more surprised at the flying pillow. He is sure this is not an ordinary pillow that is only enchanted with flying magic.

Although he didn't feel danger from it like his twin sword artifact, he still thought it somehow contained a lot of power. A moment later, Darren arrives at the hotel with a surprised expression at the two little girls flying inside the hotel happily.

The vampire ancestor is so surprised that it looks like he sees a ghost or something terrifying while pointing at the two girls on the top of the flying pillow.

"T-That's…" said Darren in shock.

"Err.. Master Darren, is there something wrong?" asked Angus from the side while storing the magic tools he was just tinkering with.

"Ahh.. Young Baron Angus, that's… Is Lady Anna perhaps riding the Master's pillow with her?" asked Darren.

"Yeah. Is there a problem with it?" asked Angus.

"Ahh.. no. I-I am just surprised, " said Darren while looking intently at Anna.

Angus also notices this strange behavior but ignores it since the pillow doesn't seem to harm Anna or Mira.

"Anyway, Master Darren, did you just come back from the ancient vault?" asked Angus to distract the surprised Darren.

"Ahh.. No. Well, how do I say it? Let's just say the Master's vault is located at a different place than the Nirvas' ancient vault." said Darren.

"Really? Well, no matter. Did you know about this Nirvas' Ancient Vault?" asked Angus.

"Sure. It is not a secret anyway. Most of the strong and influential people know about it." said Darren before explaining about the Nirvas' Ancient Vault.

After hearing Darren's explanation for a while, "That's certainly interesting. Oh yeah, will you return after this?" asked Angus.

"Hmm… I don't think so. Although there are still some matters to handle in the Eternal, it seems the Master wants to spare more time with Lady Anna before returning." replied Darren.

"I see… Well, if the Ancient Vault is like what you informed, Anna and Master Mira definitely like to go there." said Angus.

"True. That is one of the wonders in this world and a very interesting place." said Darren.

"Alright, it's already late in the night. We will rest first." said Angus before leaving the lobby with Jayna.

Then, the couple calls Anna to go to sleep with Mira. After leaving the little troublemaker with Mira, the couple begins their night activity. The following day they wake up early and go to Anna's room.

Entering the room, they find Anna still sleeping while cuddling Mira. The two girls really have terrible sleeping habits that even scare Onyx away. Fortunately, they have already gotten used to this. They also find Darren is on standby in the corner as usual.

Ignoring the faithful vampire, Angus wakes up Anna slowly.

"Anna, wake up. You will miss your breakfast." said Angus.

"Ummm… Breakfast, no... don't go…" replied Anna while half-asleep.

After a while, Anna finally wakes up with droopy eyes.

"Morning, Angus, Big sis. Ahhh… Mira, wake up. We will miss breakfast." said Anna.

Being called by Anna, Mira immediately wakes up while leaving a drool on her big pillow.

"Um.. Morning." said Mira while rubbing her eyes.

Unexpectedly, Angus and Jayna didn't find the usual explosion when Mira woke up. Nor do they find Darren cast any barrier spell near Mira.

"No time to waste, Mira. Let's go to the dining room." said Anna.

"Wait, Anna, you need to change and take a bath first." rebuked Jayna.

"But, the breakfast…" replied Anna.

"Calm down. There will be plenty of food for you. Now, take a bath and change first." said Angus.

"Alright." said Anna while still pouting.

The couple already gets used to this since this is a daily occurrence for them. The little gluttony will always run for food the moment she wakes up. If it is not because of her abnormal monstrous body, she may look like a fat piggy who only likes to sleep and eat.

After changing and taking a bath, everyone gathers in the dining area and has their breakfast. During this moment, Angus and the others also divide their group into two to be more efficient.

The first group is Angus, Jayna, Anna, and Aunt Extalia. They will go towards the Ancient Vault to retrieve an artifact. The second group is Eric and his royal guard. They will go towards Nirvas' capital city, Redmore.

Since Aunt Extalia didn't plan to help Eric any further, she decided to go with Angus to prevent them from going into huge trouble.

She knows the Nirvas have strict laws and are quite a safe place compared to the Heart Kingdom. It is better to stay at the trouble magnet than accompany Eric.

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