I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 52

Chapter 52: An Invitation

Chapter 52: An Invitation

"Twenty thousand??! Why the hell do you have that much money as spare money?!" asked Balrug.

"Err… I just never really use my pocket money except to exchange it with Points. Besides that I never had any need to spend it since all my necessities were always fulfilled." Explain Angus.

"Hmm… Boy, what's your full name again?" asked Balrug after thinking about it a little bit.

"My full name is Angus Victory. What's wrong with that?" asked Angus.

"Hoo…Victory? I never thought that you are that brat's son. No wonder…." said the dwarf.

"You know my father?" asked Angus

"Well, he is just one of my interesting customers. I am the one that created his famous Sparkling Gloves." explain the dwarf with pride.

"Ahh… I see." responded Angus nonchalantly.

"Hey, that's one of my masterpieces. Haa… forget it. Anyway, did you have any plan to use that spare money?" [Balrug]

"Nah… probably I will just save it for later use." replied Angus

"If that's the case. Did you want to participate in the auction?" asked Balrug

"Auction?? I may have a lot of money. But, didn't they use points in the auction?" asked Angus back.

"Silly brat, not the auction inside the academy. It is the real auction using real money. During this time of period, a lot of rare material comes out."

"To get a better price, they usually auction it. The auction also happened to open during the break, so you didn't have to worry about missing it." explain Balrug.

"Well, I will think later." replied Angus casually.

"Tch.. Once again with that nonchalant attitude. Why the hell I chose you as my student." grumble the old dwarf.

Then, he gave Angus a golden card, "Here I happen to have one ticket to enter the auction. Use it when you want to come, otherwise just throw it away."

"Alright, I will keep it for now." as Angus keeps the golden card inside his pocket space storage.

Looking at the space pocket storage, "Haa… Despite having a lot of money, you still use that 'sack' storage. Tch… sometimes I suspect if you are one of those elf races who don't care about worldly stuff or just a buffoon." nagging the old dwarf again.

Before Angus could go away to avoid more nagging from the old dwarf, "Here's catch it." as Balrug throws a metallic wrist watch towards Angus.

"A wristwatch?" asked Angus confusedly.

"That's a space storage model wristwatch. I just have a spare product for it. As a teacher, I will feel humiliated if my student keeps using those lousy 'sack' storage."

"Okay, thanks old man. I quite like it. See ya old man." as Angus gets out from the training room.

Before exiting the smithing facility, Angus changes his training clothes to his normal ones. Although it is normal, it is also one of the heavy enchanted clothes. To make his body under the constant pressure, he requested the old man to enchanted his clothes.

Normally, this kind of enchantment cost a lot of money. Unbeknown to Angus, using the Balrug connection as a famous crafter, he could enchanted his usual clothes easily without any cost.

Not only is he wearing heavy enchantment clothes, he also uses his mana restriction bracelet. At first the dwarf against this practice since it could inhibit his own mana growth. But, after seeing how much mana that Angus has, the old dwarf reluctantly permits it.

Besides that Angus also knows that his mana will not grow more at least in a few years' time, Unless he forms his own mana core which is impossible for the current him. So, now Angus could keep training his physical strength during his daily life.

Exiting the smithing facility, he goes towards the spring dorm to pick up some of his stuff. Today is actually the start of a long holiday for students in the royal academy.

Unfortunately, his home is quite far from the capital, so he will stay in the manor house inside the capital city.

Although he could use a teleportation device to shorten the time and length, to use the teleportation device itself is very expensive.

Unless it is an urgent matter, people usually will not use teleportation devices. Still there will be some exceptions like high noblemen such as dukes and the royal family. Because of their busy schedule, they could use the teleportation device freely.

Since Angus didn't have any important matters at home, he chose to stay at the capital along with his brothers. Besides, the manor in the capital is not small and also quite big for them.

Although it is not as big as their own home, the manor in the capital is already ridiculously large for human standart.

Angus likes simplicity so he rarely appreciates buildings with monumental scale. Because of this, he didn't even feel comfortable inside his own house which is ridiculously big like a castle.

Arriving at the dorm, he sees princess Jayna also walking out from the dorm. Looking at Angus's nonchalant attitude, the princess has an urge to punch him.

But, she restrains herself as she promises to not cause any necessary trouble. Besides after all these months, she knows that catching Angus is literally impossible as he is very agile and slippery like an eel.

"Hmph…" as the princes try to ignore him.

As for Angus, he just ignored her like another passerby. Not able to stand being ignored by Angus, the princess wanted to call Angus but hold herself. Finally, she thought of an idea and smiled evilly at Angus before leaving him.

Angus also noticed this change of attitude, but he didn't think much of it and finally he enter his room without any other interference.

After taking shower, packing his stuff and putting everything inside his new wristwatch space storage, he goes towards the carriage parking lot to meet his brother Vergil. He just realize that his new wristwatch space storage is many times bigger than his pouch storage.

Arriving at the parking lot, "Sorry to make you wait, Brother." as Angus greets his brother.

"Ahh…Angus Don't worry about it. I also just arrived. Let's get inside." said Vergil who seemed absentminded before.

Inside the carriage, "What's wrong brother? You seem to be thinking something?" asked Angus as he noticed his brother's weird behaviour.

"D-Don't worry about it. I just worry about our father. He still didn't come home from the mission. I-I just..." as Vergil stops his sentence in the middle.

Because of the secrecy, Duke Jacob didn't tell his mission towards the family except his wife. Although Angus also doesn't know what kind of mission his father receives, he feels that it has the connection with the current recently born Monster Overlord.

"Don't worry brother. Just believe in our father. Besides, he is a full fledged grade six combatant. Let's trust in him."

"Y-Yeah… You are right. There is no way something bad could happen to him with his current strength." said Vergil.

After that they begin to chat about various things one with each other until they arrive at the manor.

From the Vergil story, the class tournament this year has a theme of battle royal. Since all the current monsters are too aggressive to be used inside the tournament, they change it into battle royal where students fight one with each other..

Since he and princess Jayna are exempted from the tournament, their class got the lowest position this year. According to the Vergil whose class is ranked first, the first rank gets a good weapon and equipment.

They also get a chance to fight the first rank of their upperclassmen. Normally no one would take this chance as it is the same as being beaten up by the upperclassmen, but during this time a team is challenged by upperclassmen.

This team is Ian class and he challenges the first rank of second year upperclassmen. The other thought that this would be a one sided tournament.

But at the last moment Ian's team managed to win against the upperclassmen and get additional prize from the headmaster Antonio.

Hearing this story, Angus begins to slightly interest a little bit towards Ian before back to his lazy absentminded attitude. Although what Ian does may seem impressive to others, but towards Angus, Ian is still too weak as ants.

As an expert in the martial art path, he only respects someone with strength. This is not arrogance but rather a pride. A pride as someone who already stands on the top.

Moreover, by using his manual battle system, he could fight dozens of Ian at once and still win without receiving any kind of wound.

Soon, both of the brothers arrive at the manor house. The moment they enter the manor house, Pavlon, the head butler of Victory manor house, gives Angus a letter.

Looking at the letter, "Ohhh… Brother, after entering the capital for a while. You already got a letter. You really something else." teasing Vergil.

"Shut up, it's not what you think." replied Angus.

But, during this time both of them notice the seal on the envelope. "Huhh… Isn't this royal family crest seal. Brother… Just what have you done to gather the attention of the royal family?" asked Vergil furiously.

Looking at the crest seal, 'Haa… This must be one of those spoiled girl's ideas. Why can't she just leave me alone for a while.' Thought Angus inwardly.

Then, without any hesitation Angus unseal the letter and read it together with Vergil. Since he was also curious about the letter itself.

After reading it, "T-This is.. an invitation?"josei

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