I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 521 Drunk

Chapter 521 Drunk

*ROOOARR* Before the monster creates chaos and destruction, a roaring sound is heard somewhere from the crowd. Then, all the aggressive monsters escaped in fear. The loud roaring sound startled everyone and stopped the party for a moment.

During this time, the DJ beside Angus continues to play the music and makes another loud bass drop sound, utterly oblivious to the incoming monster and Beast.

"Hahahaha… This is awesome!!" said the DJ.

*Roarr* The nearby beast and a few intelligent monsters roared happily before joining the party. Seeing the monsters and beasts join the party, the others returned back to the party.

'Two… No, there are three, including the mad king. Two seventh-grade combatants and one monster overlord. What a weird combination… Whatever, let's just make another song.' thought Angus.

While remixing songs, Angus notices a seventh-grade combatant and a monster overlord among the crowd beside Darren and Mira.

Since the monster overlord has a humanoid figure, it could easily blend in with the crowd, especially with a lot of different races in the crowd. Although Angus finds there is a monster overlord in the party, he still doesn't mind it too much since it doesn't create any trouble for him and his group.

Soon, the party keeps going until a whole day. Then, Anna suddenly releases a thunderous burping sound and disrupts everyone. At this moment, Jayna starts getting drunk and almost loses control of her fire.

"Oppps.. It seems I need to leave first. See ya, Mike." said Angus to the DJ beside him.

"No problem, dude. A pleasure to work with you." said DJ Mike.

In the end, Angus manages to bring everyone away from the party before an unfortunate casualty occurs. Moreover, he also finds Aunt Extalia has almost passed out and some men are trying to take advantage of her.

He didn't want a certain King to blame him for letting his lover get touched by another man while drunk. After bringing everyone dozens of kilometers away from the party with the help of Darren, Angus was finally relieved before focusing on his clingy drunk girlfriend.

"Hey, Anguss… Did you love me?" said Jayna while pouting and groping Angus.

"Jayna, stop. You are drunk. Just what did you drink?" asked Angus.

"Hmm… I believe it is a special mixed drink called Party Roll." said Darren from beside them as he inspected Mira's paper cup.

At this time, Anna and Mira are already passed out on the top of the flying pillow. The two girls are just sleeping there while hugging each other without a care in the world.

"Is it dangerous?" asked Angus worriedly.

Angus knows a normal alcoholic drink will be unable to make Jayna drunk. Her mana is too dense and could easily neutralize any drunk effect.

As a Fire Phoenix, she is also immune to ordinary poison and could easily recover herself. Therefore, he is quite surprised to find Jayna drunk.

"Don't worry, it is not a dangerous drink. It is quite a fun drink that could give a slight drunk effect. This is one of Master's favorite drinks in the past. I never thought someone would still be able to produce this in bulk and give it for free." said Darren.

"Mouu… Don't ignore me. Angus, did you really.. really love me?" asked Jayna again while snuggling to him.

"Yes, I love you, Jayna. Now, stay still." said Angus while patting her girlfriend and checking her condition.

Unexpectedly, Jayna purrs like a cat after getting a lovely head pat.

"Hmm.. how long until the drunk effect is gone?" asked Angus.

"It depends on the person. Some could easily recover in a few minutes, and some needed a whole night or day. The unique thing is some people also need a lot of this drink to get drunk." explained Darren.

"So, basically, it works like a normal alcohol drink that ignores our immune system and resistance?" asked Angus.

"Yep. It also didn't have a side effect or harm the body." said Darren proudly.

Seeing the old vampire's reaction, "Err… Master Darren, don't tell me you are the one that invented this drink?" asked Angus.

"Hohoho… Of course, this is one of my finest creations. Still, I didn't expect they could improve it so it could be held by a simple paper cup. In the past, it could only be held by a special glass bottle and needed to be consumed right away after opening it." replied Darren.

"*Sigh* Fine. Then, I will excuse myself first." said Angus as he brought Jayna somewhere.

"Sure, take your time. I believe it will take half a day before the Master wakes up." replied Darren casually.

Angus didn't reply back and only waved his hand from afar. Getting seduced by Jayna both physically and mentally makes him quite restless. If it is from his strong will and self-discipline, he will definitely ravage Jayna on the spot.

After bringing Jayna to a secluded space, Angus immediately creates a simple tent and undresses Jayna gently while teasing her. During this moment, Angus finds Jayna's blue eyes change into fiery, sharp eyes.

There is also no trace of her drunk on her face besides the usual embarrassed face Jayna show when doing some sexual activity.

"Are you Jayna?" asked Angus.

Jayna didn't immediately answer and only gave a mischievous smile. Then, she suddenly kisses Angus lovingly. He was surprised at the sudden feeling of this aggressive yet passionate kiss. josei

During this moment, his instinct, [Analyze], insight, and their bond tell him the girl in front of him is the real Jayna.

"I am Jayna but also Fire Phoenix." said Jayna after breaking the kiss.

"Do you not like it?" asked Jayna.

At this moment, Angus' head feels muddled and he finds Jayna is the most beautiful he has ever seen.

"I…" said Angus as he tried to resist the urges while his private life was already hard like a rock.

"Hushh… Don't you dare fight it!! If you truly love Jayna, you need to accept this side of her, " Jayna said while grabbing Angus' golden balls.

Angus could only nod nervously with a cold sweat as he knew his balls would be cooked like hard-boiled eggs if he gave a wrong answer.

"Fufufu… Good boy. Don't worry too much. Just think of this, one of the heat sessions." said Jayna before pushing Angus down on the bed.

Angus knows whenever Jayna is in the heat, she will become more aggressive. However, she is never this bold. It is like Jayna completely turning into a different person. Still, Angus didn't fight back because Jayna's word was correct.

If he truly loves her, he must also accept this part of her as Fire Phoenix and Jayna technically are already merged together. After a few hours of non-stop sessions led by Jayna, they stop and embrace each other. Angus also finds Jayna's eyes return back to blue.

"Jayna...." said Angus as he wanted to ask about her condition.

"Don't say it!! Stupid Angus!!" said Jayna while she buried her face in his chest embarrassingly.

'It seems she remembered her action and was embarrassed about it.' thought Angus.

After enjoying each other for another few hours, they decide to return. By the time they arrive at the camp made by Darren, it is already late in the afternoon. They find Aunt Extalia is already awake and clutching her head while drinking something in her hand.

"Urgh…" groaned Aunt Extalia as she felt her head splitting apart.

"Err.. Aunt Extalia, are you okay?" asked Angus worriedly.

"Just give me a moment. I never thought I would get this horrible hangover." said Aunt Extalia as she drank something.

"Ahh… Young Baron Angus, Lady Jayna, you are back. Please have this. It will alleviate the hangover effect." said Darren while giving two cups to them.

Angus and Jayna receive the cups without worry and take a sip since Jayna is also getting a slight hangover. Although Angus didn't have a hangover like Jayna, he wanted to try this drink.

"Urg.. It's bitter, " Angus commented while his tongue burned from the hot drink.

"Bear with it. It is effective to cure the Party Roll's hangover effect. Otherwise, you will have a splitting headache for hours or whole days." said Darren.

After a few minutes of drinking it, Jayna and Aunt Extalia feel their mind getting clearer and more refreshing.

At this moment, "Daaarreeennn…" Mira called Darren in an unusually long tone.

Darren immediately brings a cup of special drink he had already prepared to his master.

"Urg.." groaned Mira loudly from inside the tent.

Then, Mira slowly emerges on the top of the flying pillow. She no longer has her usual needs and beautiful appearance. Her silver hair is in a mess and she shows a rare expression of getting a headache.

"Urgh… Bitter!! Hot!!" complained Mira while sticking out her tongue.

In the meantime, Angus and Jayna also notice Anna is still sleeping peacefully beside Mira on the top of the flying pillow.

"Yum.. Yumm.. Ham Porky." said Anna.

"Darren, sweet." complained Mira to Darren, ignoring the sleeping Anna.

"Master, the drink will lose its effect if we add any sweetener." replied Darren.

"Urg.. Stupid hangover." complained Mira again.

In the meantime, Angus and the others didn't expect this side of Mira. Then, Angus and Jayna decide to wake up Anna. Otherwise, she will keep sleeping the whole day.

"Anna, wake up. You will miss your dinner." said Angus.

"Ehh… Dinner?! No!!" replied Anna while still half sleeping.

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