I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 66

Chapter 66: First Defeat

Chapter 66: First Defeat

[1st Circle - Firebolt] [1st Circle – Flame Shot]

A ball of fire and a few small size balls of fire launch at Jayna. Looking at the approaching balls of fire at her, Jayna coated her fist with mana [Fire Punch].

She dodges some of the attacks and counters them with her [Fire Punch] while keeping approaching the other student group.

Soon, Jayna arrives at them and begins to fight in close combat. Using her enhanced strength with mana, she beat all of them with [Fire Punch] easily.

Fortunately, the other student has a barrier from their academy emblem to protect them. Otherwise, they will hurt badly from Jayna's attack.

However, the barrier also indicates that they are eliminated from the class tournament. After that, she immediately took the flag and stored it in her space storage. Then, she went back to looking at the other group.

While Jayna is hunting for another group's flag, Angus already arrives near the unknown group wearing cloaks. Hiding within nature and vegetation, Angus managed to spy at the group silently.

The cloaked group seems to talk about something before they are separate from each other. Looking at this, Angus smiles happily.

He may not have a chance to defeat all of them at once. But, he is confident to take care of them one by one, especially inside this lush forest.

'I need to get them before they create more trouble later.' thought Angus while also moving.

From Angus observation, the other group is consist of grade two or three combatant that may specialize at assassination or espionage work.

Grade three above combatant is quite rare and precious for any kind of nation. No matter what kind of grudge or dispute they have against Heart Kingdom, they will not send them for this kind of suicide mission especially during this time.

Although in the frontal battle Angus has a low chance to defeat them without creating a commotion, he still has some chance to subdue them using preemptive attack.

Approaching one of the cloaked people, Angus moves at a fast speed towards the cloaked man [Beast Walk].? He hit the cloaked man's neck before he could react using [Iron Fist]. josei

The cloaked man immediately knocks out silently. Then, Angus bound the cloaked man and restrained them using a mana restriction bracelet.

'Fiuhh.. Fortunately, I have few spare mana restriction bracelets in my space storage.' thought Angus while approaching the other cloaked men.

While Angus tried to apprehend all the cloaked men one by one, Jayna already managed to take another flag base. After searching for a while, Jayna finally found another student group. In this group, there is Ian with two other students.

"As I thought, Jayna is attacking the flag base alone." said Ian.

"Hmph.. did you think gathering two students would give you a chance? you should just call the others to beat all of you!!" said Jayna proudly.

"How arrogant! Let's see if you handle this!" replied Ian while he cast some [Aqua Ball] toward her.

Since [Aqua ball] is slower than [Firebolt], she didn't even need an effort to dodge all of them. But during this time, she notices that two of Ian's classmates start chanting.

Although she didn't know what kind of spell they cast, it may be a dangerous spell. Before she could disturb their chanting, Ian kept firing the [Aqua Ball] around.

Leaving with no choice, she covers her body with mana and defends against the [Aqua Ball] while approaching the other party. However, at this moment the student managed to finish their chanting and cast their spell.

Two bright yellowish balls the size of a soccer ball made of fire approaching Jayna rapidly [2nd Circle - Fireball]. Still, Jayna once again manages to dodge it skillfully.

'I guess trying to cope up with Angus has some benefit.' Thought Jayna as she dodged the approaching [Fireballs].

As she feels relieved to dodge the two [Fireballs], they touch the ground and make a small explosion. *BOMM* *BOMM*

The explosion may be small, but its effect is like a small hand grenade from Earth. Although she didn't get attacked directly, the shockwave from it is strong enough to damage her and make some disorientation.

Fortunately, she has already covered her body with mana before. Otherwise, the defensive mechanism from her school emblem will activate and disqualify her.

Feeling disoriented, Jayna finally stops at her spot to try to regain his bearing. As for Ian's classmate, they already slump on the ground after casting the [Fireball] spell.

Using this opportunity, Ian put all his mana on his next spell. A small magic circle appears in front of him and creates an arc of electricity towards Jayna [1st Circle - Overcharge Spark].

The arc of lightning immediately touched her body before she could react. Because her body is still wet from the [Aqua Ball] before, It doubled the power of the electricity despite her mana around her and electrocuted her.

"AARRGGGHH…" roaring Jayna in pain

The pain suddenly went away but her school emblem was also active and created a protective barrier around her body.

At this moment, she knows that she is already disqualified. Soon, a teacher comes out of nowhere to announce that she is disqualified.

"I guess you already know it. Jayna Heart you are disqualified. Please follow me to get out of the arena" said the teacher.

"Tch… Damn it!!" grumble Jayna.

But she didn't do anything to Ian who is laying on his ground after using all his mana in the previous attack. *BOOM* After that, an explosion sound was heard from far away.

"You guys alright?" asked the teacher to make sure the student is alright.

After getting a nod from the student, "Follow me and let's get out of here first." said the teacher.

Meanwhile a few minutes before the explosion sound heard, Angus managed to apprehend most of them before they created a commotion without any trouble. Now, he is approaching the last guy who seems like the strongest also the leader carefully.

His instinct tells him that the other person is strong and already notice the disappearance of some of his teammates.

'Hmm… Although I want to fight him, it will create a commotion and expose my strength. I also didn't think I could apprehend this guy without going all out. Tch.. it seems the fun is over now.' thought Angus silently.

Then, Angus takes a distance from the cloaked man leader, "Earth Fire that blazing…" as Angus begins chanting.

After a moment, "Burn my enemy.. [2nd Circle - Overcharge Flame Bomb]. A huge fireball appeared in front of Angus before it launched in the air. It moves parabola in the air towards the leader of the cloaked man.

Looking at a huge fireball approaching him from the air, "What the…" As he immediately moved away from the fireball trajectory.

*BOMM* The moment it touched the ground it exploded and created a shockwave towards the surrounding. The explosion sound immediately created some commotion towards the nearby stationed teacher.

All the teachers in the nearby area began to move towards the explosion that could be heard from all over the forest.

'Shit.. This will attract all the teacher's attention!! I need to get out of here!!' Thought the cloaked man.

Before he could escape, a teacher approached him. "Who are you? What are you doing here?" asked one of the teachers towards the cloaked man.

Without answering, the cloaked man threw some throwing knives towards the teacher. But, the teacher could easily dodge this attack.

Before channelling his voice with mana, "INTRUDER!!" while the teacher dodges the cloaked man's attack.

Hearing the warning from the teacher, the other teacher immediately moved their way towards the warning sound.

'Shit.. where are the others? Did they already run away?' Thought the cloaked man without knowing that his team already apprehended by Angus.

Looking at this, the cloaked man immediately tries to escape his way before a root entangles his body from the ground [2nd Circle – Entroot].

"Now-Now... Why are you in a hurry?" said an old man while flying in the air.

"Tch.. Antonio, the headmaster." said the cloaked man while struggling for the root.

Getting trapped by the root, the cloaked man flares up his mana and makes a fire all around his body [Flame Armor].

"Impressive.. If I am not wrong that is [Flame Armor] a famous skill among the beastkin. To think a human-like you could learn that." said Antonio calmly.

Meanwhile, the other teachers already arrive and cast their spell to apprehend the cloaked man [2nd Circle – Binding Chain] [2nd Circle - Water Lash]. A binding chain and water rope approach the cloaked man.

The cloaked man dodges all of them skilfully before a teacher intercepts him and punch him with a fiery fist [Fire Punch]. The force of the punch makes her launch back and get surrounded by the other teacher.

Before the cloaked man could recover from the [Fire Punch], a magic circle appeared below him and a surge of water appeared from it [2nd Circle - Water Torrent].

The water surge made the cloaked man thrown in the air and deactivated his [Flame Armor]. Using this opportunity, the other teacher immediately apprehends the cloaked man easily.

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