I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 76

Chapter 76: Calm Before The Storm

Chapter 76: Calm Before The Storm

*Boom* The podium is receiving quite a quake and shockwave from Teacher Fernand strength. Fortunately, the podium is heavily enhanced for this kind of show. Otherwise, it will be destroyed from the teacher's strength.

All the people's attention is looking at the rock that is left unscathed without any crack. The students are in awe looking at this show. They could feel the power of Teacher Fernand release before is many times stronger than their all-out attack.

Then, the Magical Engineering teacher thanks teacher Fernand for the power show. Before continuing the workshop.

"This rock is a special rock called Palpat. This is one of the hardest materials in the Firuman. Usually, it is one of the ingredients to create a fortress or strong shelter."

"I will not bore you with the details as this is not an alchemy course. Now, let's see how the golem deals with Palpat." Said the teacher.

After that, the teacher commands the Stone Golem to destroy the Palpat. The silent golem began to move and stand on the podium. Each step creates a loud sound that shows its heaviness.

"Target identified. Battle mode commencing." said the golem expressionlessly.

Then, the golem raises its stony arm and imbues them with a high concentration of mana before slamming it down towards the rock. *BAM*

Another strong shock wave produced towards the surroundings. Unlike before, the Palpat rock has a crack but is still not destroyed. Less than a second later, the stone golem slammed both hands continuously towards the rock. *BAM* *BAM* *BAM* josei

The rock soon turned into debris.?All the students were surprised looking at the stone golem performance.

The strength of the stone golem is a little bit higher than Teacher Fernan. But the most amazing thing is that it could launch the same attack dozens of times without the need to charge each attack.

"Target Eliminated." said the stone golem before it back towards its spot.

Then, the teacher began to explain a few more things about the stone golem and how they work. While everyone takes notes and focuses their attention back on the teacher, Angus looking at the debris.

He found that there are few strands of the grey ball in the rock position before. At first glance, he thought it was dust but the grey ball seems like hovering around the Palpat stone before being attracted to him.

During this time, none of the students or teacher seems to realize the grey ball that is flying over in the air towards Angus. Without stopping the grey ball from entering Angus body. He thought to dodge the grey ball but it will create commotion towards the surrounding.

Suddenly, a prompt from his system panel appeared. "A huge amount of soul is detected nearby. Begin absorbing."

Reading the system prompt made him absent-minded for a moment and let the grey ball enter his body. But, Angus didn't feel anything before got another prompt from his system.

"Acquired 500 Soul Points." said the system.

'Ehh.. what just actually happened.' thought Angus before looking at his status panel.

Host: Angus Victory

Age: 11 Years Old

MP: 140/140

Heritage chi: ???

Strength: 21

Dexterity: 21

Intelligence: 40

Vitality: 36

Soul Point: 534

Angus immediately surprised looking at his Soul Points increase by 500 Points. Confusion and shock engulf his mind.

Fortunately, despite his surprise, he didn't show it on the outside. Moreover, he also sits in the back and does not gather any other student attention even if his expression of shock.

After calming down his mind, 'I need to research this Palpat material. Unfortunately, such a precious material is hard to get. I hope I can find this information in the library later.' thought Angus calmly.

Soon, the workshop comes to an end and Angus immediately goes towards the library. Fortunately, the library is open until night so he still has some time to look around.

After looking around, Angus immediately found some book about Palpat stone. The material is known as one of the hardest materials in Firuman. Its rarity is almost the same as Manatium, a material with high mana conductivity.

For Royal Academy to procure this just to show the golem strength is a kind of waste. But, after some research, he found that Palpat stone is very hard with only a few ways to crack it.

Angus speculates they use the golem strength to make it into pieces before the owner sells it. As one of the hardest materials, this kind of big chunk rock is quite useless for crafters or others since it is more expensive to crack or cut them.

Still, Angus couldn't find any information about the grey misty ball inside the Palpat stone. After wanting to do his research, he found a unique story about Palpat stone.

Rather than a story, it is a myth. In ancient times, Palpat stone is often found in the cemetery because it served as a tombstone for its people. However, this kind of practice is already forgotten since it is a waste to use this kind of material for a tombstone.

'Tombstone.. Soul point… Don't tell me!! The palpat stone could entrap someone's soul. After it was destroyed by the golem, the entrapped soul was released and absorbed by me.' conclude Angus while also surprised at this revelation.

'If it is true then my system could also absorb other deceased souls. Damn, that kind of sinister.' Thought Angus

Although Angus is indifferent towards life and death because of his previous life experience, he still has some morality and will not overstep some unethical things.

But what about the soul of the assassin I killed last time? Perhaps, his soul is too low for the system to notice. Since the system only shows rounded numbers. Huft.. too many unanswered questions.' Thought Angus inwardly.

By the time Angus researched with his little browsing, it was already late in the evening. Angus couldn't help but look at the starry night.

"It seems that this system is more mysterious than I thought. Well, Let's see what fate brings me in the future." as Angus walk along with the chilly wind.

While Angus tries to understand his mysterious Idle System, the world falls into chaos. All of this because the time for Monster Overlord to begin its attack is nearing.

Even as the time is nearing, none of the leaders is receiving a consensus about how to deal with the Monster Overlord. All the national leaders are doing a wait and see policy.

As for the kingdom that borders the Dark Forest could only hope their kingdom is not targeted by Monster Overlord.

All they want is to get some profit while fighting the Monster Overlord. The leaders wait for the Monster Overlord to attack one of them and make its targeted nation pay some price towards them by giving an aiding force.

Fortunately, in the last few months, the lower grade monster attack has stopped. But, the people know that this time is calm before the storm.

All the kingdom and nation that bordered the Dark Forest immediately fortified their defence to hold the storm that is coming next year.

During this precarious time, inside the Heart kingdom Grand Palace. King Leon is sitting on his throne while a group of people in white attire and heavy armour are standing in front of them.

"So, you are saying that my kingdom will be in chaos soon." said King Leon expressionlessly.

"Yes, King Leon. From my vision, I saw war, treachery, death of many people that will plunge this nation. The only way is by asking help toward…" said the woman in white attire.

"Hahahaha… Vision. Tell me, young lady, did you also see your death in that vision?" said King Leon when he suddenly disappeared and choked the woman.

All the heavy armoured people immediately tried to protect the woman. Before they could move, all of them were stopped by a weapon near their throat from the surrounding guard.

"Don't move unless you want to die." said one of the head guards.

"I thought the church of Orion is different from the others but you come to my palace and give me bad news about my kingdom which is a very funny joke. So, tell me why I should believe in your so-called vision?" asked King Leon while releasing his grip.

"*Cough* Only by... becoming the follower… *Cough* of God Orion.. Your Kingdom… *Cough* Will be saved." said the woman in rough breath after being choked.

"I see... interesting. So, tell me did you see your death in your so-called vision?" asked King Leon again.

"Yes… I see it." replied the woman

"How about others? All your people?" King Leon said while looking at the others.

"T-They… " before she could answer King Leon.

The king himself disappears in the blink of an eye and all the people in the group beside the woman are butchered into meat paste instantly. Before he appears in front of the woman without a speck of blood.

"Sorry, missy. You are not very convincing. Since they try to harm me in the palace, then they should die. Also, Miss Oracle, there are worse things than the so-called dead. If you can't see your demise that means you are lying to me.

"Guard, send her to Master Valeron." command king Leon.

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