I Just want a Peaceful life

Chapter 816 Light Up

Chapter 816 Light Up

Chapter 816 Light Up


"Anna is going into that stormy cloud?!!" said Jayna in worry.

"We apologize, Mistress." said Brigida and Lilith.

After coming out from system space, Angus and Jayna find Anna entering the stormy cloud in the center of the frozen Basin. They didn't expect the little troublemaker to casually enter this unknown dangerous place.

"It's okay, Jayna. Besides, it is not Anna's first time going somewhere to 'play'." said Angus.

Over the years, Anna often goes out to 'play' and even leaves their perception range. During this time, she often comes back late but without any injury.

According to her confusing story, Angus could somehow guess Anna went into a hazardous place, though it is not so dangerous to her. A warm pool means boiling lava, a windy rock is a tall cliff, dirty grass is an unknown lust forest and many others.

For Anna, these dangerous places, which could easily reap people's lives, are her playground. As she comes out unscathed every time she goes out to 'play', Angus decides to let her go and not worry too much about her.

Jayna also knows about this matter. However, she still worries about Anna, though she never forbids her to 'play' on her own. She knows with Anna's nature and behavior, she will feel suffocated and bored staying inside the Royal Palace all day.

Even pranking and playing with Twin Gemini will be less fun if she does it every day. Therefore, Jayna never forbade Anna to do her own adventure. Still, she always reminds her to be careful and prioritize her safety.

"Alright, let's prepare for the forge. We only have half a day left before the Winter Solstice." said Angus.

"Fufufufu…. Now, this is interesting. You manage to get hold of yourself quickly. I wonder how you did that." said Nabe while approaching Angus.

"Is the preparation done?" asked Angus, ignoring her remark.

"Everything in place. I also strengthened a few of the runes and the foundation." said Nabe.

"Good. Lilith, Brigida, please unload all the material inside the carriage and put them on top of the marked ground. Make sure you also bring out the item from the storage magic tools." said Angus.

"As you wish, Master." said Brigida and Lilith.

The two maids immediately do their tasks efficiently. Angus's group movement attracted everyone, including the two female dwarves.

"So, Lad. Is it finally the time? Still, are you sure we have enough time to assemble the forging tools? It takes quite some time to assemble the advanced dwarf tools, not to mention light it up. I doubt we could finish it before the winter solstice with just the two of us." said Kusibella.

"Don't worry about it. The tools will be already assembled and ready to use. You just need to help me operate it from the side during the forging." said Angus.

"Well, if you said so." replied Bornja.

After a while, Brigida and Lilith finished their task and loaded all the material they brought in the carriage into the marked area. The significant area is not far from their base camp and covers a large area of the frozen ground.

The ground is dark red because of various enchantments and runes in the area. It is entirely in contrast with the surrounding bluish frozen ground.

With the strict order from King Leon, no one is approaching this reddish area. Even the military army and sentry guard also avoid this area.

Approaching the unloaded material on the ground, Angus grabs a diamond pendant on his neck. This is the Pocket Treasure that Angus got from Silvia not long ago. Despite its near-unlimited vast dimensional space, this Pocket Treasure has many restrictions and rules.

One of its absolute rules is equivalent exchange. If someone wants to take something from Pocket Treasure, they must exchange it with something of similar value. Moreover, the exchanged item should be the same kind.

For example, if Angus wanted to take out an ancient book, he couldn't exchange it with rare ores or blocks of gold. He could only exchange it with a similar rare grimoire or ancient book.

The rules and restrictions are quite a hassle. However, Angus couldn't do anything about it. According to Silvia, these restrictions and rules couldn't be changed easily as they have already been adopted since its creation.

It will take a lot of effort and material just to change a single rule of it. Furthermore, Pocket Treasure is categorized as an ancient magic item.

This kind of item is similar to an artifact. It has its own will and a sense of purpose. Changing its rules and use after a long time since its creation is almost impossible without damaging it.

In the end, Angus could only comply with its rule and exchange the item inside of it with a similar value. Still, Angus somehow agrees about these rules. According to Silvia's description, Pocket Treasure is a treasury vault rather than just a special storage magic tool.

Like a kingdom or other force treasury vault, there are some regulations when they want to take something from it. Most of this regulation is to prevent the treasury vault from being emptied. If the vault is empty, it is no longer needed.

Since the dwarf smithing tools are made of special metal imbued with various runes, Angus could only exchange it with other rare ore, metals, and magic tools.

*CLING* A bright light covered the whole material and Angus. At this moment, Angus's consciousness arrives in a bright space. He could see sharp crystalized edges all over the place. It is as if he is inside the Pocket Treasure jewel.

In front of him, there is a stone pedestal. As Angus approaches the pedestal and touches it, a surge of information comes to his head. Now, he knows all the items stored inside the Pocket Treasure dimension and which one could be exchanged with his current material.

Without wasting any more time, Angus chose the modified dwarf tools in the dimension. As soon as he chose it, his consciousness returned to the real world as he saw a bright white light covering his surroundings. *CLINNG*

As the light from the Pocket Treasure Jewel diminished, a huge golden metallic structure appeared before Angus. The metallic structure is similar to a tower building with a massive chimney on top of it.

From a glance, everyone could see a small engraved pattern all over the structure. This is the advanced dwarf smithing tool.

"By my beard!! You actually store the whole thing intact." exclaimed Bornja and Kusibella.

The two female dwarves immediately approach the metallic structure while inspecting it like a child, finding a new toy. As the master of the dwarf race, Bornja and Kusibella definitely know more about the dwarf smithing tools.

In fact, these kinds of dwarf-smithing tools will give a sense of belonging and familiarity to any dwarf race. Therefore, the two female dwarfs couldn't help but be interested in this metallic structure.

"She is in good shape and has no flaws." said Bornja.

"Agreed. But, it will also be hard to awaken it in this place," said Kusibella.

"Don't worry about it. Leave it to Jayna and me." said Angus.

"Hmm?" reacted the two dwarves.

"Nabe, ready to activate the rune barrier while the others should take a distance from it." said Angus.

Jayna approaches the metallic towers a few meters away from it. She stretched her arm and closed her eyes. After a few minutes of silence, a spark magically gathers in front of Jayna's hand.

Jayna opened her fiery phoenix eyes at once before saying something in an unknown ancient language [Combust]. *BOOOOOOM* Suddenly, a blazing fire magically appeared out of nowhere and engulfed the entire area.

Fortunately, Nabe was prepared nearby and immediately activated the barrier to contain this fire. Under the protection of this barrier, the blazing fire couldn't get out of the area and slowly burned the metallic structure.

Magically, Jayna and Angus are bathed inside this blazing fire without any damage.

On the other hand, the two dwarves also express their agreement with this blazing fire. A few moments later, they notice the change in the burning fire.

"Shit!! The fire elemental gets absorbed!!" exclaimed Bornja.

"Brat, hurry, do something or the forge will be damaged?!!" exclaimed Kusibella.

The advanced dwarf smithing tools, often called the Forge, are complex magic tools used to create high-grade magic items. Usually, the Forge is put inside the active volcano's heart as its energy source.

Hence, it needed an enormous fire elemental to light the Forge before it could be used. Since it is a complex magic tool, its parts could get damaged if they didn't light up properly. The loss in temperature and fire elemental could definitely affect the lighting process.

Fortunately, Angus had anticipated this problem long ago. He threw his special rune card on the blazing red ground [Rune Magic - Reverse Fire].

*WHOOOSHH* As soon as the rune card touches the ground, it releases countless moving runes and spreads throughout the area.

The blazing fire no longer diminishes a moment later and becomes stronger over time. At the same time, the engraved rune on the Forge skin slowly turns crimson red. *GRRTTT* *CLANG* *CLANG*

As the crimson rune dimly lit, everyone could hear various metalling and gear sounds from the Forge.

"Hahaha… It's alive!!" exclaimed Kusibella and Bornja energetically.

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