I like them big, do you?

Chapter 148

Chapter 148: I am home, father.

Christmas Party!

It began with many cars flooding the Crown House. It was snowy, and snowflakes kept raining on the white world.

That kind of weather was the best for that particular day.

Those cars belonged to the Crown's personnel.

Be it maids, butlers, or people from all companies owned by the Crown Family, those people flooded the party with big smiles.

Their families felt honored and also looked forward to the party.

Crown Eva and Adam were at their house's gates, with a few staff behind them.

They personally welcomed everyone and thanked their people for the year. Everyone received a hot drink before entering the house, where much more presents lingered for people working for them.

At last, a car that stood out from the rest arrived.

"I am glad you've found time, Liam," Crown Eva called out her first son and hugged him warmly.

Crown Liam smiled at her, "I always find time, don't I?"

"You are too busy, though," His mother laughed, then invited him to their house.

Even though Liam never failed to appear at the Christmas Party, his parents knew well how busy he was as the doctor.

Miracle Doctor was even busier, so she always welcomed him with similar words.

Crown Liam instructed his butler to take out his presents from his car, then a few more staff appeared to assist the man.

He just casually stuttered toward the house.

As the Crown descendant, Liam was pretty handsome. His only flaw would be his eyesight as he wore glasses, but those added additional charm to his looks. He had medium black-silver hair tied into a small ponytail that hung on his shoulder.

He was tall and well built, drawing attention from people around him.

More ladies looked at him, and their eyes shone brightly as they breathed erratically since Liam was single!

A few minutes later, another car parked not too far away.

Crown William popped his head out of it, "Has Liam or Lawrence arrived already?!"

Crown Adam chuckled, "Just Liam."

"Hah! I am second today!" William kicked the doors open and smiled genuinely at his parents.

Although his movie smile was known as the most charming, this genuine one topped everything he had shown on the screen.

His parents laughed at that little competitiveness.

Before the party started, William briefly talked with them, then rushed to poke his serious big brother.

The next one to arrive was Crown Lawrence.

That descendant arrived with many cars as he had some big presents prepared for everyone! He popped out from the car, then approached his parents with wide arms, "Since our dragon will be at the party this year, I've gone all out with presents."

"Oh? I didn't expect that." Eva smiled as she hugged her son.

Lawrence chuckled, "Not only me, but even big brother has changed due to Reylin."

"That's why you all should help him in the game now! You should find at least an hour to play it," Eva reminded her son of her former pestering. historical

That pestering was related to the game world! She wanted her sons to have fun with it just like Reylin had, and her biggest dream would be four of them playing together.

Lawrence made an awkward expression, then excused himself, "I should talk with other brothers before ladies swarm us."

"Yes, yes. Go ahead," Eva laughed.

She pulled his long hair before he ran away, which was one of her acts when he was smaller. From the very early days, Lawrence kept his hair long, which made him stand out from the rest of his siblings.

The couple continued to welcome all guests.

At last, the dragon arrived.

"YOUNG MASTER! We are going to crash!" Sebastian announced the arrival of the fourth!

His car also did the show as it bumped into someone's car!

Both cars struck each other, then Sebastian's head popped out, "Oh my god... This is Mr. Liam's car!"

"For fuck's sake, Sebastian!" Reylin popped out his head and glanced at the car's destroyed hood and boot.

Another car slammed itself against Reylin's car as if that was not enough!


"Who?!" Reylin and Sebastian looked behind only to see their good friend, Alex.

He was with his wife, and they awkwardly waved at them.

Reylin spat, "Did you change tires for winter ones?"

Sebastian trembled, looked down shyly, then said, "No..."

"You two play too many games! Even I found a day or two to spend time with my friends! Fucking idiots," Reylin cursed as that was not the entrance he wanted!

However, out of all the crown descendants, Reylin came with a woman!

That woman left the car with a smile, but once she faced her boyfriend, her purse slammed his face, "Watch your words."

That purse slapped Sebastian's face as well, "You too."

Aria went to check Alex's condition.

Fortunately, nothing happened to them. Both cars were among the newest ones, so their systems to keep their drivers safe were naturally the best.

Aria checked her present, and a few of them broke.

However, the best one endured the trial, and the couple could meet parents with bright smiles.

"Haha! I am delighted she's staying with us," Eva covered her lips, then greeted her son and his girlfriend with her husband by her side.

Her husband glanced at the butler and his good employee with sharp eyes, "Have you two really not changed your tires into winter ones?"

Sebastian and Alex promptly knelt as if they were in an opera, "We will take any punishment!"

"You two won't drink any alcohol tonight," Crown Adam declared and turned his eyes toward Reylin.

Reylin and Aria were both in Eva's arms, and that little picture brought immense pride to Adam's heart.

He waited for his time and said, "Welcome home."

Reylin always avoided attention, but with many people looking at the scene, he smiled purely and replied, "I am home, father."

It was time for Christmas Party!

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