I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 457 Going To Pittsburgh

Chapter 457 Going To Pittsburgh

“Do you think these little attacks can hurt me?” I snorted, letting all of these fall over my shield before calling my fallen gods.

“Destroy these flies,” I lazily pointed my glaive towards the flying monsters, making my fallen gods burn them to shreds.

Many attacks also landed on the ground, taking a great deal of the monsters here.

If there was something nice about it, then it would be my soul count. In this quest, I was sure getting the needed quota to pay my debt for the higher up was possible.

I didn’t plan on using my souls to expand my forces for now. I had another way to solve this problem, a far better way that would let me sleep at night in peace in the near future.

[Where is the army now?] as I got away and flew for a couple of hours, I sent this to Hilary, [Also how are things at your end?]

[You killed lots of them, and we used this chance to lead the few forces in the capital and crush the remaining monsters. But more just pop up with each minute, so we are kinda busy]

I knew this would be the case for the rest of the upcoming week. Continuous fighting against the seemingly endless flow of these monsters.

That was why depending over any of my current forces seemed illogical. No matter what, no matter how much I brought over here, my forces would always be pinned down to a town or city, fighting all the time to free it.

We wouldn’t have peace until that damn week would end. So I didn’t consider even using the souls of mine to summon my mighty fallen gods or dragons.

There was another way, a much better way to crush these monsters. But I had to wait until I arrived at my big army.

After all, the army was supposed to lie in the middle of my vast territory. As for the other two territories, Fang and Wryly, they had to come back first and try their best to defend theirs.

If they lost anything, I wouldn’t compromise them or anything like that. Even extending the help to them would be conditioned by them telling me what their meetings were all about.josei

Luckily this stage of the apocalypse pressured all of us. So they were in such a tight spot to not have much free will to refuse telling me.

If they did, they would risk losing everything they got so far. And I’d just sit on the bank of my capital’s river and watch them burn while eating meat and drinking water.

[They are in the west of Pennsylvania, at a city called Pittsburgh]

[Ok, tell them I’m going there now. What do you know about this city anyway?]

[A big city, one with three rivers]

She was smart to get my point from asking. [Damn! Why out of all the places we have to go will have rivers or lakes!]

[This is US baby, everything must be related to water]

I sighed. The presence of rivers meant the aquatic battles would be brutal and fierce. “It’s time to get more of them,” I seriously considered one of the good souls I had and never used so much before; krakens.

In water, krakens were the real lords. But that meant I had to summon many of them. Or else what I’d summon wouldn’t help. “Also dragons can fight in water, but I might need them in air and ground,” I thought before thinking again about my plan.

It was a good plan, but it needed time for me to execute it. “I’ll first secure the city and safeguard my army. Then I’d go for my plan,” I decided. After all, the battle was already going on between the two sides.

So my first priority was to relieve the burden off my forces, then I’d start doing what I intended.

I was already on the northern borders of Pennsylvania, crossing it from New York. so in less than forty minutes, I managed to spot Pittsburgh.

It was a decent sized city with three rivers crossing it from the middle. Seeing it from such high altitude made me realise how brutal the fight there was.

It was literally everywhere! Hordes of monsters kept coming from not only one portal, but three. It seemed the portal arrangement was related to the size of forces in a certain area.

My big army extended over several tens of miles around the city, making them unable to use the emblems to their advantage like other places.

But at least they got something on their backs to rely on. As for inside the city, it was a total mess!

So it wasn’t that much as a backing for them.

As everything looked in such a mess, I had to first control the most stressful zone; the inside of the city.

I moved my chariot directly towards the city. “Kill those flies,” but as before, I was welcomed with lots of flying monsters, those I left for my fallen gods to clear.

“Come out,” and as my boys started their barrage of attack, I called forth my dragons and flying monsters as well. “Kill!” I pointed at the flying beasts and launched the attack order.

Then the sky was filled with painful roars that got rid of lots of those annoying flying monsters in a short time.

The flying monsters were causing lots of trouble all across this vast battlefield. But when I appeared and caused such a massacre, all of the scattered flying dudes came at me with determination.

“Keep them away,” I decreased the speed of my chariot as I stopped over one of the three rivers inside the city.

Standing there made me realise how it was hard to kill these monsters. They were sly, coming out to grab my boys from the shore and drag them back to water to feast on them.

Of course that let the aquatic monsters be the fastest to evolve among all the rest.

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