I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 495 The Technique Is Ready... Almost!!

Chapter 495 The Technique Is Ready... Almost!!


[Use another!] the answer came from no one but Sith, [and another, keep using those thick black things until it’s done!]

“Ok,” I didn’t get what was the point actually but I wouldn’t lose anything by trying. So the next half an hour I kept bringing those thick pillars, dropping my blood upon, and using these as brushes.

Each pillar experienced the same result. They all got attached to the word, seemingly acting like they wouldn’t budge from there.

But when the thirteenth pillar was used, a new change occured.

The shocking surface of all of these vibrated and got suddenly extended. It was like mighty explosions occurred at these pillars, and in no time they turned into a mesh of black liquid that got fused together.

One huge droplet of black liquid formed in front of my eyes. It started fist as a gigantic black carpet, then started to bend its edges to form a big circular shaped droplet.

I didn’t know why but seeing this made me think of my blood droplets. This big one engulfed the Seal word inside, hovered up there in the air without moving.

Its surface was calm, not showing any abnormal waves or fluctuation.

“Let’s try to connect my technique to it,” I mumbled what I felt, thinking about merging what I made with my technique here.

I now have three different sized balls made out of black energy. But the one formed last was the darkest out of the three.

It also was the calmest, giving me the impression of calmness before the storm.

But how would I form this storm? How would I initiate the cascade and launch the mighty power inside this ball thing?

I thought about using one thick pillar to connect the ball with the bigger one above it. But once my pillar touched it, it got severed and absorbed as if this ball was a beast with its own will.

So… What should I do? I felt like I was climbing a hard mountain, reaching the middle with no way to climb up any further.

It was… Quite frustrating actually. But what else would I do? What was in my power to do?

[Do it again!] again, Sith’s voice came to save the day, [Do what you did but with different word]

“Different word…” I repeated what he just said as if I was enchanted by it. I was getting a moment of epiphany, as if I was having a glimpse at a very sacred knowledge.

A Seal word caused this, but a single word wasn’t enough. I needed more, I needed to write more words to form a complete cycle.

Seal was used to seal this monster’s power, but I also needed it to blindly obey me. So, Obey was the second word. Also I needed it to not attack me, so Safe was a needed word.

I also needed it to get linked with me, so a word Link was also needed. What else… Hmm… I needed to strengthen the word Seal. Should I use another word? Or use the same?

Using different words seemed more suitable. So, I thought about Bind, Limit, and Constrain as words that might help.

Once I formed all this, I started my work at once. I didn’t even consider Sith’s opinion, or wait for him to say anything to me.

I felt at this moment as If what I thought about was true. I was quite sure of what to do, and I didn’t need any permission from anyone to do it.

I started to do all I did with different words. What I noticed was that with each word I wrote, the number of pillars I used decreased by one each time.

I started it with Seal word and thirteen pillars. Now I wrote six more words, ending up with seven pillars.

There were still six more missing. I tried to get connected to any of these seven balls, but each time I did, I lost one pillar.

[You need to think about more words] Sith’s voice came to cut the path on my hesitation. I had to squeeze my mind and think about six more words to suit this technique.

I had this feeling that by forming the thirteen balls, my technique would be completed. However, how should I do it?

“Contract,” I selected a word and started working on it. “Listen,” I also selected another word similar to Obey before adding another, “Bodyguard.”

Three words were done, but yet I still needed three more. “Subordinate,” I said another, before thinking for a few more minutes, “Follower,” was a similar word to Subordinate. Now there was only one missing.

[Worship] the last came from Sith.

“Worship? Isn’t it a god-related term?” I was a little surprised by this word. Would it even work?

[It’s suitable for the relationship between the two of you. Let him see you as a god, treat with you like mortals treat gods]

In fact what he said was quite alluring to me. Be a god to it? That was something cool indeed.

“God,” I wrote the last word and this one had one pillar only to attract and merge with it.

As I finished, I looked at the thirteen balls hovering in midair with pride and happiness. My work here was almost done.

Each ball was different in size according to the number of pillars merged with it. So I got thirteen big balls, with different sizes in each one than the other.

But seeing these for the entire five minutes made me feel a totally different feeling than before.

“What’s going on?!!” The balls stood in midair, with their smooth and calm surface, without showing a single disturbance or a movement.

They kept hovering up there in such eerie quietness that made me feel quite annoyed.

“Sith?” As I lost any clue about solving this bizarre situation, I tended towards my god.

[I dunno… I thought they would merge together or do some magic once you are done]

Even he got the same feeling. So what went wrong here? What did I miss?

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