I Only Wanted A Class In The Apocalypse

Chapter 68 - The Diamond Dungeon Key

Chapter 68 - The Diamond Dungeon Key

"It's you…" she was shocked, but it wasn't time to be shocked over this. I was sure the next trick I'd pull would really shock her.

As for that spearhead, he would be scared, not shocked, might be puzzled.

"Come back," I slowly said while raising both arms in the air like I was some sort of a magician, "come back my valiant warriors."

The next moment nothing happened, but I knew they would take a few seconds to come. Before I said these words, I thought about the warriors I'd need here.

I didn't summon all of them. After all, those people here didn't need my full strength to crush them. I only thought about a dozen of my warriors, half were shield warriors, three giant Bulltors, two wizards, and my strongest warrior; the dragon.


The room was soundproof, but it didn't prevent shaking from being transmitted inside. It wasn't only the ground that shook, but literally everything.

Then like an egg got smashed against a rock, the entire glass cracked before it smashed into pieces. The glass that Alex tried her best to break was simply crushed by the approach of my warriors.

Then the world outside appeared in front of my eyes. Under the dim lights here, I saw giant shadows coming directly from the ceiling. They didn't use stairs, who said my warriors were this civilised?

They simply crashed into this hospital and started breaking the building to reach me. Great job, my warriors.

Few metres away, a group of shocked and terrified people stood there, led by the spearhead.

"Told you," I took a few steps and stood outside that room, "you can't lock me here."

*Boom!* *Bang!*

The ceiling broke and simply a large piece of it fell and smashed violently to the ground. A large wave of dust emerged, while in the middle of it the shadows of more of my warriors appeared.

*Woosh!* *Woosh!* *Woosh!*

The next thing to happen was simple. The rest of my warriors jumped through that big hole one by one. The one to destroy it was my dragon, while the Bulltors seemed to have some manners as they were the ones who came later on through the stairs.

"This…" the spearhead's voice came shaky. He should be afraid right now. But who told him to play with fire? Play with me?

"We have a bet together," I took a few steps towards him before stopping a few metres away. The closer I got, the further he and his group of men retreated out of fear. "I'll give you the option; either honour it or die."

My words weren't without backing. At this moment, all the giant bodies of the Bulltors, shield warriors, and the dragon stood in front of me and on my side.

If anyone wanted to try his luck, then I could just snap a finger and crush him with that damned luck of his.

Behind me, the two wizards stood while holding their staffs. The warriors I summoned didn't turn into tokens like usual.

After all, and thanks to that useless domain of his, my inventory was locked, but my system wasn't.

When I examined my profile before, I found the biggest weakness of his ability. As my warriors had no way to return to, they would naturally appear by my side.

Also this experience taught me something; I needed an ability to call my forces to my side from far. Thanks to him, I got to learn that lesson without losing much, and I was slightly grateful for that.

"What's your call?" I crossed my arms in a leisurely way while Alex finally overcame her shock and got the courage to step outside that smashed room.

She stood by my side, moving her eyes in pure amazement and deep shock around. She got all the reason to feel like that, after all this was the first time we met together.

"Kill him," she suddenly said in pure hatred, "someone like him shouldn't have the chance to live any longer."

I looked up at her in silence and didn't say anything. In fact I knew he was going to be a bad guy, a very bad guy. But at this moment he wasn't yet at a point of no redemption.

But if he persisted on this path, I wouldn't show him any mercy. If not for his OP ability, I would have killed him early on and didn't go through all this trouble.

"Please don't," fearing that I might be persuaded by her words, he shouted at me in a panicked voice, "I yield, I concede and consider you my master from now on."

"He isn't trustworthy," Alex wasn't the kind to easily forget or forgive it seemed, "kill him now, or else he will cause more trouble later on."

"I won't, I swear on my life that I won't," he hurriedly shouted and even hit his head on the ground in a pleading manner, "I swear, I swear my never ending allegiance to you."

"Words can't be trusted from such a traitor," she kept her stance firm.

"Who said I trust his words?" to stop any further and useless chat here, I said with a simple shrug. "I only trust one thing, the system. You, release that lock over the two of us, now!"

I ordered in a domineering tone.

"Right away," he cancelled his ability by whatever means he had.

"Sign it," without waiting more time here, I bought a contract, filled its content and then signed it before throwing it back to him.

Without even sparing it a glance, he hurriedly signed it. He knew he wouldn't be spared a chance if he delayed or tried to bargain.

"I'm glad you made the right choice," I said with a smile before turning to Alex, "this is the only way you can trust anyone here in the apocalypse."

"Just like what you did with me?" she said in a harsh tone, like she didn't let that contract between us off her mind yet.

And I laughed at her remark without commenting further.

"Tell me, what was your mission here from the angels?"

In fact knowing that someone like him was on the side of angels and was left behind to just stand on guard didn't seem logical to me.

This was simply stupid! Having one of your best fighters being out of the game from the beginning didn't make any sense, and didn't suit the treacherous nature of those angels.

Not to mention he came from another city over to here, following the orders of another group of angels.

So there was another reason for this, there must be one.

"They told me to wait for you," he said as if this wasn't enough reason. I didn't change my face and kept staring at him in silence, making him less comfortable.

No matter how big my deeds here was, I knew it wasn't enough to attract the attention of another city angels.

Then his eyes shone brighter as if he recalled something.

"Yes, yes, I remember now…" he paused as if he was running and panting out of excitement, "they told me I have to stay here and defend this place as there is a key here."

"Key?" I asked with doubt, "what kind of key?"

"Dunno," he shrugged, "I tried to examine it before with no success at all."

"Hmm…" I didn't know why but I doubted this was the reason behind him staying behind, "why didn't you take it and leave then?"

"Because it's unmovable," he pointed towards the opposite direction of the room we were held in, "this way, it's inserted in the ground like Arthur's sword in legends. Follow me, I'll show it to you."

I turned to Alex and found her eyes moving with enmity and doubt towards him and obvious admiration towards me.

"Lead the way," I simply said. With all my warriors here, what could possibly go wrong?

We went to the end of this large hall, ending up into a twisted narrow corridor. My Bulltors needed to crush the walls at some points to walk regularly without any hindrance.

And I didn't stop them.

In a few minutes, we arrived at our destination. It was as he described, but the significance of this key was far beyond what I initially thought.

"This…" on my side, Alex was also as shocked as me. Despite the fact that she didn't know the full potential of that key, she at least recognized it. "It's like the dungeon key in my possession," she murmured in a low tone that was audible to me.

Yes, it was like a dungeon key. It was a giant key made of precious metal, like those old time keys of mediaeval times. It had a rounded large head with an oval gap within. Its shaft was smooth and cylindrical, extending for almost two metres and ending with thick and irregular protrusions, suiting that of a key.

Yet what distinguished it from any dungeon key was its appearance. It had no specific colour, appearing like it was formed of pure crystals or even diamonds.

Light was reflected over it and fractionated through its material into rainbow colour. "It's the diamond key," I said with certainty. How could I miss such a rare treasure in the apocalypse?

Dungeon keys were divided upon their colour. For example the one Alex had was a copper grade dungeon key. But this one was different. It wasn't used to open dungeons of diamond grade, but to upgrade existing dungeon keys to higher grades.

The end grade result was random, depending entirely upon luck. I turned to Alex and extended my hand as I said:

"Give me the key."

"...Ok," she seemed to be surprised by my sudden demand. After all, the deal between us was already fulfilled by my presence here.

With me here, no harm would happen to her. She was smart enough to realise this. She simply took her key out from inventory and it was a similar image of that diamond key, only copper in colour.

"Another key?!!" the spearhead said in surprise, "I never expected you to have another one!"

"Another?" I didn't miss this remark and a flash of regret passed over the spearhead face. "You know everything you own is practically mine," I said in a tone that left no room for discussion.

"Here," just as Alex took out a key, he also took one out. It was also a copper grade dungeon key, making me feel these keys were like common cabbage found on streets.

C'mon, they were dungeon keys. They couldn't be fake, right? josei

"Do you know what this is?" Alex asked. I only smiled and didn't answer her but said to everyone: "Get back!"

This diamond key was really a strike of luck. It could upgrade any keys in the vicinity of ten metres radius during one minute only. After this, the key would vanish and turn into pure dust.

Of course this wasn't the only usage of it. There was another one, a devilish use that angels and human enemies would find better use for than I.

If this key was left intact, then when the time came, the angels could use it to expand an ongoing merge between the other worlds and here on a faster rate.

That was why I needed to destroy this key, but in a good exchange for myself.

As they moved away, I didn't move closer to the key. The way to activate the upgrade function was easy.

*Clang!* *Clang!*

I threw the two keys to fall just beneath the key set in stone. Two clanging sounds erupted before a wave of energy gushed out from the diamond key and held the two keys.

They floated midair under the force. I stayed twenty metres away, not daring to get closer.

This key was safe against other keys, but not anything else. No matter who the being was, even gods wouldn't survive the diamond key energy.

*Bang!* *Bang!*

The energy gushed inside the two copper keys, removing their copper colour and replacing it with the same transparent and majestic appearance of the diamond key.

The keys emitted banging sounds, rumbling in loud noise. The mere scene of the energy made the group behind me restless.

"What's happening?"

"Is it safe to stay here?"

"C'mon, we tried everything to make this damn key react with no success. Only with a single glance he knew what to do. Who exactly is he?"

Many whispers erupted from behind but I could hear them all. I simply ignored all of them and waited for my two precious keys to evolve.

What would they end up to be? Silver grade? Or even gold grade? Damn! My heart is already throbbing out of excitement!

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