I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Since the emperor had vomited blood and entered a coma, the whole capital was shrouded in a huge shadow.

The first thing the crown prince did after becoming regent was to thoroughly investigate this major case.

Beginning with clarifying his act of angrily executing more than a dozen ministers in the street.

Of course, it’s not because the prince sobered up and began to regret his impulse that day. On the contrary, he was in control from start to the end. Not only were those people executed using a thousand cuts, a few even had their whole family exiled. These people then dragged in all those who have close contacts with them.

——To this end, the crown prince directly changed some of the dark guards from undercover to above board, and temporarily re-established the imperial investigation department as the main force working this case.

This greatly dissatisfied the ministers.

The imperial investigation department supervises hundreds of officials, as such is hated by these courtiers. From the beginning of Beili’s establishment, some ministers have been trying to abolish the imperial investigation department, but they have never succeeded.

After ten years of fleeing south, the role of this department has been suppressed to the lowest point. Now there are signs of resurgence, wow can they not be antsy?

After the minister’s appeals failed, some people began to spread rumors secretly in an attempt to stir up the wind and rain.

For a time, people in the capital were perpetually in unrest.

With the attitude of the crown prince, it is obvious that he wants to cause a lot of trouble. This is something that can only be done by those tyrants in history books!

Especially those who were connected with the recently executed are even more nervous. They are deeply afraid that they will be directly arrested in broad daylight, thrown into prison and never come out again.

But these remarks did not have the slightest impact on the crown prince.

He seemed to have become a different person. At morning court, he directly refused the intervention of all civil and military officials. Instead, he arbitrarily chose to entrust the case to his guard captain commander Qin Mo, and temporarily transferred him to the imperial investigation department.

Evidently he had no trust in the courtiers.


Looking at the crown prince atop the throne, facing the other’s murderous eyes, even the dissatisfied ministers could only close their mouths.

After all, this incident originated from treacherous ministers harming the crown prince. It is also justified for the prince to be angry.

Furthermore, they now understood the effect of the heart eroding poison thanks to the imperial physicians. It’s very common for the poisoned person to have a great change of temperament.

Now his highness the crown prince dares to sit directly on the emperor’s throne. What else does he dare not do?

They have only one life. How dare they stand against such an irrational crown prince?

Nevertheless, the ministers could not help scolding the mastermind of the poisoning incident.

Reminiscing about the crown prince of the past. Although his temperament is a little cold, he is not arrogant. On the contrary, he is righteous and generous. Now he has become so cold, arbitrary and moody. All thanks to the effects of the heart erosion poison.

That being the case, apart from being too domineering and the issue with the imperial investigation department, the current crown prince, is reasonable when dealing with other government affairs. He accepts advice with an open mind and follows good advice.

Such an extreme contrast is naturally due to the fact that the prince is bearing unimaginable torment with his inhuman willpower. Suppressing the mania the poison causes, maintaining his reason and rationale.

Therefore, how can they, as courtiers, inconsiderately reproach the poisoned crown prince who is barely suppressing his impulses?

——Even if there are people who want to be inconsiderate, his highness the crown prince, who is “heavily poisoned with his rationality offline”, will teach them to behave properly. Let them reach understanding and choose to be compassionate.


The emperor has been in a coma for half a month.

On this day, it was an ordinary morning court session. The unusual aspect was the people standing in the center of the palace hall.

Qin Mo, dressed in the official uniform of the imperial investigation department, stood upright in the palace hall. Meeting the gazes from all directions stoically, expression unchanging.

He looked calm and unhurried.

Contrarily this made the courtiers share sidelong glances.

System 999 narrated on the side: [The surface looks tranquil, but he was panicking underneath. Look at how this person is repeatedly used by the host! Ai host, you’re really a swindler!]

In the eyes of the ministers, Qin Mo was silent.

He knew that these courtiers probably thought he was the most trusted confidant of the crown prince, so he was selected to investigate the poisoning case of the crown prince. During this period, many people even tried to make friends with him to avoid being involved.

But in truth it’s the opposite.

Qin Mo slowly took out a stack of memorials from his sleeve.

At this time, the light and weightless memorial was heavier than a mountain in his hand, giving his palm a burning sensation.

The reason is due to the names he had given to his highness the crown prince. Now almost all the hidden forces the emperor had accumulated for ten years had been wiped out.

And the remaining will be found sooner or later, which is also related to Qin mo.

As a traitor who betrayed the emperor and personally uprooted the emperor’s power network, it is conceivable how much hatred he will suffer.

As long as this memorial is handed in, Qin Mo has no way back. If the crown prince no longer protects him, or if the crown prince is defeated in this battle, he will be cut down by the emperor.

Qin Mo took a deep breath, raised the burdensome memorial and said in a deep voice: “Your Highness, this humble official was fortunate to not return with nothing in disgrace. The involved guilty parties have been found, along with conclusive evidence. Your highness please grant punishment.”

There was a commotion in the hall. The ministers looked at this commander Qin who had never been seen before, their eyes showing surprise.

Unexpectedly, this coarse man with only martial arts skills has such a powerful ability to investigate this major case within this short time?

The ministers fell silent.

Originally, they mistakenly thought that the crown prince didn’t believe in any officials in the court. Hence why he handed the investigation to Qin mo. Now it seems that their previous mindset was too narrow.

An emperor needs to know where to arrange people for efficiency in order to succeed. While still a prince, the crown prince has shown this trait. How can they be dissatisfied?

A small eunuch came forward to receive the memorial and read out the detailed criminal evidence.

Reading the entirety of the memorial in one breath took more than half an hour. The people revealed, from important officials to minor officials, are shocking!

At the beginning of hearing this list, many ministers couldn’t help taking a breath. It’s frightening that the people behind the scenes could hide in plain sight while having these radical thoughts!

His highness’s expression sank.

Abruptly standing up from the throne, his gloomy breath almost condensed into a solid form. The intangible baleful aura filled every corner of the palace hall. Even ministers who wanted to defend one or two words lost their breath under the momentum of the crown prince.

On the surface, he appeared overwhelmed with wrath. When in fact, Yuan Buwei was calm inside. Currently he was making a show of suppressing the courtiers by indifferently and mercilessly waving a butcher knife.

“For the crime of conspiring in the assassination of the crime prince, acording to the law of Beili, it’s not an exaggeration to confiscate all possessions and exterminate the entire family.

His eyes indifferently swept over the crowd below and the corners of his lips revealed a dangerous arc.josei

“Other people have done no evil, so only the perpetrators involved will be punished. Their parents, wives and children will not be held accountable.”

As soon as he said this, the ministers who were still tense unknowingly breathed a sigh of relief.

… it seems that his highness the crown prince is more lenient today. Supposedly, while the poison of heart erosion is strong, it can’t equal the willpower of the crown prince after all.

These ministers had never considered that if the prince made such a decision half a month ago, although they would agree, they would never think that the prince was gentle, kind and good-natured.

Unknowingly, the courtiers themselves were unaware that their bottom line had been extended step by step. Until their tolerance for the crown prince was getting higher and higher.

After dealing with this matter, the next part was even more important.

His highness looked solemn and said in a deep voice: “In addition, imperial father’s coma…”

When the emperor was unconscious, the imperial physicians only diagnosed that the emperor was overly stimulated. They thought he would wake up in an hour and a half. Unexpectedly, the emperor never woke up.

His highness, who has always been filial, naturally recommended the most brilliant doctor Xiao in his house.

Doctor Xiao really lived up to his expectations and soon diagnosed that the emperor was not simply in a coma, but poisoned.

The crown prince and the emperor were poisoned one after another. If such news spread, it would shock the entire country!

There was an earthquake directly in the palace hall.

Under such circumstances, the filial crown prince said that he would thoroughly investigate the whole palace. Naturally, this was met with a great deal of approval. None of the court officials objected, and they all strongly agreed.

The crown prince nodded with satisfaction and looked at Qin Mo again: “In that case, commander Qin, I’ll leave it to you. How can thieves be so rampant in the imperial palace? They’re bound to be cleaned up.”

Qin . black pot king. Mo: “…”

The author has something to say:

Emmm when the emperor woke up, his confidants were all gone, and the power network created by his confidants were all gone. Even the palace people were replaced with the hands of the crown prince… All alone surrounded by enemies hahaha.

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