I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

However, in such a perfect tyrant’s career, there is still a small flaw that makes Yuan Buwei disappointed.

That is, there are not enough tool people at present. Which leads to Yuan Buwei needing to take some time out of his own personal time to deal with government affairs.

Although academies all over the world have been widely popularised, it will take time to cultivate talents.

With this in mind, in order to liberate more tool people as soon as possible, Yuan Buwei made two more decisions.

First, women were allowed to study in the academies and they would also be eligible to participate in the imperial examinations in the future.

Second, break the threshold between officials. If a minor official is really talented, as long as he makes certain achievements and passes the assessment, he can be promoted to the lowest-ranking major official.

These two actions, which were considered ground-breaking in the past, will not arouse anyone’s reactions now.

The fundamental reason lies in the newly established human dao after the dragon veins were opened by his hand.

Based on the fate of the country and the fate of the people as the thread, he weaved a web of human dao covering the entire Beili.

——Those who have made great achievements in the country have good luck. Those who harm the country and the people, the light punishment will lose qi and the heavy punishments will be irreversible.

And the fortune of the country centres around the hearts of the people. Only when everyone has belief in the imperial court and everyone is united, will the fortune of the country become stronger and stronger. If the fortune of the country is strong, it will feed back to all sentient beings in the country. The first beneficiaries were the ministers who had major official positions in court who contributed to the whole of Beilii.

Although the national fortune will not prevent all evils from invading, the body will be healthier, the mind will be more flexible and even seeks good fortune and avoid evil at the critical moment. Those who have made great contributions to the country may also benefit their future descendents and make them healthier or smarter.

This is a temptation that no one can resist.

And if you want a share of the national fortune, you must not only contribute to the entire Beili, but also make the people of the world as stable as possible, keep the hearts of the people united, so that the national fortune will become stronger and stronger. Women and minor officials are naturally a member of the country and they are also beneficial to the prosperity of the country.

Compared with the great benefits, whether it is blasmermous to tradition, or damages the interests of certain classes, it is not worth mentioning.

——In the past, many officials only talked about the words “people’s hearts are like water, they can carry a boat or overturn a boat”, but in fact they take it to heart. But now they can see the real power of this sentence.

If they win the hearts of the people, they will be able to gather national fortune. If the national fortune is strong, not only the ministers in the court, but even the common people will benefit from it. On the contrary, if these ministers continue to play the same old ways, once the people’s hearts dissipate, the national fortune will also dissipate and even one day the dynasty will come to an end. If the dragon vein is completely cut off, everyone including the emperor, the rest of the officials, from the prime minister down to the low-level officials, will all suffer backlash.

Whether to conform to the general trend, so as to enhance the country’s fortune; Or deviate from the people’s hearts and be doomed again. These smart ministers naturally know how to choose.

In this way, in the past, there were people who pushed the three to four obstacles when implementing new policies in general. Now these policies can fly directly to implientation, the entire Beili developed rapidly at an unprecedented speed.

Such an earth-shaking change is naturally seen by everyone. Gradually, some visionary ministers become more and more devoted. Once they make a contribution, they will be favoured by the national fortune… After such a cycle, some people are almost addicted to it. It was inescapable.

The court became more and more vigorous.josei

At the beginning of his ascension to the throne, Yuan Buwei cut down a group of ministers for no reason. After they were gone, he quickly promoted a group of new ministers. Those people were all the deputies of various departments in the past, or they were inconspicuous minor officials.

——As early as the month he became the crown prince, Yuan Buwei carefully found talents and noted the positions of these people. So he seamlessly promoted them and the court continued running smoothly.

Only Prime Minister Su, has not been moved.

The two had a tacit understanding.

After completing the great job of taking the blame, Prime Minister Su was very conscientious and wrote a memorial, begging to retire.

One of the reasons may be to protect Su Mingyou.

Ah Xiu, who has been missing for a while, finally reappeared and personally denounced the various evil deeds of the prime minister’s son. Although there is no charge of “disrespect during the national mourning”, his past bad deeds are enough to spend several years in prison, which is still due to giving face to prime minister Su.

After this encounter, prime minister Su seemed to have completely turned his attention. Seeing that more and more young talents were pouring into the court, he chose to make room for the latecomers, and it was fortunate that His Majesty retained some affection.

The departure of the patriarch of the three major families seems to be a sign.

It symbolises the end of an old era and the beginning of a new era.


On this day, a letter from the Baigong1 Institute aroused Yuan Buwei’s interest.

Baigong Institute, as the name suggests, incorporates the skills of hundreds of trades.

This is the inspiration that Yuan Buwei obtained from those popular sciences about the scientific and technological civilization of later generations.

He knew very well that there was no spiritual energy in this world. Even if he chose to take the path of human dao and luck, he would not be able to let mortals learn to cultivate and the development of production forces was still essential.

But the only transmigrator has been slaughtered and no more wool can be harvested from System 999. All he can do is to cultivate local talents.

Rather than suddenly coming up with a bunch of epoch-making technologies and letting the entire dynasty develop deformed, it is better to let the geniuses of this era research and develop slowly by themselves.

There are a lot of smart people in this world. What they lack is not talent, but the opportunity to use their talent. As well as some pointers on the way forward and a little luck at critical moments.

Yuan Buwei can give that to them.

The existence of the Baigong Institute, represented simple ideas and the future development of national fortunes. Yuan Buwei expected that Baigong Institute, which was not yet valued at this time, would definitely make great achievements in the future, but he didn’t expect it to be this quickly.

In the Baigong Institute, he looked at the prototypes of the samples that were specially presented. Even if they were a little simple, Yuan Buwei could already see the future prospects of these things.

Under the expectant gazes of the many ministers around him, he nodded lightly. Like an old farmer in the field looking at his well-established leeks, he couldn’t help showing a gratifying smile.

“Well done, you have lived up to my expectations.”

Such proactive and dedicated tool people, of course, should be praised and encouraged so that they can exert more subjective initiative.

He doesn’t have the unique technical knowledge in the mind of the transmigrator from the future. He may know nothing about it, but he can cultivate tool people with talent!

With the size of the world and the vastness of Beili, there are many tool people waiting for him to discover them one by one.

Looking at these tool people who are inexplicably excited, with a look of “swearing to fight for your Majesty and Beili for thousands of years”, he felt even more gratified.

…If only other ministers can be so sensible. Without the need of his daily encouragement, they will work hard on their own initiative, then his tool people training plan will be complete.

In this regard, those ministers who were subjected to his majesty’s “death stare” every day while bent over by a large number of government affairs, always found unidentified hair loss on their pillows when they woke up in the morning, almost completely bald, said they had objections.

But every time they looked at his majesty and wanted to say something, Yuan Buwei looked back with more doubtful and innocent eyes——

His Majesty’s eyes are so “tolerant and kind”, and he has to worry about so many important things in the country every day. How can the ministers have the heart to bother him with their little troubles? So they closed their mouths again.

Yuan Buwei was satisfied.

Hmm… It seems that the tool people development plan has taken a big step forward successfully.

The ministers wanted to share the worries of his emperor so much, how could he have the heart to ignore their good intentions? Free from both the government affairs and other troubles, he can only walk out of the palace in boredom, then walking alone on the bustling streets. By the way, he didn’t forget to share some tasks of the ministers whose hair is about to fall out and take care of the people’s suffering and livelihood dutifully (not).

For example, what is the current selling price of candied haws? How does it taste? Is the daily profit possible to feed the common people? After caring about these important matters of people’s livelihood, he also bought a bunch of them and investigated them by himself :).

Occasionally, he also has to care about the situation of various restaurants, theatres, teahouses, etc. that enrich people’s lives. He has to conduct investigations every day.

And this should have been the responsibility of officials such as Jing Zhaoyin.

The historian in charge of recording the emperor’s daily life has been working diligently and was not impeded by him.

“You just need to record the truth.”

Yuan Buwei sighed softly, his eyes showing a bit of dullness.

“For the sake of the people, zhen has really given too much. Well, maybe the emperor’s life is just so very boring..”

The bald historian due to having multiple jobs: “???”

…Please have human decency!

1百工 = hundred worker/skill/trade association

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