I Persuade People With Reason

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

[Host, did you do it on purpose?]

Looking at Qin Mo’s dark face comparable to the bottom of a pot, the previously muddle headed system 999 suddenly reacted.

[You guessed that the poison expert was here?]


Yuan Buwei asked a rhetorical question as he picked up a piece of candied fruit and put it into his mouth. This makes the lingering bitterness fade away.

The original host’s poisoning is by no means overnight. These imperial physicians who have been responsible for his physical condition should be the most clear, but no one found the poison in his body. This already explains something.

It’s not that the poisoner had superb means, or that these physicians are waste. That is, the poisoner himself is hidden within the imperial medical physicians, and his medical skills are very good. He uses special means to cover up the poison in the original body, so that other imperial medical physicians can’t diagnose it; Or, all the seven imperial physicians are problematic and protect each other.

In contrast, naturally is the second most likely.

In light of this, Yuan Buwei deliberately pretended to have an outbreak and rushed here directly, taking everyone by surprise.

Naturally, the reason for the poisoning was that the loyal captain Qin accidentally found that the imperial physicians had evil intentions and informed his highness the crown prince. Therefore, his highness received a large shock, leading to overwhelming anger and affected his emotional stability.

System 999 excitedly sorted out its thoughts.

[The person who poisoned the host certainly didn’t predict this event. Awesome!1 He pretended to be crazy and went straight to the medical courtyard. If these imperial physicians really have poisoned him, they must be very flustered. But what if he just kept hiding and didn’t detoxify the host?]

“It depends on whether he is more loyal to the behind the scenes mastermind… Or whether he values his life more. Either detoxify or be hacked to death on the spot by the crown prince who has lost his reason from poisoning. It’s not a difficult choice”

Yuan Buwei was very calm. He picked up another piece of candied fruit and put it into his mouth. The corners of his lips quietly tilted up, revealing a satisfied smile.

… he believed that there were people in the world who didn’t care about their own lives. However he didn’t believe that such people were everywhere, and the person he was looking for just happened to be one of them.

What’s more, the situation of them cherishing their life has an advantage, and the situation of them not being afraid of death also has its advantages. Sometimes loyalty to the enemy can be used.

Now it seems that this person obviously cherishes his life more. There’s no need to use other means.

However, this man is also smart. Although he cherishes his life, he knows that taking out the antidote directly will immediately expose his identity as the poisoner.

Therefore, this person first removed the method that covered up the poisoned state, so that other imperial physicians could diagnose him as poisoned, therefore he was not conspicuous among the imperial physicians.

Then, he quietly guided the other imperial physicians to think of solutions together, and made the detoxification treatment a group effort inspired by multiple perspectives.

Finally, after some “discussion”, all the imperial physicians finally came up with a prescription that can temporarily suppress the toxin in a short time, but it only treats the symptoms not the root cause.

Everything is so natural and flawless.

None of the others present noticed the man’s subtle guidance and thought that it was their rich experience and wise minds that finally suppressed the poison in Yuan Buwei’s body..

Except for Yuan Buwei who has been observing silently.

——He had guessed that there was a poisoner, it was equivalent to knowing that the murderer was among the group, so he was continually vigilant and observed secretly from beginning to end. Otherwise even he couldn’t notice that there was a problem with this person.

The most interesting thing is that it was a long-term latent chronic toxin. After the man covered it up, after the diagnosis of other imperial physicians, the conclusion was that the poisoning time was no more than three hours.

At that time, Yuan Buwei was at the eldest Princess’s house.

In this way, the saying that “the imperial physicians poisoned the prince while healing” is purely “the slander of Qin Mo”. It is clear that the prince was attacked when he went out today.

In this way, the imperial physicians were not only innocent, but even helped the prince detoxify, which was a meritorious deed.

——This is really a clean hand!

Combining the causes and effects again, he couldn’t help sighing, then ate another mouthful of candied fruit.

“… What a clever man.”

Not only smart, the medical skills are also outstanding. At least enough to hang up those physicians and beat them!2

[Hey, hey, no matter how smart he is, you still saw through it. He hasn’t noticed yet?]

After being taught by the little black house, system 999 became much smarter and began to flatter immediately.

[Host, you simply pretended to be crazy move, so that the poisoner had to take the initiative to detoxify and expose his identity; Qin Mo also has to carry the black pot of leaking secrets, which is hard to defend himself; once it leaks out, it might make the hidden mastermind suspect Qin Mo’s Loyalty… so cool3, how many birds is that with one stone? Really perfect, really perfect.]

In the past, the hosts bound by the system 999 were all obedient and fooled around by it; Or they were stubborn types who are rebellious against the system, refuse to obey discipline and run amok… In contrast, it is the first time that it has met a host with such operations.

Many things are exciting when you do them for the first time and even if you watch others do them for the first time. At this time, system 999 is inexplicably excited.

But when it recovered from this excitement and cooled down, it suddenly reacted.

[Wait, somethings wrong…]

… It seems, it seems, that it should be a villain white washing system?

The host, let alone whitewash, just from the choice he made. He came to this world for half a day and almost broke the mentality of others… He’s even darker than the original villain :).

Is there any hope that it’s villain white washing task will be completed?

… Very doubtful Orz.

For a time, system 999 fell into heavy (self) silence (seclusion).

Similary not only system 999, but also Qin Mo was stunned stupid by Yuan Buwei.

Qin Mo certainly didn’t think in the same line of thought as system 999. Barring that, he thought deeper.

Under the glare of many physicians, his heart sank and his blood ran cold.

At this time, he had been pushed to an extremely unfavorable position by the black pot sent by the crown prince.

Once the story of what happened in the Shenwu generals mansion is spread out, the person behind the scenes will naturally think of the chain of events of this matter——

That Qin Mo, who had been with his highness the crown prince for nine years, was gradually shaken and indecisive.

After he learned that the crown prince was poisoned and nearly killed someone at the eldest princess’s banquet. They would think that Qin Mo finally couldn’t ignore his conscience, so he told the crown prince about the strange poison in his body.josei

His highness was so angry from the truth of his poisoning, That he immediately took out his sword and rushed over to Xiang Yuanzhi Pavilion to kill.

However, because Qin Mo didn’t want to completely betray the previous master who poisoned the crown prince. He just pretended that he found out by accident and didn’t reveal the careful arrangement of the mastermind behind the scenes

Tut, in this way, an image of struggling between the old lord and the new Lord, between loyalty and righteousness and wanting to satisfy both sides was created.

However, Qin Mo didn’t want this image at all.

This is clearly a trick to sow discord played by his highness the prince. Seemingly simple, but surprisingly effective.

Most importantly, Qin Mo could not prove his innocence at all.

The conversation between them in the study was unknown to outsiders. Even Qin Mo couldn’t explain. If he hadn’t told the prince, how would the prince know that he was poisoned?

If the matter reached that man’s ears, he can’t speculate whether the man will believe him.

Once the other party has the slightest doubt in his heart, once he starts worrying that Qin Mo will continue to “be soft hearted and leak secrets”, hindering his grand plans, or even join the crown prince’s side in the future… Then Qin Mo’s end can be imagined.

Now all the news is still blocked in the Shenwu general’s mansion, but Qin Mo seems to have foreseen his future demise. His fate is in the hands of the crown prince – if the crown prince divulges the news on his own initiative, he is likely to be disposed of by the master behind the scenes as a traitor. If the crown prince is willing to temporarily block the news and cover up for him, he can avoid death.

But why should the prince cover up for him? Unless he pays a price.

Coming to this understanding, Qin Mo suddenly fell into an ice cave.

The past image of the crown prince collapsed in his heart and was replaced by a new terrible shadow.

Looking at the young man in dark clothes sitting carelessly on the soft couch, he suddenly had a strange sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The words that his highness said not long ago seemed to ring in his ears.

“I’m only curious about one thing…”

“– can this loyalty receive an equal reward?”

Qin Mo didn’t dare to think about it any more. He was worried he would begin to waver.

He is willing to be loyal, but is the object of his loyalty willing to believe him?

Just when he was cold all over, the crown prince, sitting on the soft couch, had already got up and walked over.

Walking to Qin Mo’s side, a whisper suddenly floated into his ears.

When Qin Mo looked at him in amazement, he saw only half of his beautiful side face and the slightly upward arc of the corner of his lips.

“Now, I’m even more curious about your next choice.”

Will he continue to be steadfast and loyal, but the master treats him as a traitor and he will be discarded. There will be no support from either side, and it will be a meaningless death… Or will he go with the flow and become a real traitor?


Yuan Buwei walked out of Yuanzhi Pavilion calmly, and saw a group of guards on duty outside.

They all stood upright. At first glance, they seemed to have the spirit of a hundred war veterans. However, their eyes moved chaotically, who knew what they were communicating with each other.

Yuan Buwei let out a light cough.

Everyone immediately withdrew their eyes and looked solemn.

They finally realised that Yuan Buwei had arrived and saluted one after another: “Greetings, your highness!”

Observing the prince’s leisurely look and the lack of blood stains on his body, the guards who were still secretly discussing with their eyes different methods to destroy the corpses were subconsciously relieved and yet somewhat disappointed.

… the crown prince can clean up all the evidence by himself. Even they can’t spot any traces. Worthy of our prince! Even the corpse can be destroyed like this. From the smell to clothes, no details were spared!

It’s a pity that they can’t use the schemes they envisaged, and they were of no help to the crown prince at all…

At this time, the prince suddenly asked, “Do you know those imperial physicians inside?”

Guards: ??? Did these imperial physicians thoroughly offend his highness and even implicate others? No, no, his highness is not such a person.

Although he was very frightened, a guard nodded tremblingly. Just as he was about to explain that he was not familiar with the imperial physicians, another question came:

“Do you know the name of the youngest physician?”

“Replying to your highness. The man’s surname is Xiao and his given name is Zhi. He is a person from the capital.”

Even someone as clever as Yuan Buwei couldn’t understand, he just asked a simple question. Why did each of these guards look frightened?

Especially the baby face who came forward to answer, the expression on his face seemed like he was headed to the execution ground. Why are they so strange?

If he wasn’t so sure in their loyalty, he would doubt whether they had secretly colluded with the poisoner.

He didn’t think much, just read the name gently.

“– Xiao Zhi?”

16翻了啊= “6” is “slid” turned over. An internet slang meaning awesome/very powerful

2吊起来捶=A saying similar to “smart enough to run circles around the others”

3666= awesome/powerful

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