I Really Am Not The Lord of Demon

Chapter 242 - The Scent of the Master

Chapter 242 - The Scent of the Master

Chapter 242: The Scent of the Master

Holding his pet, Ling Pingan finally found a spot in a corner of the fireworks display area.

He raised his head and looked at the fireworks that were shooting into the sky and exploding in the night sky from the nearby fireworks display area.

He had to admit that the fireworks needed to be seen up close to feel their amazingness.

From a distance, they could only see the pattern of the fireworks. They couldn’t hear the shooting sound of the firework, nor could they smell the smoke of the fireworks. It was almost meaningless.

“The scale of this year’s Teachers’ day fireworks is even larger than the previous years!” Ling Pingan looked at the fireworks that exploded in the air and turned into beautiful patterns and magical characters. He sighed softly. “That’s right… this year is an election year… all aspects are starting to become active…”

The general election wasn’t as simple as changing the central federal government.

The local governments would also change!

It was time for the businessmen to burn their money to show their faces every time it happened.

After all, who knew who would win in the election?

What if the person who won didn’t know who they were?

Therefore, spending money was the best way.

Especially for people who spent money on things that everyone was paying attention to, such as the Teacher’s Day celebration, and they would quickly become familiar.

That allowed small townsfolk like Ling Pingan to watch a gorgeous fireworks display for free.

One after another, fireworks exploded in the sky.

One after another, the designs competed with each other.

Rich people were willing to spend a lot of money to make a good impression.

After the first batch was released, a new batch of fireworks was ready.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One after another, fireworks flew into the sky and left words in the Sky: Lion City Investment Group wishes you a Happy Teachers’ Day!

Then, there was an extremely stunning fireworks show.

The sky was decorated with all kinds of designs by the fireworks.

Ling Pingan’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

“Isn’t this too extravagant?” He smacked his tongue. “I’m afraid that these fireworks alone will cost ten to twenty million…”

On average, a sports car was burned down in one minute!

That also left an impression on Ling Pingan of the Lion City Investment Group.

“Such a rich company. Let me check the internet…” he took out his phone and searched through the search software. He got the result: Lion City Investment Group was the largest group in the Kingdom of Samboja. Its main business areas included gambling, resort hotels, and real estate. Its total assets were around 100 billion yuan.

“They are indeed wealthy!” Ling Pingan closed his phone.


He Rourou looked up and saw the name of her group exploding in the sky.

She turned around and looked at the employees she had hired. She nodded in satisfaction. “The plan this time is good!”

“The name of Lion City Investment Group will make a splash in Jiangcheng City!”

“Tomorrow, arrange for all the newspapers, local portals, and self-media to publish the articles we prepared…”

“Yes!” Everyone nodded. “Please rest assured, Miss He. The first news that the people of Jiangcheng City will see when they open their eyes tomorrow will be the advertisement for our company…”

“According to what you said, we have already prepared a few advertorials…” a capable executive handed a tablet to He Rourou. “These are all finished articles. Please take a look. If there are no problems, I will inform the people to arrange for the publication…”

He Rourou took the tablet and glanced at it before shaking her head slightly.

These advertorials were very cliché.

They were unattractive to her.

So, she put down the tablet in her hand, picked up her tablet from the desk, and handed it over. “Publish according to this!”

The executive took it and glanced at it. He immediately looked at his boss in disbelief, this young rich second generation from Lion City.

At first, he thought that this kind of person was a fool.

Especially the decisions she made after she started working.

She blindly bought old dormitory buildings and residential houses at a premium in a place like the industrial park in the East City District where there was no future.

Today, she spent tens of millions to set off fireworks that far exceeded the standards of other competitors during the Teachers’ Day festival.

In just a few days, she burned billions.

That did not include other expenses.

Including renting the most expensive office building in Jiangcheng City and hiring people from other companies at high prices.


Looking at the article on the tablet, this executive knew that he might have to reevaluate her.

She might not just be a beautiful, rich second generation.

She might even be a hype master!

Not to mention other things, just the publication of this article alone might cause the entire network of the federal empire, not just Jiangcheng City, to discuss her company the next day.

He Rourou, on the other hand, smiled. She picked up a coat, put it on, and walked out of the office.

She spent tens of millions to buy fireworks, then paid a considerable amount of fireworks tax, and even spent millions to bid for a better time slot.

She naturally wanted to appreciate and watch the reaction of the citizens of Jiangcheng city towards her move.

As a top student at the Federal Empire’s Imperial University of Technology!

He Rourou was well aware of the trend of development in the current era. This was the era of the attention economy.

Whoever could occupy the attention of the consumers would win the market!

And the market of the federal empire was so big that everyone could swim freely in it with ease!

Unlike her in Lion City, where she had to carefully measure the market and the consumer ability of the crowd.

She could only play odd tricks occasionally.

“As long as I’m famous and rich enough…” she thought, “Even the Blackguard wouldn’t dare to offend me!”

That was the reason for her series of high-profile measures.

She wanted to make herself a celebrity!

As long as she didn’t cross the line, the Blackguard would have to be cautious and turn a blind eye to some things!

She brought the servants downstairs and walked towards the place where the fireworks were being set off.

The crowd was bustling along the way.

That night, a conservative estimate was that there would be over a million citizens of Jiangcheng city coming here personally to watch the celebration party and other activities.

As for the other citizens of Jiangcheng City, they were probably at home, watching the fireworks show through the television or from their doors.

That was an immeasurable advertisement! josei

It was also the first voice she made in this country.

Raising her head, He Rourou looked at the magnificent fireworks that bloomed in the sky.

She then looked at the passers-by, who stopped to watch.

She smiled. The Princess of Lion City knew that this money was worth it!

Now, there were already people discussing who the ‘Lion City Investment Group’ was?

Tomorrow, the article she wrote would be published.

The whole of Jiangcheng City and Guangnan would know her name.

Maybe even the capital would know her!

They would know that she was rich, that she was single and unmarried, and that she was beautiful!

Therefore, she only needed a few tens of millions to create a huge hot topic.

It would attract everyone’s attention to her.

That was marketing worth ten billion!

The Lion City princess was extremely proud.

“Miss He…” a young man walked over from a corner not far away.

He Rourou immediately smiled sweetly. “Young master Wang… What a coincidence.”

The man immediately went forward and said, “It’s not a coincidence, I’m here waiting for you…”

Like performing magic, he took out a rose from his sleeve and handed it to He Rourou. “Beautiful girls, gentlemen’s desire…”

“Please accept this gift from me, Miss He…”

He Rourou smiled slightly. Under the fireworks, her smile was like a real, beautiful rose. It was bright and eye-catching, making one’s heart waver.

That was one of her ultimate moves.

A young lady with a net worth of 100 billion; born in a noble family; graduated from the Federal Empire’s Technological University; single, unmarried, and beautiful.

If one had a deeper understanding of her, others would know that she was a transcendent being with great strength. She was only in her twenties, but already possessed strength comparable to that of a lieutenant colonel of the Blackguard!

Of course…

The most important thing was… Her eyes…

The Lion City Princess knew from a young age to use her eyes to give others an illusion.

An illusion that she might like or admire them!

Coupled with the previous settings, very few men could escape from her grasp.

After all, men always felt particularly good about themselves.

Moreover, they always liked to show off their charisma.

Just like now, the son of the chairman of Jiangcheng City’s Council of Ministers was captivated by her smile.

He Rourou knew that she only needed to use a little more strength to tease, and this man would become another fish in her ocean!

A fish that could be waved around at a whim!

Just like the fish that she raised in Samboja.

Every fish was very obedient!

And He Rourou was experienced in keeping fish.

She took the rose that the young man handed over, and then bowed gracefully. “This little girl has the bearing of a willow. What kind of virtue and ability does she have to make young master value her?”

The young man smirked. He thought that with his charisma and identity, he could already take down this beautiful flower.

But He Rourou has already stood up.

“However… I am afraid I am not a good match for you…”

A good match?

The young man didn’t have time to react.

The roses were brought back and stuffed in his hands.

“You might as well look for another lady, young master…” He Rourou held onto her skirt and walk forward, “I, really am not worthy of your proposal?”

The young man was suddenly a little flustered.

Who wants to marry her?

He was just playing…


He rubbed his palm. “Interesting… I like it…”

At this moment, he firmly believed that his charisma was unstoppable. As long as he put in a little more effort, he would be able to get intimate with her!

But little did he know that when he was thinking about the young lady’s body, He Rourou was already thinking about everything about him!

The Lion City princess had already understood how to deal with such a person at the age of eighteen.

First, she would elevate his self-esteem. Then, when he thought that he was indeed full of charisma, she would ruthlessly strike down his self-esteem!

She would make him fall from the highest point.

Then, she would show a little kindness.

The young and impetuous second generation of the rich would automatically imagine and perfect her words.

As long as the fish in the sea of the Lion City princess was caught by her, there was no chance of them escaping.


He Rourou suddenly felt something.

Her body trembled.

She immediately ran forward.

“Master! Master!” The Lion City princess ran, and she recklessly passed through the crowd.

There was the scent of the master in the air.

Her master had appeared here before!

He had been here before!

The Lion City princess was ecstatic.

As for keeping fish…

Compared to her master, it was not worth mentioning!


He Rourou could only stand on an overpass in the end and look at the vast sea of people. She was at a loss!

And behind her, everyone was stunned.

Including her servants.

These servants had served her for more than ten years. Everyone knew the pride of their young lady!

Up until now, she had never let any man get close to her.

Her powerful strength was also enough to cause any man who tried to have an affair with her to have a destructive blow!



When did the Young Lady have a Master?


When they looked at He Rourou’s appearance and expression, they all understood one thing, that so-called ‘master’ who made the Young lady so dejected was probably the kind of person who had truly conquered the Young Lady.

Whether it was her physical body or her soul…

Only that would make the young lady lose her composure.

Only that would make her disregard her dignity and shout in public.

And that young master Wang was even more unbearable.

“Master?” His expression quickly changed.

The proud young master felt his face burning in humiliation.

His dignity had been stepped on the ground and into the mud.

That made him recall every word He Rourou had said just now.

Now, every word of those words stabbed into his heart like a sharp sword.

So, she rejected me?

Moreover, the reason she rejected me was that she had a master?!

Thinking of this, young master Wang was burning with anger.

He immediately walked forward and stood on the overpass. He stood in front of the woman who had already taken off her shoes and her fair legs were barefooted and were standing in a daze in front of the railing.

“Miss He!” Young master Wang suppressed his anger. “You have to give me an explanation…”

“Get lost!” He Rourou turned around and glared at him.

On her forehead, a mark was faintly flashing with some kind of spiritual light.

“If you disturb me in my search for Master!” The Lion City princess was like a real lioness at this moment.

Her hair floated up one by one. Psionic energy could be seen in her long hair. “I’ll tear you apart!”

Now, He Rourou no longer had any scruples.

Her master was nearby!

She would pay any price to find him.

Because her master was everything to her!

It was everything she swore to serve and to follow!

No one could stop her!

Young master Wang looked at this beautiful woman who had completely changed her appearance and image.

He staggered back a few steps!

He finally knew that this Lion City Princess was not just beautiful!

She was also extremely dangerous!


This was a power that only a colonel could have!

Although Young Master Wang was not a transcendent being, he had come into contact with them before.

He knew very well how terrifying these people were.

“Don’t do anything stupid…” young master Wang immediately shouted, “The Blackguard is nearby!”

“Then get lost!” He Rou Rou glared furiously. “Disturbing me looking for my master… Not even the Blackguard should disturb me!”

… … … … ..

Ling Pingan carried his pet cat and walked among the panting crowd.

He found that many people were gathering in one direction.

He turned around and saw a couple standing on the overpass a few hundred meters away. They seemed to be confronting each other.

“Is this another drama?” He had already imagined it.

It was nothing more than a breakup.

He shrugged his shoulders, hugged the kitten, and continued walking.

It was almost ten o’clock, and he was heading home.

That was his habit. No matter what, he would be home before midnight!

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