I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 127 - ill

Chapter 127 - ill: Gold Shines No Matter What 1

Chapter 127: Chapter ill: Gold Shines No Matter What 1

Translator: 549690339         —

Compared to the Azure Dragon Armor, the Summit Armor has more features and is designed to combat more complex imaginary enemies. Therefore, when evaluating the strength of an individual soldier, more factors need to be considered, instead of just focusing on combat ability as with the Azure Dragon Armor.

Since humans still cannot determine how imaginary enemies will appear, they can only simulate the upcoming inter-civilization war through various hypothetical situations.

The main training for Summit Armor soldiers can be divided into two parts. First, they undergo comprehensive training in basic combat skills and control at various military bases.

Second, they enter the Neural Link Cabin, where they complete numerous simulation trainings in different scenarios, facing different imaginary enemies and tasks in a holographic state.

In this vast simulation training library, human imagination is pushed to the limit, requiring soldiers to confront at least 100,000 different alien civilizations.

There are several types of simulation tasks, including individual soldier infiltration, ambush, rescue, escort, and small-scale special combat. Periodically, a military-wide simulation is held to depict interstellar warfare between civilizations.

Each time a simulation training is completed, the central system evaluates each soldier’s overall performance and assigns a score.

The data in holographic simulation training is almost 100% consistent with the real world. It replicates soldiers’ physical conditions and their operating level of the Summit Armor, and then establishes a one-to-one model.

The final model of the data soldier is entirely consistent with the soldier’s state in the training base.

Overall, the training includes daily practice to improve operational skills and holographic simulation trainings to nurture comprehensive abilities to complete tasks.

Harrison Clark completed his basic theory studies with excellent results within just three days, and he was about to start his daily training.

“I admit that your learning ability and memory are slightly beyond my expectations. I will leave you in their hands now. If you have any questions, you can contact me through the personal communication system,” Dr. Owen said as he brought Harrison to the training field.

“Nice to meet you, Private Harrison Clark. I am Oliver Yeoman, your personal Summit Armor instructor, and will be responsible for your training from now on.”

A tall man stood in front of Harrison, his expression stern.

Harrison Clark politely extended his hand for a handshake, “Thank you, Instructor Yeoman.”

“Don’t misunderstand,” Oliver Yeoman did not shake hands, but just looked coldly at Harrison. “The reason you have a personal instructor is not because they value you so much; it’s a military tradition. Every newly enlisted soldier who wears the Summit Armor is eligible for two weeks of one-on-one training with a veteran soldier. However, I will only waste two weeks of my time on you As soon as that period is over, I will go back to my own training immediately. As for you, it depends on your own abilities how much you learn. If you don’t understand something, you can figure it out in the simulator.”

“I see, thank you, Instructor Yeoman,” Harrison replied cheerfully, not caring about the other’s indifference.

Oliver Yeoman led Harrison to the side of the training field, took out a box, and said, “Here, this is your personal Summit Armor. You are not qualified to apply for a function expansion pack until you complete the training and obtain a D-Class rating in the simulator.”

“Okay,” Harrison replied.

While the two were discussing, several people around them stopped what they were doing and gathered around.

■■Oh, this is the new recruit Harrison Clark who broke all records in the physical test?”

“He doesn’t look that special.”

“He looks a bit like Master Harrison.”


“A composer from a thousand years ago, Carrie Thomas’s enlightening mentor.”

“Oh, yeah, he does.”

“Buddy, I have to remind you. Don’t take the Summit Armor training lightly just because you have good physical test results. You should increase your power gradually during the practice. Otherwise, you’ll strain yourself easily. Although the Atom Therapy Device can heal your injuries, you definitely don’t want to experience that pain,” one person offered some advice.

“That’s right, that’s right.”

With so many people gathering, Instructor Yeoman became angry, “Is it you teaching him or me? Harrison, you need to be serious. I’m only teaching you for two weeks. I’m going to teach you the basic movements of walking, running, and jumping. If you can’t learn them in two weeks…”


Harrison Clark had already dashed off.

He was very low-key. Although he could already control 50G of Azure Dragon Armor, he only set the parameters to 10G in his first sprint with the new Summit Armor, considering it was new equipment.

He needed to quickly grasp the differences between the two armors.

Fortunately, although the materials and principles of both individual soldier armors differed, the basic force feedback assistance was consistent.

Just like someone who rides a bike smoothly can easily learn to ride an electric scooter, Harrison seamlessly transitioned between the two types of Individual Soldier Armor.

After all, he wasn’t just any ordinary Azure Dragon Armor operator in his previous life.

He was a top-tier operator, a king among them.

Jumping, propulsion mode.

Even in 10G, he had no issues with the propulsion feeling.

He started carving circles in the air and then landed, switching back to running mode.Oliver Yeoman caught up, “What are you doing! Stop! Are you crazy!” Harrison Clark turned sideways, kept running, and waved, “Coach Ye, I’m going to explore on my own first. It seems like you’re really busy, so I won’t waste your time.”

Speed up! 15G!

Great, still perfectly controlled.


Seeing him increase speed by 5G each time, Oliver Yeoman was scared out of his wits.

Though he was arrogant on the surface.

But when Nora Camp arranged Harrison for him, she had secretly instructed him to take good care of this newcomer.

In order to find a way to suppress the newcomer’s arrogance and make Harrison listen, Oliver Yeoman had made many preparations, starting coldly and then looking for the right opportunity to tell Harrison that he and General Camp were the only two Awakeners in the base.

Now with you, we have three in our base.

Then Harrison would surely admire him sincerely, and the teaching work would go smoothly.

He had prepared many tricks, planning to trap Harrison step by step, based on an excellent educational psychology concept.

But he didn’t expect Harrison to deviate from the script entirely.

Which newcomer would be so reckless during their first practical training in Summit Armor?

Which one wouldn’t be cautious for fear of making a mistake?

Oliver Yeoman decided to speed up to catch up and calm this guy down.


Oliver Yeoman raised the performance of his Summit Armor to 30G, just enough to catch up with Harrison, who had already risen to 25G.

Just as he was about to grab Harrison, Harrison raised it to 30G.

The distance between the two no longer closed but was maintained.

Oliver Yeoman continued to speed up, 35G!

Then Harrison rushed to 40G.

Oliver Yeoman was dumbfounded.

His personal best was a stable control of 39.3G, and going higher, there would be a considerable risk.

But to catch Harrison, he gritted his teeth and went to 40G!

Then he gradually increased it.

When he reached 40.3G, he could already hear the sound of his muscle fibers tearing.

After that, Harrison rushed up to 50G all at once.

Watching Harrison leave him in the dust, Oliver Yeoman broke down.

The others were also completely stunned.

The large training field was silent, leaving only the sound of Harrison cutting through the wind.

After a long time, Harrison stopped.josei

He asked Oliver Yeoman, “Coach Ye, how good do I have to be to get a D-Class evaluation?”

Oliver Yeoman was extremely bewildered, yelling hoarsely, “You’re insane’ Why is your focus still on the D-Class? You’ve really never touched Summit Armor before? I don’t believe it, I absolutely don’t believe it!”

Harrison Clark retorted, “Isn’t it clearly written in my personal information?”

Oliver Yeoman nodded, swallowing his saliva.

Indeed, Harrison came from the slums as a new recruit, had no background, and could not have had access to Summit Armor.

So there was only one answer.

Without a doubt, he was going to become the weakest Awakener in the whole base.

This guy was simply born for Summit Armor.

He was a freak.

This kind of ability to learn and master immediately was simply inconceivable..

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