I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 137 - 121

Chapter 137 - 121: Trigger Mechanism l

Chapter 137: Chapter 121: Trigger Mechanism ljosei

Translator: 549690339

Nora Camp was still bewildered.

But it was all within Harrison Clark’s expectations.

He summoned his intelligent assistant Lucia and began to play video files.

Two holographic projections appeared simultaneously on the white table in front of them.

On the left was the scene of Harrison Clark playing chess with Nora Camp in the past, and on the right was the scene of the two playing chess yesterday. Nora was slightly annoyed as she said, “You recorded it? You know it’s illegal to record senior military officers, right? This involves stealing military secrets.” Harrison curled his lips, “Sorry, I’m a colonel now and your security officer, so this falls within my jurisdiction. Don’t get sidetracked. Observe your micro-expressions and tone of voice when speaking. Pay attention, the critical moment is coming!”

In both images, Nora placed her last piece almost simultaneously, and then Harrison admitted defeat.

On the left, Nora wore an expressionless face, thinking it was all a matter of course.

On the right, Nora was jubilant, boasting about her accomplishment of controlling both games precisely within half an hour.

Although her steady personality made her boast concealed, her slightly raised eyebrows and curved lips perfectly betrayed her mood at the time.

Harrison clicked the switch button, and the image on the right changed to Nora’s appearance after losing to Al.

The contrast between the left and right became even more striking.

“So, my character has changed? I became more lively?”

Harrison shook his head, “No, you have never changed. This is your innate nature. This is the normal expression after you have true emotions. In the past, your inherent nature was suppressed by logical thinking, which was abnormal. From yesterday on, after the successful implantation, your true nature has gradually revived and become liberated.”

Nora shook her head subconsciously, “How is that possible.”

“Look, in the past, you would have done a thorough and cautious analysis before making a judgment. Now you deny its possibility subconsciously. Such a subconscious judgment is an emotional judgment. Ask yourself, in the past, would you ever make such a judgment?”

Nora shook her head, “No.”

“Emotional judgment is not necessarily unreasonable, but it is an extremely profound and complex thinking process in your brain. Emotional judgments may not always be right, but for highly intelligent) top talents, the chances of being correct are higher.”

“You have regained this ability, so your battlefield command skills have improved, like my Summit armor control ability, which is unparalleled in the entire army. This is the analysis of your combat report yesterday. Compare it with the analysis of your own previous combat reports. These are my single-player mission and confrontation mission combat report analyses. Take a look.”

Harrison spoke with a grin.

Actually, he had already sorted out some things.

His own strength was due to his high gene activation rate, which brought stronger physical and neural response abilities. His emotional judgment provided him with extraordinary potential, and he had had years of high-intensity training that had turned his extraordinary performance into daily instinct.

Nora had a sufficient accumulative command training, but she lacked the ability for emotional judgment. So she could only perform at 100% of her capability, unable to stand out.

Now she can consistently perform at 200%, and the gap with others becomes obvious immediately.

“So was Dr. Sergey actually right? Did human thought really go wrong?”

Harrison nodded without hesitation, “Yes. And my research goes deeper than Sergey’s. I also know the manifestation of this infiltrating influence. It lies in your extraordinary love for chess. Apart from you, all other commanders…” “This one likes playing with yoyos? My god! This toy was for children under ten a thousand years ago! This one is even more outrageous, rolling hoops, what the hell is that? And this one…”

“Before, I asked you if these phenomena were normal, and you said they were. What about now? Ask yourself again, are they normal?”

Nora thought for a long time and said, “But I still like chess.”

Harrison stated resolutely.

“The two are not absolutely conflicting. My suggestion is that after returning to the base, you should change your habit of playing chess. Don’t bring this thing on board. Also, you must report our findings under your name, have all the commanders who might have this symptom voluntarily hand over their hobbies’ embodiment, and destroy them collectively in outer space! You can’t bring these things on board!”

Nora asked, “Why use my name? You can report it yourself, and it would be your credit.”

Harrison shook his head, “Because you are a lieutenant general, and your words carry more weight.”

Soon after, Martha Owen arrived.

She still had that slightly chubby baby face, with a head full of silver hair, which made people feel dissonant.

Martha came specifically for Nora’s change. After listening to Harrison’s analysis again, she still doubted but accepted their ideas.

Martha also suggested that they go back to Black Bear Training Base together, take Nora’s chess set, and analyze it at Yellowstone Research Institute.

Two days later, Nora and Martha’s jointly created proposals and research reports were submitted.

Compared to Harrison’s half-baked, speculative “researcher” theories, professional researcher Martha Owen was much more reliable.

Although Martha’s main field was material science, her scientific literacy and report-writing level were strong wherever she went.

As long as the preconditions were sufficient, she could write a paper on any subject, and she would write it well.

Martha and Harrison had a detailed conversation for two days, reorganizing Harrison’s speculative thoughts, making them more rigorous, and the proof methods no longer relied on intuition as Harrison did. Instead, they used a large amount of data comparison to reach the final conclusion.

In the office, the three stared intently at the projected screen.

File uploading…

File transfer progress i…ioo%.

Leaders review in progress…

Executive Committee Member Bowyer Grant has reviewed the file, with a review progress of 1/27.

Standing Committee Member Mr. Green has reviewed the file, with a review progress of 2/27.

“It’s done. It’s been reported.”

Nora let out a long breath.Clap clap clap!

The three of them clapped to celebrate.

Half an hour passed, and the projected screen showed no indication of the proposal being approved or rejected. It’s unclear what’s happening.

Nora Camp wondered, “What’s going on? Usually these decisions are made quickly, whether it’s approval or rejection. What’s different this time?”

Harrison Clark didn’t understand the situation either and shook his head.

Martha Owen said, “Maybe it’s because it involves so many people, so a larger scale of representatives needs to be convened to make a public vote.”

“Maybe, let’s not worry about that for now. We continue with our own matters. Next week, the Giant Wave Vertical Team will be lifted into space. I have to get some preparation done and select new members for the fleet at the base.”

For the time being, the three of them set this issue aside and went about their own business.

Martha Owen took her chess pieces and chessboard back to the Yellowstone Research Institute located in the southwestern part of the Pacific region.

That evening, Nora Camp found Harrison Clark and told him she needed to go to the administrative capital in America, where a major meeting that would collectively vote on her proposal was about to be held. As the only signatory, she had to make a more detailed presentation.

Harrison Clark didn’t think much of it and told her to go early and return early. On the way, it was better to consult with Martha Owen and carefully consider the content of the speech on stage.

Not long after Nora Camp left, at exactly eight o’clock in the evening, three large cruisers appeared above the Black Bear Training Base.

Many armed soldiers wearing Summit armor jumped down.

An emergency assembly order was sounded in the base, summoning everyone to the square.

As Nora Camp’s personal chief security officer, Harrison Clark temporarily took charge of the base and met with the generals in the command center.

The leader of these soldiers had a higher rank than even Nora Camp!

Harrison Clark was puzzled and didn’t understand what was happening.

“What’s going on?”

The general glanced at Harrison and said with a smile, “You must be the legendary Harrison Clark, the super soldier who ranks first in the Holographic Simulation System, right?”

Harrison shook his head modestly, “I don’t deserve the title.”

“Colonel, modesty won’t raise your morals. War is imminent, and the military has decided to conduct a comprehensive surprise psychological test for all soldiers of the major training bases. We hope you’ll cooperate.”

Harrison was puzzled, “For such a major event, it’s better to wait for our commander Lieutenant General Nora Camp to come back, right?”

“General Camp is currently occupied and can’t come back. It’s not a big deal; just coordinate and make proper arrangements.”

As the two chatted, the cruisers had already delivered 200 psychological test devices to the square one by one.–>

These test devices were large white boxes with a side length of three meters.

“Time is tight; we’ll start right away. Each person will have twenty minutes. There are a total of 63,4.00 personnel to be tested at the Black Bear Training Base, so we’ll be busy for the rest of the night.”

Harrison couldn’t shake his suspicions, but this was an order from the higher-ups, and he had no choice but to comply.

While arranging for the base members to queue up, he quietly pulled Scott aside and asked, “Scott, you’re an expert in this field. Are there any hidden tricks in these white rooms?”

Scott shook his head, “No problem at all. These are indeed widely used psychological testing rooms, with much higher accuracy than ordinary political examinations.”

“That’s a relief.”

Time ticked by as instructors, trainees, recruits, and even technical personnel entered and exited the testing equipment.–>

Those who came out showed no abnormalities, and the soldiers from the cruisers didn’t make things difficult for the tested personnel. They just asked everyone to return to their dormitories and rest.

Harrison saved his own test for last, not waiting around. Instead, he returned to his dormitory, opened the smart assistant, trying to contact Nora Camp in an attempt to figure out what was going on.

But he couldn’t get in touch, as he was told that Nora Camp was attending an important meeting and wasn’t allowed to communicate with the outside world.’

Harrison logged into the Holographic Simulation System, planning to do some practice before starting work.’

Before starting, he went to the Caesar Building cafe in the corner of the simulation square, intending to drink some Jamaica Blue Mountain to adjust his state.’

“Harrison Clark.”

He had just taken the first sip when a faint voice sounded in his ear.’

He looked around, but there was no one near him in the simulation system.’ “Don’t bother looking, it’s me, Martha Owen. I’m hiding in the core of the Holographic Simulation System, and I’m sending you a message through the system. I’m using the slight vibrations of your chair as a speaker and transmitting simulated signals to you through bone conduction.”

“Oh, what’s the matter?”

“It’s terrible, Nora Camp has been stripped of her duties and is being held captive!”

Harrison Clark was shocked, “What!? What are the higher-ups up to?”

“I don’t understand the whole situation. I just know that she’s been convicted of the crime of disturbing military morale and has been held captive. When the sun rises tomorrow, she will be executed!”

Harrison Clark couldn’t react, “What’s going on!?”

Martha Owen spoke in a puzzled tone, “I can’t figure it out. Even if they don’t agree with our proposal, there’s no reason for them to do this. It’s completely unreasonable.”

Harrison quickly collected himself, “I have to save her, tell me what I should

Even though humanity would eventually go extinct,

although Harrison had witnessed their demise many times, but he could not accept Nora Camp dying at her own people’s hands with such an inexplicable reason before the war began.

The decision-makers were simply unreasonable!

There was only one explanation.

After Nora Camp’s proposal was submitted, it triggered some sort of mechanism that was lurking deep within the leaders’ minds, causing this intense backlash..

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