I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 49 - 49

Chapter 49 - 49: 48: The Talented Man and Beautiful

Chapter 49: Chapter 48: The Talented Man and Beautiful


Translator: 549690339

If it weren’t for Carrie Thomas saying this, Harrison Clark’s misunderstanding

of her might have continued.

in Harrison’s mind, Carrie used to be the epitome of low emotional intelligence, and she lived a simple life, as if one plus one equals two.

Now it seems she’s not like that.

She’s just too lazy to think about these things and focuses only on what she

really loves.

She ignored Jenny Hart simply because it made no sense to befriend her.

But with Avril Green, she went after her recording studio, even returning from

Beiduo Music Academy for the invitation.

Calling her noble and reserved? Definitely not.

Yet she wanted nothing more than to make better music.

Harrison had yet to understand one thing.

Carrie hadn’t produced any mature works to date, and it seemed as if she’d

lived her life relying on Harrison.

But the change in her attitude was not obvious enough.

She respected Harrison more and even suggested becoming his disciple.

But she never became obsequious, unlike another extreme, Lucy Haywood.

It was as if she had some inexplicable persistence and confidence deep within her, never stopping her steps forward, never giving up her motivation for independent creation, and firmly believing that she could write songs as good or even better than Harrison s.

For anyone else, meeting a perfectly soulmate-like collaborator like Harrison, they would probably have given up on creation, focusing only on being a singer, quietly waiting to pick up the fruits of victory.

But not Carrie.

Her apprenticeship was for surpassing, not relying on him.

It was as if she had an unquenchable flame deep inside her that made her completely ignore the blow of having her creative ideas “plagiarized” and “plundered.”

Harrison believed that this kind of near-blind devotion must have run through her life and eventually forged the unique her.

The next afternoon, Harrison met Carrie, who had just arrived at the shopping street.

She came straight by taxi after getting off the plane, dressed in plain casual clothes.

Harrison looked down at his watch, “There’s still an hour and a half until five,

let’s find a place to sit for a while.”

Carrie shook her head, “No need.”

Harrison asked, “Ah? Need to hurry up and practice singing?”

Carrie pointed to the mall next to her, “Let’s go buy some nicer clothes. I don’t know what kind of party Avril Green is hosting. Since we’re asking for favors now, it’s better to dress more formally.”

Harrison was shocked.

She thought things through so well!

She was truly purposeful!josei

“What’s with that expression? Did you prepare a gift?

Harrison shook his head blankly, “Do…do we need to bring gifts?”

Carrie looked at him as if he were an idiot, “I don’t know how you managed to live this long. No wonder you’re still single.”

“I’m proud of being single! I’m saving…”


“Nothing, what gift did you prepare?

Carrie took out a CD from her bag, “The half-finished demo of ‘A Dull Life.’ When we officially release it, this will be a limited edition CD. How about that.

Sincere enough?”

Harrison nodded and shamelessly said, “It is very sincere. The song was written by me and sung by you. Let’s count it as a gift from both of us.” Although he felt that in one of the timelines, Carrie had sung this song to Avril Green, and now not only was she singing it herself, but she was also giving the demo as a gift to someone else before it was released, it was a bit heartbreaking. But as long as he was the only one who knew, it was all about sincerity.

The two walked side by side into the mall.

It had to be admitted that good-looking people easily attracted attention. Even in casual clothes, Carrie couldn’t avoid becoming the focus of attention in the mall When they entered a boutique with labels they didn’t recognize, but the prices of the clothes inside were not cheap, Carrie Thomas complained, “These people are so annoying; they act like they’ve never seen a woman before.”

Harrison Clark laughed, “Everyone has seen women, but as beautiful as you, it should be quite rare.”

Carrie Thomas shrugged, “What’s the use of being beautiful? Even the most beautiful skin will sag and wrinkle with age. The real value lies in the things that never go out of style in one’s lifetime.

Harrison Clark didn’t want to say anything.

God knows what’s going inside this woman’s mind.

You’re only twenty-one!

Can you stop living so thoroughly?

“Are you two shopping for clothes? Our Jerome has just launched a new spring collection, which was showcased at Paris Fashion Week just two weeks ago. All designs come from the Italian Filmino Studio, and all garments are handmade imports; we can also take measurements for high-end customization,” said the salesperson with a smile as he walked up to them, enthusiastically introducing the items.

Upon hearing this, Harrison Clark became a bit startled.

Carrie Thomas also hesitated slightly.

“Both of you are extraordinary, and dressing well is essential. The better the clothes, the better your qualities will be highlighted. You’ll never lack respect in any situation,” said the salesperson.

Their words thoroughly convinced Harrison Clark and Carrie Thomas.

Half an hour later, the two emerged from the boutique, completely transformed.

Harrison Clark wore a slim-fit trench coat paired with stylish plaid trousers which, when combined with his already-fit physique, made him quite eye-catching.

Carrie Thomas looked even more stunning in a sky-blue long dress with a semi-transparent light blue chiffon shawl draped over her shoulders, giving her an ethereal air.

As the pair left, the salesperson couldn’t stop praising their looks, though it was hard to tell how much was sincere.

Harrison Clark felt pain in his heart.

Both of them paying separately, his outfit cost a staggering 80,000!

Carrie Thomas’ ensemble was comparatively cheaper, only costing 30,000.

Unable to blame anything else, it seemed his appearance just wasn’t explosive enough, so he needed better clothes to accentuate his presence.

As they left the shopping mall, even more people noticed them this time. Unbeknownst to them, a sneaky figure hid among the crowd behind them, snapping pictures with their phone.

Yet that was not all – since Carrie Thomas’s photo had been published on the No. 1 Fly platform along with “Boring”, she was recognized, and had to sign over a dozen autographs before they stopped coming.


When they had walked a considerable distance away from the mall and reached a corner where no one noticed them, Carrie Thomas let out a sigh.

“What’s wrong?”

■’I think I won’t have many chances to go shopping like this in the future. Peaceful and carefree days are numbered. Although I try to minimize my exposure in variety shows, I can’t avoid it.

Harrison Clark nodded, “Well, it’s the fate of being an artist.”

“I’m just a singer. Why can’t I just sing without showing my face? Isn’t listening to the song enough?”

Carrie Thomas seemed to be asking Harrison Clark and the air around them simultaneously.

“Who knows? That’s just the way things are,” Harrison replied.

Now Harrison Clark understood another aspect of Carrie Thomas.

No wonder there is so little visual material of hers from a thousand years later – just a stack of photos and very few videos of her.

If people want to learn about her as a person, they mostly have to rely on biographies.

Others may think she’s deliberately creating a sense of mystery, but in fact, she just doesn’t enjoy being in the spotlight.

The two arrived punctually at 52 Homey Rose on The Avenue of Sun. Two tall, strong security personnel stood at the entrance, recognizing them immediately and letting them pass.

It seemed that Avril Green had arranged everything well, and the security personnel were quite professional.

Unexpectedly, just five meters into the courtyard, they saw someone they didn’t want to see.

Eric Mitchell..

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