I Really Didn’t Mean To Be The Saviour Of The World

Chapter 88 - 86

Chapter 88 - 86: It Can Only Be You_l

Chapter 88: Chapter 86: It Can Only Be You_l

Translator: 549690339

Three seconds later, Daniel Thompson jumped out of his Azure Dragon Armor and hid back in the array inside the research institute, while Harrison Clark almost simultaneously jumped into Daniel’s Azure Dragon Armor.

Although this would render Daniel powerless, it was obviously the best choice under the current circumstances.

“Why? Why is this happening?”

An incredible thing happened.

Needham Brown was clearly down, but his voice still came from the smoking,

modified armor.

Harrison Clark was immediately on guard, urging the Azure Dragon Armor to adapt to his body as quickly as possible while being prepared for battle. He tried to stall for time, saying, “I don’t understand what you mean.”

He was indeed baffled- the man’s body had been shattered, yet he wasn’t dead?

“I’m not satisfied. You brainwashed soldiers have no faith and are merely

pathetic tools, yet why did I lose to you?”

Needham Brown continued to mumble.

The rescue team from the runaways had rushed out and were trying to cut through the chest plate of the modified armor to pull Needham Brown out from inside.

Harrison Clark wore a bitter smile.


He wasn’t quite sure how Daniel Thompson and the others had received

military training.

As for himself, there was no need for brainwashing, nor was it possible for him

to be brainwashed.

That’s because Harrison Clark knew better than anyone else what the final predicament looked like.

He had already experienced it three times in its entirety.

“I know what it’s like outside. I also know the reason why the government forbids us to act. But why do you have to make decisions for us? Why can’t we try once? Why can’t we have our own choice? Rather than staying on Earth like shrinking turtles, waiting for death meaninglessly, rd rather die in the


“With such vitality, why do you think I can’t break out with the hope of our race’s survival? Do you know, what we want to take into space is not just the thousand people here, but the perfect 200,000 embryos that we have collected with great difficulty!”

“Why do you stop us? Can’t you let us walk our own path?

Over there, the modified armor was finally cut open.

The voice grew weaker and weaker.

Harrison Clark watched as several medical personnel from the other side lifted out a furious, wide-eyed head. The part below the neck was indeed shattered.

It was a face that belonged to someone as young as himself, staring intently at the entrance of the research institute.

In his eyes were madness and obsession, as well as incomprehension.

“Everyone, don’t save me. I can’t hold on. But my death is not meaningless. I have already destroyed one Azure Dragon Armor. The rest is up to you.

Everyone, go on. For our faith, for our ideals. No one is smarter or nobler than anyone else, we don’t recognize the World Government’s path! Go on! Don’t let me die in vain!”

Needham Brown let out his final roar.

The remaining dozens of old-fashioned armor operators roared furiously and rushed forward.

“Harrison, what are you dazing at? Attack!”

Daniel Thompson shouted from behind.

Harrison Clark took a deep breath and revealed a bitter smile in his helmet. At this moment, his impression of the runaways had improved considerably.

It turned out that they were not despicable, just different in their ideals.

He took a deep breath, quickly raised the parameters of the Azure Dragon Armor that originally belonged to Daniel Thompson, and swiftly moved forward to attack with lightning-like steps.

My friends, I admire your ideals and courage, but this time I can only apologize.

The fierce battle erupted violently after five seconds.

With the stimulation of emotions on both sides, the restarted battle quickly

entered a heated stage.

Harrison Clark held three points of respect for these people in his heart, but his attacks were even more merciless and lethal.

Perhaps it was because he had become numb.

Or perhaps it was because he didn’t want others to suffer more pain before death like Needham Brown.

When there were only five single-armored escapees left, the escapees finally launched a desperate attack regardless of the cost. Heavy weapons on armored vehicles and large combat equipment began to charge.

Even if such an attack could potentially destroy the Ter River 711 in the research institute, they would spare no effort.

Seeing this, Harrison Clark hurriedly retreated to the entrance, holding a shield in front of him. “Lion, you guys retreat to the underground bunker quickly!”

Daniel Thompson, who had switched to a heavy sniper rifle, shook his head.

“There’s no time.”

The dazzling red light lit up in front of him, like the rising sun.

The light from over twenty melting cannons gathered on Harrison Clark’s shield at the entrance.

Only by threatening Harrison Clark with the lives of his teammates would he obediently stand in place to be hit.

Harrison Clark supported his arms with his shoulders and held the inside of the shield, but in just an instant, he noticed that the shield had become hot and unbearable to hold.

But despite the severe pain in his hands, he looked back and saw that a large number had fallen behind him.

The alloy shield had temporarily blocked the frontal bombardment for him, but the splashing fire on both sides had inflicted heavy casualties on the Guardian Army in the research institute.

With a heavy sniper rifle in hand, Daniel Thompson had already stood up from the bunker below.

There was a palm-sized round hole on the bunker under his waist, with white smoke billowing and red light gleaming from the dark hole. The molten fluid of gravel slowly flowed out of it, solidifying into orange-yellow glaze before it even touched the ground.

Propping the gun with his left hand and resting the rifle stock against his waist, Daniel wore a slight smile and waved to Harrison Clark.

His lips trembled slightly.

From the movement of his lips,

He was saying,

“I’ve kept my promise; I died before you. Harrison Clark, live on for my sake. The Fugitives don’t understand anything. Only you stand at the pinnacle of human combat skills! If this world is destined to be destroyed, so be it! If the world needs a savior, it must be you! It can only be you!”

There was a round hole in the middle of his chest.

No blood gushed out.

The inside of the hole was pitch black and completely carbonized.

“Harrison Clark! Go! It’s enough! Live! Live until the end of civilization!”

As Daniel collapsed, he roared hoarsely.

Harrison Clark’s eyes suddenly reddened.

There were no tears.

He had seen the endpoint, experienced the endpoint.

In this age, he sympathized with no one.

Yet, inexplicably, he seemed to faintly see the soul of Daniel Thompson soaring into the sky from his own back.

So towering.

Darkening the sky.

Finally, it turned into a brand and settled on the Azure Dragon Armor that originally belonged to Daniel Thompson, now worn by Clark himself.

Beyond, the armored vehicles and combat machines had begun their second round of energy accumulation.

The alloy shield in Harrison Clark’s hand had already melted and dripped at his feet, the droplets enveloped him in white smoke.

The sky.

A beam of light emerged. josei

An azure radiance descended from the sky and exploded on the vast square in front of him.

This radiance seemed to carry an unimaginable weight, sinking the ground of the square.

When the light dissipated, the whole world was shrouded in a fairy-tale-like white mist.

A flying vehicle, dozens of times larger than an aircraft carrier, descended from the sky.

Propulsion particle winds scattered the white mist.

The armored vehicles and remaining old-fashioned armor on the square in front of Harrison Clark disappeared without a trace, leaving only black marks on the ground.

The ground had sunk nearly ten meters from before, the cement structure on the surface had vanished, leaving only a dry, cracked surface that resembled the ashes left after a fire.

The wind grew stronger and stronger.

Yet the white mist seemed to never disperse.

Harrison Clark looked up at the sky.

Reinforcements were finally here.

Ten seconds too late.

The power of such an ion energy stream cannon was astonishing.

But still ten seconds late.

He looked towards the direction of the Fugitives’ combat machines.

That large metal object was now reduced to just half of its original size.

A few medical staff stood in a daze inside the remaining half of the medical cabin.

In front of these medical staff, there was a frozen transparent box containing Needham Brown’s severed head.

Strong winds roared in the sky.

Almost a hundred black spots appeared in the air and quickly approached. They were all Azure Dragon Armor fighters from The Main Ship.

Harrison Clark sighed.

However strong, the reinforcements were useless if they came late.

“Damn! This is no fun at all!”

When he returned to the Black Bear Training Base with Daniel Thompson’s ashes, Harrison Clark’s first words to Professor Owen, Nora Camp, and Marthus were these..

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