I Received System to Become Dragonborn

Chapter 366 Giant Flesh Wolf

Chapter 366 Giant Flesh Wolf

Erend looked up again while grinding his teeth after being thrown a few meters by the shockwave from the lump of human flesh that had been the victim of the explosion earlier. He saw the lump grow faster and faster by gathering all the fleshes around it. It shook violently, Erend seemed to be able to feel the anger radiating from the lump.

Erend recalled his encounter with the Lycan mob at that time. He could kill other Lycans easily. But there was one that was so difficult for him to kill because suddenly the Lycan got a power-up from a force that Erend didn't know about.

If the being that is trying to materialize itself is the same person that was giving power to that Lycan, then it is certain that this battle will be a battle that devastates the city of Ascan to a very severe stage.

Erend can't let that happen.

He shot again at the lump and activated his Skill.

[ Skill activated: All Fire-based Power (Lv.1) ]

He hopes that with this Skill Level, he can burn the lump; if not he still has some Skill Points that he still keeps. But Erend had a hunch that he had to use those Skill Points because he was fighting a foe who seemed to be a powerful being.

Flames appeared and gathered in Erend's hands. He kicked off the ground and shot forward even faster. He didn't expect that there would actually be a gigantic paw beast that suddenly emerged from the lump of flesh and hit him with great force.


Erend was able to hold the claw before it hit his head. He pushed the paw aside, but another paw came a moment later and managed to swat Erend to the side. Erend didn't see it coming because his view was blocked by the previous paw.

The immense force of the paw threw Erend aside; he continued to ricochet through several walls before finally stopping.

Meanwhile, the growth of the lump of fleshes was accelerating every second. When Erend was still a few meters away from him after being flung through the building, a body had already been created; then the hind legs catch up to be materialized shortly thereafter.

Erend rushed and broke several walls to get back to the lump of flesh. Adrien and Billy were still there, so close to danger.

When he got there Erend cursed while grinding his teeth. That creature had already finished materializing into the world as a giant wolf with a height of five meters and a length of ten meters from head to tail. All parts of its body consist of fleshes of humans which were scattered due to the explosion earlier, making the creature even more terrifying and disturbing.

Erend grimaced. The smell of flesh and blood became even more pungent as soon as the creature's body finished forming. There is only one part that is different from that creature.

Its eyes which were empty holes were now filled with blue and red light that mixed and swirled like mist. But there was a vertical shape that clearly showed that it was the eye of a beast.

Those eyes stared at Erend with obvious anger. The giant flesh wolf opened its mouth and revealed rows of teeth formed from hardened flesh.

With a sudden movement and extraordinary agility, the giant flesh wolf charged toward Erend. Its four legs hit the asphalt that made up the road; causing some holes and cracks.

Erend was not afraid of the giant flesh wolf that was charging at him with a terrifying and disturbing appearance. Instead, he felt angry. That anger burned in his heart like a bonfire doused with gasoline.

'So you want revenge because I killed your dogs by messing up my world? Big mistake, Svaros.'

Ereng charged toward the wolf. A moment later they were within close proximity of one another. The giant flesh wolf swung its right leg equipped with a bunch of sharp claws of hardened flesh towards Erend. Instead of dodging, Erend ran even faster and sent fists to its legs.


Erend's fist repelled the wolf's claw which almost hit him. He didn't stop there and immediately dashed again towards the flesh wolf.josei




Erend attacked the flesh wolf's chest with a barrage of fists and kicks. His attacks knocked several pieces of flesh onto the ground and made Svaros - the Chaos Realms God who inhabited the body - feel surprised by Erend's strength.



Erend delivered a powerful fist that instantly sent the giant flesh wolf flying backward and crashing into several buildings.

Erend intended to use the Status Points he earned to strengthen himself but he reconsidered. With his current strength, he could even throw that giant flesh wolf. So it's not necessary for now.

Erend turned to Adrien and Billy who were still lying unconscious. He ran towards them and shook their bodies to wake them up.

"Captain! Billy!" called Erend, but they didn't wake up either.I think you should take a look at

Erend clicked his tongue. He immediately carried them in both of his hands and activated [Dragon Wings]. Erend flew over and put the two of them in a narrow alley a bit located some distance from where he fought with the flesh wolf.

Erend had already looked around and he didn't see anyone looking at him. However, he can't be too sure in a place as large as this. If anyone sees him then it can't be helped. Erend can't be bothered by that now when there is a giant wolf consisting of explosion victim body parts controlled by a powerful being from Chaos Realm rampaging.

Erend flapped his wings again and shot toward where the giant flesh wolf was. That abomination had already crawled out of the building where Erend had sent it. And it looked around with an angry growl looking for Erend.

It didn't know that Erend was swooping down from above it.

[Skill activated: Dragon Claw (Lv.1) ]

Dark reddish-colored claws appeared on both of Erend's hands. The giant flesh wolf looked up when it noticed Erend's presence. But the monster was too late to react because Erend had arrived in front of its face.



Erend clawed at the giant flesh wolf's eyes. It let out a pained howl that was so loud it shook the surrounding buildings. Erend then kicked its muzzle; sending the monster flying upwards and landing several meters behind its back.

He flapped his wings again; following the monster to where it landed.

[Skill activated: Fire Breath (Lv.1) ]

Erend spewed fire toward the giant flesh wolf so that it covered its entire head before the monster could stand up again. And then, Erend came closer and hit its charred face with his fist.


Making the monster's head land back on the ground. Erend wanted to immediately rip its head off but he was too immersed in his fury that he didn't realize that the wolf's leg had moved from beside him.


The wolf slapped Erend until he was thrown to the side until he crashed into a building.

A dark blue light appeared all over the giant flesh wolf's wound and healed it instantly. Now when its eyes can open again, there is anxiety that wasn't there before. The giant flesh wolf stared at the hole where Erend had fallen.

'His power...'

Svaros - the God of the Fallen Beast - who previously thought that he could easily destroy Erend in this form is now starting to reconsider his decision. The Chaos Realm God had used immense Magic power to manifest himself in this world in this form. He also just used his Magic again to heal this form.

Before the God could finish his thoughts about what he should do next, Erend shot from the hole and debris towards his giant flesh wolf form with a body covered in flames.



Erend punched the giant flesh wolf's head with a fist then immediately spread flames all over its body. Erend channeled his Magic energy to make the fire bigger and hotter.

Once again the giant flesh wolf let out a howl full of pain that spread around. Dark blue energy reappeared around the monster's body; trying to recover it from the severe burns it suffered.

However, Erend can't let it do that. He continues to send fire with high intensity so that every time the monster regenerated parts of its body burned, Erend burned it again. Making whatever Svaros - the one controlling the monster - does is pointless.

The flesh that made up the giant wold's body melted and fell to the ground as a burnt black lump. Until its body shrinks and falls to the ground.

Erend stopped the fire when he saw that all that was left of the giant flesh wolf was a small lump of burned flesh.

Erend could see the monster's eyes between the blackened burned flesh; looked at him angrily.

"I will kill yo-"


Before the voice finished what he said, Erend had already burned those eyes. Affirming to the creatures that inhabit the Chaos Realm that they won't be able to do anything while Erend is there.


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